Whitelist Server Please Close thread

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  • In Game Name: Xannea
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N): Y
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): No
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? Your description of the server. Seems friendly and mature where people can have fun.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! No pictures, but set up an awesome automated bee farm, with transport pipes to apiaries and analyzers.
  • Age: 37
  • In Game Name: jtclarkie
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) Yes
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): Never been banned
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? I like the 18+ rule on the description. Looking for a casual fun atmosphere, minimal lag.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! :D Can't say I have a great build yet. Still thinking.
  • Age: 34
  • In Game Name: DoctorMikeD
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) Yes
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): Never banned.
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? Looking for a US server, definitely helps that it's in the Midwest.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! :D I've been playing Minecraft since Alpha, and used to manually install my add-ons before launchers like Tekkit or FTB. My builds have never been that big, but I try to keep things neat and efficient.
  • Age: 29
Looking forward to hanging out with those on the server and helping however I can!

Edit: I saw the mention about streaming in the original post. I do want to mention I have a Twitch.tv channel and can stream while on the server if all are OK with it.
  • In Game Name: Firefly4
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) Yea good Rules btw.
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): I never been banned before
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? Im looking for an Server to play in coop and not againts the others
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! :D I have many fun on Building Farm House Style Houses :D
  • Age: I am 23 Old ...
  • I Hope i can join ur Server ... im searchin for an good and Friendly Server :)
  • In Game Name: Toadzilla1108
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: No
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story:
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server?: I am pretty tired of just playing on my own singleplayer games, and experimenting/designing random things alone. Tybak seems like a fun, laid back server with lots of friendly guys/girls to hang out with.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! :D
  • Decided to build a nice big bridge for the hell of it. It has an inside staircase, but i forgot to get a screenie of it
  • minecraftbridge_zps55ec9212.jpg
  • Age: 17
  • In Game Name: Spok3d
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) Yes.
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): No.
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? Well i have been looking for a private server to play and record, This is the 1st that has came up. I've been playing allot of Feed the beast Beta A, And was getting bored of it so id like to try out your Server. I have about 2 years experience in vanilla Bukkit server as i was a server Owner myself so i know my way around mostly everything to do with vanilla, I Have been playing The Feed the beast pack ever since it came out and have enjoyed it and want to improve my skills in modded Minecraft.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! : As i explained above i owned Bukkit servers for the past 2 years and have been sucessfull, And built every spawn by hand with help of my fellow staff here is the link to my server channel : http://www.youtube.com/user/LoCoCraftAU/ , If you would like to take a look at some of the buildings around the spawns.
  • Age: 18
  • Thank you for reading my application to your amazing server Spok3d.
  • In Game Name: foopex
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: Yes
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): Never banned
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? Looking for mature, dedicated community. After running servers for friends that played solo, I am more interested in meeting new folks to play cooperatively. Tybak's description seems to fit this bill quite nicely. I like the commune angle of "spawn town."
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus!: I have not taken pictures or videos, or built any grand castles. However, I like to build hidden bases with automated/assisted production. One base I was particularly fond of was a lush oasis in the middle of a large desert. Below was a 1 chunk sized, 8 level base powered by lava from the nether.
  • Age: 40
  • In Game Name: a1el
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: Yes, and yes.
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): No.
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? : I'm looking for other players to experience this great mods with. I'm very happy your serves have logistic pipes. A mod I love.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! : I have created a automatic nuclear reactor , before the reactors redesign.
  • Age: 21
  • In Game Name: Omniphage
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) Y
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): /
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? I had my own server hosted locally, but my friends mostly lost interest in modded minecraft, thats why i am on the prowl for a nice community to join, and be a helpful part of.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! A fully automated redpower factory for HV- Solars ( The ones from compact solars) that created the raw materials from UU matter and kept a copper chest of each available for pupblic use. It employed the latest features of redpower; namely managers and the autopull/memory pull settings for sorting machines. Pictures, sadly, do not exist.
  • Age: 26
  • In Game Name: Goldslayday
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) yes i do
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): yes for saying i duped (also at that time my account was hacked multiple times and also i didn't say that) and got banned and also raged on the admin of a popular server called swaggercraft because he banned me on my birthday by that incident which i wasn't on even (i had proof too that i was hacked and i didn't say i duped, they still banned me for some strange reason and no wonder people call him lazy fag XD)
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? I am looking to see and learn how to play FTB and i am good in IC2 and also EE2 (now it is EE3 but who cares? still there is a minim stone) I love playing with people and i don't use strip mines only downward mines and 5x5x5 tunnels near the bedrock layer
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus!
  • 2013-01-05_08.03.38.ping if that doesn't work then i will explain, in tekkit (im very new to FTB and this is in tekkit) is a huge automatic EMC farm which used to make red matter but now it makes RM furnaces before the server shut down for good and also pretty much i want to play with friends :D plus i love watching someone called silentmyst play FTB and i tried it out for a while and it is cool! plus im a good builder.
  • Age:19
  • also if you wan't to pm me pm it to my FTB inbox thanks!
  • Also i help and give alot of expensive gifts even expensive ones for free and help noobs by giving them armour and stuff to start out and work with (most of the time the gifts i give them are so expensive they don't want it XD.)(Ex: i give this noob in a private server a set of quantum and the upgraded versions of the quantum helmet and chest plate and they just throw it back to me for some strange odd reason. i give to others even though when i need something desperately and they don't give me (lately i seen some really helpful people to me) i still give them things when they do need something desperately. im friendly but somehow you can say i am a pesky theif sometimes in the start (too much time in raiding and faction servers, wut you gotta do, you gotta do) when i don't have resources but not too much and sometimes hardly noticeable like quarter a stack of wood or saplings and some iron to start out with.
PM me on the FTB inbox and for now, im going to play this unpopular server to improve myself with this magical new magicx of thaumcraft and try not to steal :3
  • In Game Name: Tentonaxe
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: Yes
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): No
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? My current server is going to be down for a period of time, so i'm looking for a temporary, maybe permanent replacement.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! The only large scale build i've done so far other than a few castles (that i never finished) was this: http://i1052.photobucket.com/albums/s459/mcPCserver/2012-11-08_222112.png I prefer to build very small compact and efficient automated systems rather than decorative builds.
  • Age:25
  • In Game Name: MatrixVIP
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) Sure
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): Nope, i just bought a premium account, played cracked version >_>
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? Enjoy, have fun, thats what a game suppose to be, right?
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! LAZYYYY~~
  • Age: 20 i think so >_>
  • In Game Name: Meatplow
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) Yes
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): No prior bans
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? I'm looking to join a mature, populated server. I enjoy the server I currently play on but most of the time there is no one around during the majority of my play time and chatting while building is nice to pass the time.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! Past builds include a large ranch/farm style home from back in vanilla and I have a tower design I've been tinkering with in my time playing Feed the Beast. No screen shots of either to provide though.
  • Age: 33
  • In Game Name: anemtees
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) yes
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): no
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? i am new to FTB looking for a upto date server i enjoy playing for long periods at a time and i am looking for a sever where my building wont be ripped apart by another player cause they want my stuff
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! been working on a castle on minecraft vanilla on xbox but can't find my pic's right now all done legit
  • Age:32
I'm going to go ahead and leave this here in case anyone decides they do not like it and leaves or something of the sort.

  • In Game Name: IsaruNooj
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) Yes
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): No
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? A nice community/server where I can easily make friends and would definitely want to get on and play everyday.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! Best build I've ever made was a three story mansion with a full sorting system in tekkit. A friend and I also built an auto High-Voltage Solar Array Factory in tekkit.
  • Age: 19
  • In Game Name: quailow
  • Do you understand...: yes
  • If you have been...: haven't been
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? I dislike playing alone, but every good build I've started on other servers has been griefed. I'm looking for a mature group of builders. I enjoy making nice things, having them seen, and seeing the things others build.
  • Describe a past build.... I built a town in the sky with water column elevators, several decorative towers, that sort of thing, no pictures are available though (as I mentioned before they were all destroyed).
  • Age: 36
  • In Game Name: lazythirdeye
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: y
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans):
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? i just want a place to play and make friends and i love server that nice people and maybe not lost all my thing when i dead
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus!
  • Age: 24
Video Tour of Tybak
(note: better in HD on Youtube)​
About the server
Tybak is small, and friendly server where people are free to build and create in a somewhat challenging Minecraft setting.
  • Server Difficulty is set to hard
  • Added Mods:
  • PVP is off
  • Townhall with portals to provided ages at spawn (including mining age)
  • Shared Workshop with all needed machines provided at spawn.
  • Mystcraft age creation restricted to OPs.
  • Fihgu's Protection Mod by Fihgu installed on the Server
  • The server is Enderman Package from Creeperhost located in Texas (8gb RAM, 30GB HDD, 5 Cores CPU, Dedicated Server)
  • We have and use Mumble and IRC (EsperNet #Tybak)
  • Most important rule - No griefing or stealing
  • Second most important rule - Have fun!
  • Strip mining (quarries, turtles and such) restricted to mining age
  • Keep quarry size and numbers of chucks loaded using chunk loaders reasonable.
  • Keep overworld and spawn town tidy and clean
  • You are free to build at spawn town, but keep it modest in size.
  • Outside of town, do not build right next to someone else unless they say it is ok.
  • No begging for stuff, and definitely no begging for OPs to spawn you items lost to creepers. Items lost to bugs is different and such unfortunate occurrences will be dealt with as server population and OP think is fair. :)
  • Large builds (Quarry, Forestry farms, ore processing/sorting, and such) need shut offs built in and clearly posted signs for the shutoff or you run the risk of build being broken to shut it down in the case of something going wrong.
  • Please feel free to live stream / record for YouTube, but if others are currently doing a PG stream/recording keep chat clean.
  • We reserve the right as a community to add rules in the future not everyone will agree with.
Applications - [Server is Full]
All accepted Whitelist applicants will receive a PM with Server and Website info
  • In Game Name:
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N)
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans):
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server?
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus!
  • Age:

Hey Bevo, I am Xannea's friend he told me to PM you[DOUBLEPOST=1360885337][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hey Bevo, I am Xannea's friend he told me to PM you

Oh, btw in game name is Drkabooke just like it sounds haha
  • In Game Name: Knight_of_bacon
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) yes
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): yes, but it was not me this account is shared by my freind
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? I would like to join ur server simply for one reason Its pve and there is no pvp allowed its so hard to find a pve server these days.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus!
    Made this air ship a while back i did it in Surival with a jetpack :)
  • Age:21


  • airship.png
    313.2 KB · Views: 138
  • In Game Name: fableNL
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y)
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans):no
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? I am looking for a server just like this
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! Im sorry, i dont have any builds pictures.
  • Age: 24
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