In-Game Name: ThePistolPete
Age: 16
Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: Yep
If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): I have not been banned before.
Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? Well, Tybak seems like a great server for me; understanding rules, players who are mature, small dedicated server, and grief/theft free. I normally look for servers with a whitelist of some sort because I like when players share about themselves so the moderators know a little bit about you. Also it limits the number of players all on at once.
Describe a past build, creation, or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video are a big plus!:
On a recent server I played on:
First Picture: I made a 16x16 iron furnace look-a-like to act as a central point of my base
Second Picture: I made a semi-complex Applied Energistics Sorting System, I never actually was able to finish the whole system.
Third and Fourth Picture: I made my power system by having 6 Distilled Bees producing oil to then be converted to fuel to than power 2 36 HP liquid boilers
Fifth Picture: I really enjoyed getting into bees and understanding how they can be really useful and how to breed and use them.
Little bit more about myself: I am currently a student in high school and enjoy playing games like Minecraft/FTB, Dota 2, and some FPS games (CoD:Blops2, GTA IV, et cetera) I started playing minecraft about 1 year ago and started playing Tekkit with friends about 8 months ago and then started to play Feed The Beast about 4-5 months ago. I've come accustom to some of the mods such as Forestry, Applied Energistics, Thermal Expansion, and some of Buildcraft, Industrial Craft 2, and Thaumcraft 3.
And as you probably already know, I also play with Schematix and gotkaya, some friends I met through Minecraft. I do have a Skype account and I do have a mic I can use.