Subreddit | Rules | Whitelist | Donator list
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About us
Project Dinamo is a brand new server located in Europe, which aims to give everyone equal experience, that means no "premium members" and item shops... Also all of mods are enabled (except Special Mobs and Lycanites Mobs), so you can experience everything this modpacks offers.About us
About the server
No item bans
Lycanites Mobs disabled
World Anchor disabled (use chunkloaders instead!)
Strict Whitelist
Server Specs
16gb 1666mhz Ram
4 cores 3.4 Ghz
No item bans
Lycanites Mobs disabled
World Anchor disabled (use chunkloaders instead!)
Strict Whitelist
Server Specs
16gb 1666mhz Ram
4 cores 3.4 Ghz
General rules:1) No griefing/cheating/mod exploiting. (warning)
2) Do not build any kind of machines that are made to crash server (warning/ban)
3) Swearing is allowed, as long as it does not affect someone (warning/ban)
4) Report any rule breakers / server crashes in subreddit or email them to [email protected]
--Chunkloader rules--
1) Use only spotloaders!
2) Maximum 15 spotloaders per player (if you wish to have more contact admin)
3) Do not use ender thermic pumps to pump lava from nether (if you need energy find another way to get it, or just pump lava from overworld)
4) Spotloaders are active 16h since your last login!
--Mystcraft rules--
1) Mystcraft age creation is disabled, but you can still ask for void/flat world
--Mob farm rules--
1) One mob farm per user!
2) If your mobfarm is affecting our server stability/cpu usage you gonna need to rebuild it (we're going to warn you about this)--
-Quarry/Quarry Age rules--
1) Place quarries in quarry age (type /spawn and you gonna see portal to quarry world)
2) Limit of 2 quarries per player (standart) or 1 quarry plus (maximum range)
3) Place quarries as close as possible (next to each other)
4) Label them so you know which one is yours
Whitelist Application (For faster response apply in our subreddit)
Minecraft username :
Age :
Location and GMT :
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? :
Why would you like to join? :
Why should we accept you? :
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? :
How often will you be online? :
Do you agree to our rules?:
Support us and donate to our server
Donate to us :

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