Whitelist Server Project Dinamo [Monster 1.1.2][Whitelist][15 slots][No bans][18 +]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Server IP : Mumble IP :

About us
Project Dinamo is a brand new server located in Europe, which aims to give everyone equal experience, that means no "premium members" and item shops... Also all of mods are enabled (except Special Mobs and Lycanites Mobs), so you can experience everything this modpacks offers.

About the server
No item bans
Lycanites Mobs disabled
World Anchor disabled (use chunkloaders instead!)
Strict Whitelist

Server Specs
16gb 1666mhz Ram

4 cores 3.4 Ghz

General rules:

1) No griefing/cheating/mod exploiting. (warning)

2) Do not build any kind of machines that are made to crash server (warning/ban)

3) Swearing is allowed, as long as it does not affect someone (warning/ban)

4) Report any rule breakers / server crashes in subreddit or email them to [email protected]

--Chunkloader rules--

1) Use only spotloaders!

2) Maximum 15 spotloaders per player (if you wish to have more contact admin)

3) Do not use ender thermic pumps to pump lava from nether (if you need energy find another way to get it, or just pump lava from overworld)

4) Spotloaders are active 16h since your last login!

--Mystcraft rules--

1) Mystcraft age creation is disabled, but you can still ask for void/flat world

--Mob farm rules--

1) One mob farm per user!

2) If your mobfarm is affecting our server stability/cpu usage you gonna need to rebuild it (we're going to warn you about this)--

-Quarry/Quarry Age rules--

1) Place quarries in quarry age (type /spawn and you gonna see portal to quarry world)

2) Limit of 2 quarries per player (standart) or 1 quarry plus (maximum range)

3) Place quarries as close as possible (next to each other)

4) Label them so you know which one is yours

Whitelist Application (For faster response apply in our subreddit)

Minecraft username :
Age :
Location and GMT :
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? :
Why would you like to join? :
Why should we accept you? :
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? :
How often will you be online? :
Do you agree to our rules?:

Support us and donate to our server
Donate to us :
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Minecraft username : Astfgl123
Age : 19
Location and GMT : +00:00 (London)
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? : Nope
Why would you like to join? : I've been playing with modded minecraft for ages and am looking for a mature server for some coop play and group projects
Why should we accept you? : I enjoy group play and server projects. i have a good knowledge of almost all mods in this pack and am quick to learn and i am always happy to help others rather than pay on my own.
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? : I've been playing with mods for years, FTB for about a year and monster for a few weeks (although i am generally familiar with most of the mods)
How often will you be online? : a few hours every day with the occasional day where i am on for ages of not at all
Do you agree to our rules? : Yup
Minecraft username : Astfgl123
Age : 19
Location and GMT : +00:00 (London)
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? : Nope
Why would you like to join? : I've been playing with modded minecraft for ages and am looking for a mature server for some coop play and group projects
Why should we accept you? : I enjoy group play and server projects. i have a good knowledge of almost all mods in this pack and am quick to learn and i am always happy to help others rather than pay on my own.
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? : I've been playing with mods for years, FTB for about a year and monster for a few weeks (although i am generally familiar with most of the mods)
How often will you be online? : a few hours every day with the occasional day where i am on for ages of not at all
Do you agree to our rules? : Yup
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Minecraft username : hale543
Age : 21
Location and GMT : Central U.S. (5:00 GMT)
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? : nope
Why would you like to join? : I just want a nice server to play on and a good group of people to play with.
Why should we accept you? : I know most of the mods, am very social, and like helping with community projects.
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? : I play many different mod packs, haven't played much monster but been playing FTB since 1.4.7
How often will you be online? : Depends on the week but usually 10-17 hours
Do you agree to our rules? : Yes
Minecraft username : hale543
Age : 21
Location and GMT : Central U.S. (5:00 GMT)
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? : nope
Why would you like to join? : I just want a nice server to play on and a good group of people to play with.
Why should we accept you? : I know most of the mods, am very social, and like helping with community projects.
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? : I play many different mod packs, haven't played much monster but been playing FTB since 1.4.7
How often will you be online? : Depends on the week but usually 10-17 hours
Do you agree to our rules? : Yes
Minecraft username : Mantel_Man
Age : 38
Location and GMT : Germany GMT+1
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? : no
Why would you like to join? : I'm hoping to find a server with a tight knit community focussing on teamplay (better chance for that on small servers)
Why should we accept you? : Dunno, it's not my place to tell you that, I guess
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? : Playing it a lot this year, before that it was vanilla for me
How often will you be online? : every day a couple of hours
Do you agree to our rules? : sure :-)

I'm no powergamer, more the casual type.
I really hope to find a nice server with kind and teamplay oriented players to call home.
I love potatoes a nice chat, themed builds that are pleasing to the eye (that doesn't mean I'm good at it, but i try to get better everytime ;-)

I don't like unfairness and selfish gamestyles.
Minecraft username : Mantel_Man
Age : 38
Location and GMT : Germany GMT+1
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? : no
Why would you like to join? : I'm hoping to find a server with a tight knit community focussing on teamplay (better chance for that on small servers)
Why should we accept you? : Dunno, it's not my place to tell you that, I guess
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? : Playing it a lot this year, before that it was vanilla for me
How often will you be online? : every day a couple of hours
Do you agree to our rules? : sure :)

I'm no powergamer, more the casual type.
I really hope to find a nice server with kind and teamplay oriented players to call home.
I love potatoes a nice chat, themed builds that are pleasing to the eye (that doesn't mean I'm good at it, but i try to get better everytime ;-)

I don't like unfairness and selfish gamestyles.
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? : No
Why would you like to join? : To socialise, make and build.
Why should we accept you? : I'm a nice guy who's keen to help out
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? : I have about 3 year's experience playing modded minecrafts (ultimate, tekkit, unleashed)
How often will you be online? : Roughly 4 times a week. Generally long sessions.
Do you agree to our rules? : I do
Minecraft username : ChaoticPancakes
Age : 29
Location and GMT : UK - GMT
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? : Nope
Why would you like to join? : I am looking for a server to play some FTB monster. This one sounds ideal to me what with being 18+ and located in Europe and having all mods enabled.
Why should we accept you? : I am a decent builder and always try to make my bases look nice, no cobble 9x9s from me. I am helpful and always willing to lend a hand if I am able to.
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? : Only played a small amount of Monster so far, last server I played on had a reset and doesnt seem to have come back from it. I have played FTB for about 2 years on DW20, Mindcrack, Ultimate, Unleashed, madpack, TPPI, Agrarian Skies and attack of the B-Team so have a wide variety of mod experience.
How often will you be online? : Most days after I finish work and weekends If I am at home.
Do you agree to our rules? : Yes (happy that chunk loaders and quarries will hopefully not be abused)
Minecraft username : micharulz
Age : 26
Location and GMT : Germany, GMT +2
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? : No

Why would you like to join? :
Im looking for a new home, because my old homeserver is down due to inactivity of a lot of members. I tried looking for other servers, but most of them just lag for me or have so many disabled items, that I dont really want to play there. So here I am, hoping to find a new home.

Why should we accept you? :
I think Im a funny person, I like to share/discuss things with others and work with the community. I also know what kind of a pain it is to host a server ( I used to host one with 2-3 RL friends and that was already extremely annoying ), so I wont put any unnesseccary stress on the server ( like clogged itemducts, too many spotloaders and so on )

What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? : I played alot of Mindcrack and Ultimate ( automated ore-processing for 4 quarries with AE/Ultimate and with Routers/Mindcrack ). I recently checked into Horizons, Monster and BloodNBones.

How often will you be online? : Daily. At least for 1-2 hours, depends on my shedule. Some times

Do you agree to our rules? :Yes
Minecraft username : xmrmooseyx
Age : 20
Location and GMT : Florida, USA, Eastern timezone -5:00
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? : Never before
Why would you like to join? : Ive been looking for a decent monster server to play on and explore the game with, as it has been a while since I have used a modpack, and this one looks like it would be great to play on
Why should we accept you? : I am a social person, I enjoy playing MC with other people, I have been active in the community events on other servers, and always get along well with the other players.
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? : I used to play Tekkit a few years ago, and have played around with direwolf last year.
How often will you be online? : one or two hours a day
Do you agree to our rules? : Yes, you wont have any issues with me
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Minecraft username : XMiner001X
Age : 17
Location and GMT : Germany GMT +1
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? : no
Why would you like to join? :Im interested in playing on a small server again, because im so lonely in my singleplayer world (: Also a server adds a whole new feeling of how to play the game
Why should we accept you? : Well as u see im only 17. but u know what? that will not make any difference on how im playing or on how i behave. im a mature guy that just wants to hang out with some cool other dudes. im a pretty good builder and like to build things for the community like shops or even a spawn building. im pretty much on every day so u can expect some rlly good hours of playing with me at ur side :DD
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? : I played FTB monster once and got into the gendustry thing. i will keep on doing that on this server if i get accpeted but i played some other modpacks before so im pretty good at thermal expansion or bigreactors etc.
How often will you be online? : well summer holidays begin in 2 weeks so i got plenty of time. u can expect 2-6 hours a day ( might be to crazy xD)
Do you agree to our rules? : Sure I do!
Minecraft username: Pakhomoff
Age: 18
Location and GMT: Latvia, GMT + 3:00
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why?

Why would you like to join?
It is hard indeed to find a decent, really popualted EU FTB monster server - so I hope this one will grow big and I'd like to be a part of your community.

Why should we accept you?
We're all people, right? Moreso, we are pretty much close together by the means of our Universe and desire: we want to play Minecraft with mods TOGETHER at the planet Earth! Shouldn't we be together?

What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods?
A bit of Agrarian Skies, Unstable and BnB. Can survive for long but still figuring out how to use machinery, but I promise I will not break anything with my unexperienced hands... I hope?

How often will you be online?
Totally random!

Do you agree to our rules?
Minecraft username: Hekapolo
Age: 16
Location: Finland GMT +2
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? : No

Why would you like to join? : I like to play modded minecraft and it's even more fun on servers. I like to build with friends and I think I will add something good on the server.
Why should we accept you? : I am a trust worthy guy and I like to play/build with other. I also consider myself pretty good with minecraft and I get things done quickly.
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? : I already started playing with mods from the earliest feed the beast packs.
How often will you be online? I'ts summer time now so lots :)
Do you agree to our rules? Yes!

Minecraft username: Hekapolo
Age: 16
Location: Finland GMT +2
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? : No

Why would you like to join? : I like to play modded minecraft and it's even more fun on servers. I like to build with friends and I think I will add something good on the server.
Why should we accept you? : I am a trust worthy guy and I like to play/build with other. I also consider myself pretty good with minecraft and I get things done quickly.
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? : I already started playing with mods from the earliest feed the beast packs.
How often will you be online? I'ts summer time now so lots :)
Do you agree to our rules? Yes!

Minecraft username :Cyan3
Age :20
Location and GMT : Romania
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? : No, never.
Why would you like to join? : Play all summer. i like minecraft and now have a lot of free time
Why should we accept you? : I'm verry friendly, like to help, I have a lot of exp. in most of the mods, specially in bees, industrial, thaum, and others.
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? : I like to build and do interesting stuff.
How often will you be online? : Very often. 5-6 h per day.
Do you agree to our rules? : Yea.