Whitelist Server Please Close thread

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  • In Game Name: Roadruner896
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) Yes
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans):No never been banned.
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? Am looking for a server with a great small community i watch all of BevoLJ you tube videos and the server just seems a great place to play. am looking for a server where someone can mange there hardware and software side of the server. Without having a lot of map resets downtime on the server.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! am a slow builder i like stuff to look cool not made a lot in a long time though if you look me up on YouTube/twitch same username. i Like making evil lairs mahahah
  • Age:29
  • In Game Name: mikaplita
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above:Yes
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): I haven't been banned from any servers before.
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? A mature community is most important to me. It's more enjoyable playing a game with people who respect other people's spaces and also can have a fun time playing together. A well run server is also really important to me. My last server was incredibly laggy and kept resetting the map. Not to mention people started mining under my base.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. I created a compact chicken breeder that collects all the eggs and re-hatches them, then cooks and collects the chicken meat.
  • Age: 20
  • In Game Name: Jakefire88
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) Of Course!
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): Nope :)
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? I want a mature community where I can stream and do videos. Also help others and get to know everyone!
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! A very WIP Base I recently started! I am a IC2 Greg kinda guy but I am also looking to expand my learning of other mods! http://imgur.com/b9FfpwD http://imgur.com/3z63NUN http://imgur.com/L4odppQ
  • Age: 18
  • In Game Name: milkman21666
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) Yes
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): No
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? I looking for a server where i can come to after long day at work, having age limit might be nice.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! sadly i have no pic of my builds.. the server i was playing on closed with out noticed. I did not take any pictures before hand sadly too.. I might start looking in to recording stuff later when i get a batter mic and gfx card.
  • Age:20 to 21 in june
  • In Game Name: MegaHyperPenguin
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: YES!!
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): No
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? Would like to play on a decent server with friendly people, plus I know roadrunner83 and this server has been recommended by him.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! Umm past build, I built a replica of the shire on my Xbox account after losing my PC version, sadly don't have any pics.
  • Age: 22
  • In Game Name: Mysteriono
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: Yes
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): No
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? Looking for a tight knit server with a small but active community and from what I've seen from your let's plays this fits the bill.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! Well I recently wiped my drive but I do have a screenie of something more recent, although it isn't much.
  • Age: 20
  • In Game Name:
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N)
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans):
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server?
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus!
  • Age:12
  • In Game Name:ResinTEX
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) Yes
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): No
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? Because I like modded and servers are better to know more people.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus!
  • Age:12
Look, I know you might not be accepting applications at the moment, but please and take the time to read over my application and consider me. I think i would be a valuable addition to the server.
  • In Game Name: Wakafanykai123
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: Yes
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story: You know, I've been banned before. I was playing on c.nerd.nu a year ago, and I was embarking on a massive project! To build a underground community base! It took me a few days, but then just as i was going to complete. I got banned. It seems that I built on top of someone else's base in the progress of making it. I had thought that it was abandoned and so I incorporated it.
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? I am really tired of finding servers that shut down after a few weeks. Mostly, they are very cool servers but they shut down so fast. And all of my hard work is gone. So basically, I'm looking for a server to call home. I am looking for mature people that wont grief my builds in a server, but can still loosen up enough to have fun. Friendly is also a plus.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! WARNING: HUGE POST AHEAD
This is my current Ultimate base that I got setup in a few days. http://imgur.com/a/m70WPI also plan to start a LP soon, and this would be the perfect place to begin. Some of the most ingenious ideas for my bases are ones like, building a T5 blaze farm ,then using it to power generators. That was one of my first ways to get around gregtech's 'power' situation. After that, I used ComputerCraft Turtles to dig out ALL of my base.
For my base on Tybak, I think my base is going to have around 10 or more floors. Average height should be around 3 high for each. This is how the levels will go. On the very top level, Level 3, I will have a glass dome and a 360* panorama out into the wilderness. Because, believe it or not the randomly generated wilderness looks beautiful at times. Level 2 will have all my 'attic' stuff. Basically, more aesthetic things. Below that, we start getting into functionality. Ground Floor or Level 1 will have my master AE terminal, and my crafting table and basic, but used all the time stuff. It will also have my portal nexus. Level -1 will have my AE Server closet, all the AE will be stored here, as well as the auto-crafting and the auto-smelting and such. Level -2 will have all my IC2 and GregTech machines, fully automated of course. Level -3 will have all my BC and TE machines. Level -4 will be my TC3 lair. Level -5 will be my misc. machines room, such as the soul forge and mabye MFR. Level -6 will be my liquid storage level, i will probably go with XyCraft tanks to hold my liquids. Level -7 will be my ComputerCraft testing lab. Level -8 shall have my power generation, I'm thinking of steam boilers being fed charcoal or maybe a fusion reactor. I know this list is getting long, but I want to finish. Level -9 will have my farms, for all my needs. and Level -10 shall be the site of a secret project that I do not know yet :p
  • Age: 13 Please consider me even though I am too young for the server, I can handle language and jokes aplenty.
Sorry to the recent applicants but as the thread title suggest Tybak is an 18 and up server for many reasons beyond maturity levels. Ultimately I can't expect our members to follow the rules I set if I can't follow the rules set by the community.

I wish you the best of luck in finding a server. There are many great ones out there (and some bad :( ) but I hope y'all find a good one. :)
That's fine, I just wanted to try anyways.
Sorry to the recent applicants but as the thread title suggest Tybak is an 18 and up server for many reasons beyond maturity levels. Ultimately I can't expect our members to follow the rules I set if I can't follow the rules set by the community.

I wish you the best of luck in finding a server. There are many great ones out there (and some bad :( ) but I hope y'all find a good one. :)
Could I ask something? I always wonder why the best servers make themselves 18+. Was there anything wrong with the other parts of my application or was it just that last line?
Actually, that was many questions. I do hope you don't mind answering them.
Those recent posts are quite discouraging to someone who's 16, lol.

In Game Name: Schematix
Age: 16
Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: Yea
If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): I have never been banned before, far as I am aware.
Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? I like servers that are grief/theft free and have a mature playerbase. I also like when the server has few plugins and additional mods (On top of the modpack).

Describe a past build, creation, or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video are a big plus! I've actually been using this quite a bit recently. Probably cuz I'm proud of it. http://imgur.com/a/SEHpA
Little bit more about myself: I like to maintain how things look. If something doesn't look appealing to the eye, I won't be happy with it. (Kind of the reason I built an island, rather than doing some sort of world gen stuff) Despite this, I have a lot of fun time just looking at other people's creations. Some are really cool and unique, while others are your typical dirt shack, complete with everything you could possibly need somehow.

I've been playing Minecraft for about a year and a half, and have been playing technical modpacks like FTB for a year. I know the mods pretty well, I was about to start working on Extra Bees then the server I played on died out. =\ Oh, that reminds me. I play with two other people, named gotkaya and ThePistolPete. Pete is 16 and Kaya is 30. We play on servers together, so they'll probably ask to be whitelisted too eventually. I own a microphone and regularly use Skype.
In-Game Name: ThePistolPete
Age: 16
Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: Yep
If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): I have not been banned before.
Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? Well, Tybak seems like a great server for me; understanding rules, players who are mature, small dedicated server, and grief/theft free. I normally look for servers with a whitelist of some sort because I like when players share about themselves so the moderators know a little bit about you. Also it limits the number of players all on at once.
Describe a past build, creation, or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video are a big plus!: http://imgur.com/a/XfKSB
On a recent server I played on:
First Picture: I made a 16x16 iron furnace look-a-like to act as a central point of my base
Second Picture: I made a semi-complex Applied Energistics Sorting System, I never actually was able to finish the whole system.
Third and Fourth Picture: I made my power system by having 6 Distilled Bees producing oil to then be converted to fuel to than power 2 36 HP liquid boilers
Fifth Picture: I really enjoyed getting into bees and understanding how they can be really useful and how to breed and use them.
Little bit more about myself: I am currently a student in high school and enjoy playing games like Minecraft/FTB, Dota 2, and some FPS games (CoD:Blops2, GTA IV, et cetera) I started playing minecraft about 1 year ago and started playing Tekkit with friends about 8 months ago and then started to play Feed The Beast about 4-5 months ago. I've come accustom to some of the mods such as Forestry, Applied Energistics, Thermal Expansion, and some of Buildcraft, Industrial Craft 2, and Thaumcraft 3.
And as you probably already know, I also play with Schematix and gotkaya, some friends I met through Minecraft. I do have a Skype account and I do have a mic I can use.
  • In Game Name:dlrdlrdlr
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: Yes
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): I doubt this will show up but I was banned on a vanilla server that didn't allow flight mods, however it was a misunderstanding and i ended up joining and becoming a mod on the server. If you want details just ask but that was awhile ago
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? I'm looking for a fun casual server that will be a challenge, the last server i played on was too easy and me and a friend ended up reaching gregtech late game in 2 weeks. so we're looking for more of a challenge this time.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! I don't have many pictures but i like technical builds over aesthetic ones, the one I liked the most involved the old piston mod, I mad a tnt cannon that could shoot up to 2 double chests of tnt before needing to be reloaded.
  • Age:20
  • In Game Name: Radon86
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) Yes
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): No
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? After reading over the rules and information you’ve provided I believe server is a good fit for me. I am looking for a good community with people who like to build things. As well as building my own facilities I would like to find large group projects that can be worked on by a group of people.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! Most of my past experience was more focused on function than form and I don’t take screen unfortunately. Back when pistons first came out I was designing large hidden doors and walkways staircases. I was also attempting to design a retractable roof for buildings that could hide tnt “cannons”. More recently I’ve just been playing around with the FTB ultimate pack learning the different mods seeing how they interact and can be used to build interconnected and complex machines.
  • Age: 31
  • I have seen that you are recruiting a Ultimate server as well. I would prefer to play on that server if it will be opening up soon.
  • In Game Name: Protocurity
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: Y
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): I have never been banned
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server?: Looking for a reliable server for me and my sis to play the game on.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus!: I built a large, hanging house out of Greatwood logs on a previous server that looked like a gigantic acorn. It is fairly simple, however there was not a single person on that server who wasn't amazed at its concept or construction. Sadly that map has been deleted (hence why I am looking for a "stable" server).
  • Age: 25
I am here to sign up two people, actually. Me and my aforementioned sis.

  • In Game Name: LadyOrchid
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: Y
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): No.
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server?: Like my brother, I am looking for a stable 24/7 server. I'd prefer a server where I am not pressured into community builds, and can play independently if I wish.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus: I made an entire 10-story highrise apartment complex in survival vanilla (not creative mode).
  • Age: 29

EDIT: I forgot to ask this. What nation/state is this server located?
  • In Game Name: Solentash
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) Yes
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): Never been banned
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? I'm looking for people to have fun with. I like minecraft but alone it looses it's magic quickly. I would like to have people to chat with as I either help in community build or do stuff on my own.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! One of my favorite old builds was a tower base surrounded by a circular outer wall. I've also dabbled in most of the mods in the Dire20 pack.
  • Age:32
IGN: builderjoe11
I understand and agree to to the game rules stated above, I would never greif as it has been done to me before and I know how bad it feels
I have been banned once back in vanilla although i am unsure why
I would like to join tybak as one of my favorite youtubers is the owner (you ;D) I am looking for a friendly server with no greifers where everyone is mature.
I did make some pretty big builds back when i used to play vanilla and tekkit (which made it an awful lot harder with out good flight) but I couldn't find any pictures and the saves have been deleted. They were mainly castles which is what I like to build, but also i am creating a modern space - station in my single player ftb world. (i won't give a picture because it is still work in progress) I also love making effecient design of power and automation.
I usually play with my brother however he is not old enough to join this server.
Age: 19
  • In Game Name: Zorku
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y)
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): (N)
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? : I was playing with some cool folks on another server that has fallen into disrepair with the owner gone, but am interested in continuing to play with a few people from the server- HappyAngry, Quazre, Matt12345, BadWolf- and am hoping to find a new server where we can play together.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! : I made a redpower2 combination lock. Modular so that it could be any length code and the whole thing could be configured with levers or even accept multiple codes. Hard to capture it all in an image but here's the circuit for making sure that each button press was valid and then sending them all through to the destination.
  • Age: 27


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  • In Game Name: matt12345y
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) Yes, I have no complaints about the rules and will follow them
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): No
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? I was playing on a ftb server before this and the admin let the server just die out and became slow. So me and my friends from the server are looking for another one just like it were we can build as a team and not separate bases to keep the lag down to a minimum. I myself am 18 years old and tend to keep to myself unless someone is calling for me to help them or just have some fun. I am looking forward to joining and becoming part of the community and sharing my creations with it. My friends are (Zorku, Quazre0, HappyAngry, Wolf)
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! On the last server I built a pretty amazing factory and because of the owner letting the server die out was not able to complete it. I am planning big projects on this server and hope to complete them
  • Age:18
  • In Game Name: Quazre0
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) y
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): i dont believe i have been banned and if i have it was just my friend messing around with his server
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? i want to join tybak because the server i am currently with is going down fast as the admin dissapeared off the face of the earth, myself and 4 friends will be living together if we all get accepted (Happyangry, Zorku, Matt12345y, BadWolfCub)
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! umm, i havent realy built to much creative style things, im mostly a technical builder like redstone things and what not.
  • Age: 18 soon to be 19
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