seed (1236617178) FTB monster without BoP (tested in FTB monster V1.0.3)
star in Snow Taiga near desert (this seed has feature for having oil sources together)
x400 z170 together many sources of oil into the sea and close to a floating island x300 z200(tinker's construct terrain ) - screenshot
x350 z-840 dyes trees(colors trees and many animals)
x770 z-890 Nice big montain with big crater in center, close to great biomes, desert, jungle. dye trees. - screenshot
x-1530 z+1658 giant redwood bark on a flat terrain with cows. Near the sea with a source of oil. - screenshot
x-390 z+1145 desert temple near source of oil.
x240 z1815 ravine with mine - screenshot and x475 z1880 have big crater in montain and near small ravines -screenshot
OMG OMG i have EPIC SEED for FTB Monster without BoP ( tested in V1.0.3)
Seed 112233
starter near tainted land and big tree(giant redwood bark) in place have many cows, sheeps and chickens - screenshot
X90 Z40is very near a ravine with a village on top - screenshot and cave with chests
updated with the coordinated jungle temple near big tree (giant redwood bark) x-265 Z-168 - screenshot
Updated 2 - screenshot
[ALL these places are close together] small village, ravine, floating isle and 2 big trees (giant redwood bark) near big trees have small source of oil on flat ground, with sheep and pigs nearby
X:-440 Z: -1185 coordinated the small village
x:-455 Z:-1078 coordinated the ravine
X:-400 Z:-900 two big trees (giant redwood bark)
x: -400 z:-1214 floating isle tinkers construct with blue slime