Whitelist Server OTEGamers |FTB INFINITY - 1.6.2 | 64G RAM | TS3 | Great Community | Fast Whitelist |

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Hello there veal12 (sorry for the wait!), it seems you have a ban here. Is this the one you were speaking of or a different one?
Yeah I imagine it is. It's been a while since that happened like I said so i guess it started with me chopping someones trees down haha
Yeah I imagine it is. It's been a while since that happened like I said so i guess it started with me chopping someones trees down haha

Thank you for being honest about your bans! I will whitelist you.

Welcome to OTEGamers!

Our white-list is global throughout our network, check out the links below for information on how to get setup (This includes IP addresses, don't ask us what the IP's are without actually reading this!):
Make sure to also check out the following in order to get the most out of the community:
In-Game Name: N8_Toe
What are you looking for in the server? a fun friendly community where I can build and create and cooperate with other players
How long have you been playing Minecraft? since beta 1.4
What experience do you have with Modded MC? Ive been playing with mods since the original Industrial craft. I havnt looked back since
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server (We check this! Don't lie)? once a loooong time ago. I learned the hard way how not to do nuke reactors. I have since learned how to without killing the whole town.
Do you have TS3 and willing to use it? yep!
How active are you? Im coming back to minecraft now that school is out. and I plan to be very active
Do you agree to the rules Yep! ( I removed the link so I wouldnt have to wait for moderator approval to submit this)
In-Game Name: N8_Toe
What are you looking for in the server? a fun friendly community where I can build and create and cooperate with other players
How long have you been playing Minecraft? since beta 1.4
What experience do you have with Modded MC? Ive been playing with mods since the original Industrial craft. I havnt looked back since
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server (We check this! Don't lie)? once a loooong time ago. I learned the hard way how not to do nuke reactors. I have since learned how to without killing the whole town.
Do you have TS3 and willing to use it? yep!
How active are you? Im coming back to minecraft now that school is out. and I plan to be very active
Do you agree to the rules Yep! ( I removed the link so I wouldnt have to wait for moderator approval to submit this)
Sorted in OTE forum.
In-Game Name: wolfenstein19
What are you looking for in the server? Im already playing it, on my other account
How long have you been playing Minecraft? Since just before survival was added
What experience do you have with Modded MC? 2 years +
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server (We check this! Don't lie)? One, I think (its lolnet) but you guys already know that
Do you have TS3 and willing to use it? yes,
How active are you? very
Do you agree to the rules? yes
In-Game Name: wolfenstein19

Hi Wald, let me whitelist you. :P

Welcome to OTEGamers!

Our white-list is global throughout our network, check out the links below for information on how to get setup (This includes IP addresses, don't ask us what the IP's are without actually reading this!):
Make sure to also check out the following in order to get the most out of the community:
In-Game Name: D4rkSol1tud3
What are you looking for in the server? Interesting people to play with
How long have you been playing Minecraft? 1 to 2 years
What experience do you have with Modded MC? I know well most of the bigger mods
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server (We check this! Don't lie)? No
Do you have TS3 and willing to use it? Well, english isn't my first language so I prefer to stick to chat
How active are you? I try to play daily
Do you agree to the rules? yes
In-Game Name: dannybear
What are you looking for in the server?: looking for a great community to play with
How long have you been playing Minecraft? Early alpha
What experience do you have with Modded MC?: Lots always play modded
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server (We check this! Don't lie)? No
Do you have TS3 and willing to use it? Yes
How active are you?: Ill be able to play a couple of hours a day maybe longer on the weekends
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes
In-Game Name: D4rkSol1tud3

Welcome to OTEGamers!

Our white-list is global throughout our network, check out the links below for information on how to get setup (This includes IP addresses, don't ask us what the IP's are without actually reading this!):
Make sure to also check out the following in order to get the most out of the community:
In-Game Name: xRoffles
What are you looking for in the server?: Friendly, funny community, hope I can find that here :)
How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Since Alpha.
What experience do you have with Modded MC?:
It's the only minecraft I play :) I haven't played in awhile, but I know the basics of everything and am a quick learner.
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server (We check this! Don't lie)?: Nope.
Do you have TS3 and willing to use it?: No mic, and not a big talker anyway :x Willing to just listen in if alot of people are on it though :)
How active are you?: Quite. Couple hours a day, depends what I am feeling up to doing though, gaming or anime :)
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes. Seems to be just common server sense :)

I posted a application on the website, just incase! Assuming that gets checked more often opposed to here!
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In-Game Name: Comarn
What are you looking for in the server? I am looking for a stable FTB server where I can build stuff and interact with mature players.
How long have you been playing Minecraft? I've been playing since Alpha.
What experience do you have with Modded MC? I used to be an admin for the technic pack wiki and been using mods for two years at least. I have been playing FTB since around Ultimate.
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server (We check this! Don't lie)? Not to my knowledge.
Do you have TS3 and willing to use it? I do have it, although due to limited bandwidth I only use it sometimes.
How active are you? I play several hours a week minimum.
Do you agree to the rules? Of course.
In-Game Name: Comarn

Welcome to OTEGamers!

Our white-list is global throughout our network, check out the links below for information on how to get setup (This includes IP addresses, don't ask us what the IP's are without actually reading this!):
Make sure to also check out the following in order to get the most out of the community:
In-Game Name: Habeus_Corpus
What are you looking for in the server? A community that is active and friendly particularly with voip.
How long have you been playing Minecraft? I've played minecraft since about 2010, the first version i remember was MC Beta 1.3.
What experience do you have with Modded MC? I played tekkit during it's popular reign, and more recently infinity and agrarian skies over the past 8 months. Applied Energistics 2 is probably my most experienced mod.
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server (We check this! Don't lie)? No i do not believe so.
Do you have TS3 and willing to use it? Since voip is something i am looking for in a server, yes, i will actively use it.
How active are you? Daily, usually early in the day (9am-3pm) and late at night (11pm-3am) -6GMT
Do you agree to the rules? Yes.
In-Game Name: Habeus_Corpus

Welcome to OTEGamers!

Our white-list is global throughout our network, check out the links below for information on how to get setup (This includes IP addresses, don't ask us what the IP's are without actually reading this!):
Make sure to also check out the following in order to get the most out of the community:
In-Game Name:xcythemc
What are you looking for in the server? a nice community who can help out if needed.
How long have you been playing Minecraft?5 years
What experience do you have with Modded MC? almost all the big modpacks, monster,unleashed,unhinged,direwolf20 etc
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server (We check this! Don't lie)? no
Do you have TS3 and willing to use it? no
How active are you? daily
Do you agree to the rules? yes
In-Game Name:xcythemc

Sorry about the wait!

Welcome to OTEGamers!

Our white-list is global throughout our network, check out the links below for information on how to get setup (This includes IP addresses, don't ask us what the IP's are without actually reading this!):
Make sure to also check out the following in order to get the most out of the community:
In-Game Name: NinjaEnergy
What are you looking for in the server? Im looking for a server where i can rejoin the FTB community after a somehow extended separation from it
How long have you been playing Minecraft? Since the good ol days of the alpha, 5 years ago
What experience do you have with Modded MC? Played pretty much on every "big" modded trend that appeared, specially on the tekkit and initial FTB flavours
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server (We check this! Don't lie)? Not that i have memories off... Not planing to start now
Do you have TS3 and willing to use it? I have it, but im not as confident on my actual speaking skills as to use it... :oops:
How active are you? Its summer, lets get crazy
Do you agree to the rules? I do