Video Tour of Tybak
(note: better in HD on Youtube)
About the server
Tybak is small, and friendly server where people are free to build and create in a somewhat challenging Minecraft setting.
- Server Difficulty is set to hard
- Added Mods:
- PVP is off
- Townhall with portals to provided ages at spawn (including mining age)
- Shared Workshop with all needed machines provided at spawn.
- Mystcraft age creation restricted to OPs.
- Fihgu's Protection Mod by Fihgu installed on the Server
- The server is Enderman Package from Creeperhost located in Texas (8gb RAM, 30GB HDD, 5 Cores CPU, Dedicated Server)
- We have and use Mumble and IRC (EsperNet #Tybak)
- Most important rule - No griefing or stealing
- Second most important rule - Have fun!
- Strip mining (quarries, turtles and such) restricted to mining age
- Keep quarry size and numbers of chucks loaded using chunk loaders reasonable.
- Keep overworld and spawn town tidy and clean
- You are free to build at spawn town, but keep it modest in size.
- Outside of town, do not build right next to someone else unless they say it is ok.
- No begging for stuff, and definitely no begging for OPs to spawn you items lost to creepers. Items lost to bugs is different and such unfortunate occurrences will be dealt with as server population and OP think is fair.

- Large builds (Quarry, Forestry farms, ore processing/sorting, and such) need shut offs built in and clearly posted signs for the shutoff or you run the risk of build being broken to shut it down in the case of something going wrong.
- Please feel free to live stream / record for YouTube, but if others are currently doing a PG stream/recording keep chat clean.
- We reserve the right as a community to add rules in the future not everyone will agree with.
Applications - [Server is Full]
All accepted Whitelist applicants will receive a PM with Server and Website info
- In Game Name:
- Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N)
- If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans):
- Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server?
- Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus!
- Age: