Overated/Problematic/Misused Mods

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Probably mentioned more than once but magical crops. I like it but it needs balancing. 1.7.10 made it better but still needs balances depending on what other mods are in it.
Probably mentioned more than once but magical crops. I like it but it needs balancing. 1.7.10 made it better but still needs balances depending on what other mods are in it.
I am actually about to finish up the alpha version for a balanced magical crop inspired minetweaker/kawaiicrops/thaumcraft addon that is community driven(meaning you can add suggest/add seeds for different mods and it will be in the github repository some time after that). Expect to see that in the Phoenix Team repository some time soon.
Backing up to the beginning of the thread, I have to second Tinker's Construct. Which is both overpowered and over-used.

For the cost of one decent-sized tree, and a bit of clay, you obsolete, or mostly-obsolete:
  • All vanilla tools and weapons, and most modded tools.
  • The vanilla enchantment system, and any mod that expands on it.
  • Vanilla anvils.
Which would all be fine--some people really dislike the vanilla mechanics--except that it's almost impossible to find a modpack without TiC installed.
Ever heard of disabling it or minetweaking it?
A lot of these complaints come down to people either being unwilling or unable (because they're playing on a server) to bother changing their modpacks in any way, shape, or form.

Also, the vanilla enchantment and repair system is complete, utter bollocks, so replacing it is hardly a bad thing.
Backing up to the beginning of the thread, I have to second Tinker's Construct. Which is both overpowered and over-used.

For the cost of one decent-sized tree, and a bit of clay, you obsolete, or mostly-obsolete:
  • All vanilla tools and weapons, and most modded tools.
  • The vanilla enchantment system, and any mod that expands on it.
  • Vanilla anvils.
Which would all be fine--some people really dislike the vanilla mechanics--except that it's almost impossible to find a modpack without TiC installed.
Vanilla tools suck.... as does enchanting. Modded tools that are good will never be destroyed by tico. Take the imbued pickaxe for instance. It is way better than any tico pick could ever be. Also why rip on tico just because it's in every pack? That would mean it is widely accepted, and good for modded play. We dont complain that chisel is making us not use vanilla blocks. We should not complain that Tico is making us not use Vanilla tools. If tico is to easy, add iggys tweaks. :p That should do it. I love tico, and hate the vanilla enchanting system. Especially in 1.8 Vanilla enchanting and repairing sucks.
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In a way I like it a lot- theres some rather interesting mechanics going on.

What I dislike is how the standard configuration nullifies a lot of the early game challenges. Even in "hardmode" packs this is often left on (which undercuts the rest of the design and gameplay those packs)

And you can strap a battery to your pick for 'powered' tools which feels wrong on so many levels in whats inherently a magical/medieval blacksmithing mod.
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In a way I like it a lot- theres some rather interesting mechanics going on.

What I dislike is how the standard configuration nullifies a lot of the early game challenges. Even in "hardmode" packs this is often left on (which undercuts the rest of the design and gameplay those packs)

And you can strap a battery to your pick for 'powered' tools which feels wrong on so many levels in whats inherently a magical/medieval blacksmithing mod.
I think the RF is the only thing that keeps it end game though... If not I would attempt to switch over to an atomic dissembler or RF tool as soon as possible. I agree though, it does not exactly fit., but a lot of cross mod compatibility things don't really.
TiC did amazing things with tools and weapons. Does everyone agree with said things? No. I personally find the fact that you can make a tool out of literally anything overboard. Having one such aspect of the game given such a huge boost makes the other aspects of the game deal hollow.
A lot of the vanilla tool progression mechanics truly encourage a variety of gameplay elements, farming for leather for books for the bookshelves, doing *things* yourself to get xp for enchanting, exploring dungeons for books, etc. The xp mechanic is cool, the repair mechanic is cool and the anvil is a powerful tool for modders. The enchanting system needs work *cough* mod I'm working on *cough*
What does bother me is when the instant you start talk of a tool/weapon overhaul mod you get told to make it a tinkers construct add-on. No it doesn't have a monopoly on tools, no it doesn't own the rights to real world smelting mechanics :P
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TiC did amazing things with tools and weapons. Does everyone agree with said things? No. I personally find the fact that you can make a tool out of literally anything overboard. Having one such aspect of the game given such a huge boost makes the other aspects of the game deal hollow.
A lot of the vanilla tool progression mechanics truly encourage a variety of gameplay elements, farming for leather for books for the bookshelves, doing *things* yourself to get xp for enchanting, exploring dungeons for books, etc. The xp mechanic is cool, the repair mechanic is cool and the anvil is a powerful tool for modders. The enchanting system needs work *cough* mod I'm working on *cough*
What does bother me is when the instant you start talk of a tool/weapon overhaul mod you get told to make it a tinkers construct add-on. No it doesn't have a monopoly on tools, no it doesn't own the rights to real world smelting mechanics :p
I think the reason for the tools mod response is that a lot have tried and almost none have succeeded.
Tinkers could be expanded to include those additional vanilla mechanics; if adding modifiers required exp and the tool forge contained a similar bookshelf system we'll be on to something far more interesting.

I'll have to agree with there being some rather weird (to say the least) tool materials
Changing the adding modifier mechanic to be done in the anvil would have been quite easy to implement with the anvil event. Before the event the anvil was a vanilla locked piece of trash :P.
No randomization for enchants though... *shudder*
They aren't in themselves bad, but it needs to be augmented, something like being able to rip enchantments you don't like off and transfer them onto other tools, gem sockettig if you will. Check my player.me page ;)
Changing the adding modifier mechanic to be done in the anvil would have been quite easy to implement with the anvil event. Before the event the anvil was a vanilla locked piece of trash :p.

They aren't in themselves bad, but it needs to be augmented, something like being able to rip enchantments you don't like off and transfer them onto other tools, gem sockettig if you will. Check my player.me page ;)
If you can guide the randomization though with extra work, it seems like it's just tedious for end game tools.
If you can guide the randomization though with extra work, it seems like it's just tedious for end game tools.
And throwing 500 redstone dust on something isn't tedious? :p Oh wait, getting redstone can be completely automated in which case you don't actually have to do anything yourself at all. Needing to play aspects of a game in order to achieve something shouldn't be a foreign concept, silk touch on your favourite pick deserves a little bit of work >.>
Edit - I realize that silk touch isn't the modifier from redstone, the examples weren't meant to be tied together :P
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And throwing 500 redstone dust on something isn't tedious? :p Oh wait, getting redstone can be completely automated in which case you don't actually have to do anything yourself at all. Needing to play aspects of a game in order to achieve something shouldn't be a foreign concept, silk touch on your favourite pick deserves a little bit of work >.>
Actually I just use a tinker table and redstone blocks. Less than 10 seconds for max speed. :P SIlk touch should be easily obtainable end game imo. EnderIO does a good job of this.
Actually I just use a tinker table and redstone blocks. Less than 10 seconds for max speed. :p SIlk touch should be easily obtainable end game imo. EnderIO does a good job of this.
Well yeah but you need to get the redstone somehow. Actually putting it on is very trivial, I realize that. Also "easy" is a relative term. I would prefer being able to do it reliably but the method should still involve a significant amount of work, certainly more than surrounding one emerald with golden string.
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They aren't in themselves bad, but it needs to be augmented, something like being able to rip enchantments you don't like off and transfer them onto other tools, gem sockettig if you will. Check my player.me page ;)
This reminds me of the augment system from the Fable series.
This reminds me of the augment system from the Fable series.
Its definitely not an original mechanic, similar things are done in Kingdoms of Amalur and others as well, I just want something that both encourages gameplay and "adventuring" as well as makes the enchanting mechanic slightly less tedious and frustrating to use.