Whitelist Server OTEGamers |FTB INFINITY - 1.6.2 | 64G RAM | TS3 | Great Community | Fast Whitelist |

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In-Game Name: NinjaEnergy

Love the name and the profile picture! :D

Welcome to OTEGamers!

Our white-list is global throughout our network, check out the links below for information on how to get setup (This includes IP addresses, don't ask us what the IP's are without actually reading this!):
Make sure to also check out the following in order to get the most out of the community:
In-Game Name: DanielDimitrov
What are you looking for in the server? a fun friendly community where I can build and create with other players
How long have you been playing Minecraft? since beta 1.7
What experience do you have with Modded MC? Ive been playing with mods since the original Industrial craft.
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server (We check this! Don't lie)? No
Do you have TS3 and willing to use it? No but maybe
How active are you? I can play minecraft almost all the time.
Do you agree to the rules: yes
In-Game Name: DanielDimitrov

Sorry about the slow reply!

Welcome to OTEGamers!

Our white-list is global throughout our network, check out the links below for information on how to get setup (This includes IP addresses, don't ask us what the IP's are without actually reading this!):
Make sure to also check out the following in order to get the most out of the community:
In-Game Name: BryanBucket
What are you looking for in the server? To make friends and build some awesome stuff
How long have you been playing Minecraft? About 2 years
What experience do you have with Modded MC? I have played with mods since tekkit was a thing.
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server (We check this! Don't lie)? No never
Do you have TS3 and willing to use it? Yes and Yes
How active are you? I play almost everyday
Do you agree to the rules? yes
In-Game Name: Tundras
What are you looking for in the server? A great community with dedicated staff that doesn't disappear after 2 months
How long have you been playing Minecraft? Since Alpha
What experience do you have with Modded MC? Tons, I've been playing since the Tekkit days
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server (We check this! Don't lie)? Never
Do you have TS3 and willing to use it? Yes I do
How active are you? I'm only almost daily where RL will allow
Do you agree to the rules? I agree and will help enforce
In-Game Name: BryanBucket

Welcome to OTEGamers!

Our white-list is global throughout our network, check out the links below for information on how to get setup (This includes IP addresses, don't ask us what the IP's are without actually reading this!):
Make sure to also check out the following in order to get the most out of the community:

And Tundras was taking care of over this way.
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In-Game Name: Syk0m0nk3y
What are you looking for in the server? Some place to tryout the new mods and work with a great community of players to learn more about them
How long have you been playing Minecraft? Beta 0.7ish not sure
What experience do you have with Modded MC? Lots, played on several other servers in the past then I took a break.
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server (We check this! Don't lie)? I do believe I may have been banned once, but I got in an argument with one of the server admins for spawning twilight forest pincer beetles near where I was working in the overworld.
Do you have TS3 and willing to use it? Yes I use it for gaming with some of my friend on other games.
How active are you? When I get into I really get into it, though once the semester starts I'll have to slow down a bit.
Do you agree to the rules? Yes, I can only assume that my railcraft tank carts are banned because they cause performance issues. Is that correct?
In-Game Name: Smittew
What are you looking for in the server? I get lonely playing SSP, so I'm looking for a group of people to hang out with while I play.
How long have you been playing Minecraft? About 3 years.
What experience do you have with Modded MC? I've been playing modded for about a year now off and on.
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server (We check this! Don't lie)? Nope
Do you have TS3 and willing to use it? Yes
How active are you? I'm on for a few hours a day. Sometimes more, sometimes less.
Do you agree to the rules? Yes
In-Game Name: Syk0m0nk3y

That is correct. Not too server friendly those tank carts.

In-Game Name: Smittew

Welcome to OTEGamers both of you!

Our white-list is global throughout our network, check out the links below for information on how to get setup (This includes IP addresses, don't ask us what the IP's are without actually reading this!):
Make sure to also check out the following in order to get the most out of the community:
In-Game Name: Platinumknyght
What are you looking for in the server? A stable, fun and inclusive place to setup shop and tinker with mods.
How long have you been playing Minecraft? 4ish years
What experience do you have with Modded MC? <2 years. Mostly infinity stuff
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server (We check this! Don't lie)? No
Do you have TS3 and willing to use it? Yes and yes
How active are you? Moderate to Extreme (note: upcoming move across the country in mid August - don't plan on being down for long); Friends with Syk0m0nk3y
Do you agree to the rules? Aye
In-Game Name: Platinumknyght

Welcome to OTEGamers!

Our white-list is global throughout our network, check out the links below for information on how to get setup (This includes IP addresses, don't ask us what the IP's are without actually reading this!):
Make sure to also check out the following in order to get the most out of the community:
In-Game Name: lKazki (that's an L at the start)

Welcome to OTEGamers!

Our white-list is global throughout our network, check out the links below for information on how to get setup (This includes IP addresses, don't ask us what the IP's are without actually reading this!):
Make sure to also check out the following in order to get the most out of the community:
In-Game Name: iBootleg
What are you looking for in the server? Stable Fun environment where i can get back into minecraft (coming off a recent break).
How long have you been playing Minecraft? A long time 4-5 years
What experience do you have with Modded MC? Yep, i play mainly modded
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server (We check this! Don't lie)? Not to my Knowledge
Do you have TS3 and willing to use it? I do have team speak, i will use it if someone wants me to talk to them, I'm not a big talker and i don't have a very good mic.
How active are you? I try to be as active ask i can, but i have a random work schedule and i can never predict when i'm going to be on. Plus I do play some other games.
Do you agree to the rules? Sure do
In-Game Name: iBootleg

Welcome to OTEGamers!

Our white-list is global throughout our network, check out the links below for information on how to get setup (This includes IP addresses, don't ask us what the IP's are without actually reading this!):
Make sure to also check out the following in order to get the most out of the community:
Welcome to OTEGamers!

Our white-list is global throughout our network, check out the links below for information on how to get setup (This includes IP addresses, don't ask us what the IP's are without actually reading this!):
Make sure to also check out the following in order to get the most out of the community:

Awesome, I'm looking forward to getting on and playing around. I see Agrarian skies and if that's the original I'm looking forward to that server :). I won't be able to get on until Sunday night. Gotta love being an adult with a job :P
i Keep getting a connection timed out and i don't quite know why. I followed your guide on how to connect.