Official FTB seed thread.

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Does anyone know of a ATG volcano spout next to spawn? I searched for hours, couldn't find anything :(

FYI: Like you, I tried ATG in vain for an hour - then went to a BoP(+ATG) world, and first up spawned next to a volcano adjacent to one of those BoP lava fields.

edit to add:
FTB Monster, BoP + ATG -
spawn in heathland (surrounded by teams of horses), 100 blocks from a PR Volcano and BoP volcano biome. Is this what you were after?

seed: 9106157009428863453
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FYI: Like you, I tried ATG in vain for an hour - then went to a BoP(+ATG) world, and first up spawned next to a volcano adjacent to one of those BoP lava fields.

edit to add:
FTB Monster, BoP + ATG -
spawn in heathland (surrounded by teams of horses), 100 blocks from a PR Volcano and BoP volcano biome. Is this what you were after?

seed: 9106157009428863453
Unfortunately, no. I was looking for this: screen 18.jpg
FYI: Like you, I tried ATG in vain for an hour - then went to a BoP(+ATG) world, and first up spawned next to a volcano adjacent to one of those BoP lava fields.

edit to add:
FTB Monster, BoP + ATG -
spawn in heathland (surrounded by teams of horses), 100 blocks from a PR Volcano and BoP volcano biome. Is this what you were after?

seed: 9106157009428863453
I believe that tall volcano is added by Project Red and it is added post world gen from a random chance for every lava pool. So it is not guaranteed to be there with that seed.[DOUBLEPOST=1389003891][/DOUBLEPOST]
Did a fair bit of testing with ATG+BOP and flying around a lot and did find a lot of what was supposed to be those volcanos, but not one of them actually had the proper lava pool in the middle.
I found a very nice Direworlf20 (newest one) seed for you:
Seed: 2534684780727155
BOP World Gen default settings
No coords for things but a map screeny pinpointing everything, shouldn't be hard to locate them.

You spawn in a cherry blossom grove next to a lava lake.
Up north is a nice planes biome that for me had a huge redwood tree that made for a nice early shelter by mining out it's center.
North from that is a small three building village, one of such has a full Tinkers smelting forge, just mine it up and go!
The slime island (not sure if these spawn per seed or are random) can be reached by climbing up the extreme hills that alone looks AMAZING.
Some more villages in the area, two have bee keepers for easy starting in that as well.

Not marked/shown: Down south along the center of that image is a desert that has an exposed dungeon but no 'good' loot. Theres also a jungle temple shown but not marked north in the image.

Volcanos will be random, they wont always appear where they show in my shot.
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Looks like JourneyMap to me -- it's off by default but included in some (all?) of the new 1.6.4 packs. It's a client side auto mapper; can serve up the map as a web page, can save the map as a png, etc.
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Spawn right next to a massive Natura Redwood + a second Natura Redwood very close. 3 Villages & 3 Dungeons (1 with a portal gun!). Enjoy!

Direwolf20 v1.0.11
Biomes O' Plenty World Generation
: -8235115928865511786



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Nice SEED for FTB Monster without BoP
SEED 8617745988828079049
(tested in FTB monster V1.0.3)
you start on level ground, close to many cows, some horses, with the sea front and near the colorful trees (trees dyes) starter image

+90 +110 dye trees(color trees)
+40 +108 ravine 1
-86 +133 ravine 2 near ravine 1
-765 -92 giant redwood bark with horses and donkeys near
-850 -208 floating isle tynker's construct
-1596 +460 jungle 1
-990 -150 jungle (I did not put more jungles coordinates, it has many jungles in this map)
-895 -990 river with mountains on the edge - screenshot

-1366 - 1006 cool mountains, one of the mountains has a cave in the middle of the mountain - screenshot

-1300 +26 desert temple in desert near jungles

(spoiler: desert temple with 3 diamonds)
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seed (1236617178) FTB monster without BoP (tested in FTB monster V1.0.3)
star in Snow Taiga near desert (this seed has feature for having oil sources together)
x400 z170 together many sources of oil into the sea and close to a floating island x300 z200(tinker's construct terrain ) - screenshot
x350 z-840 dyes trees(colors trees and many animals)
x770 z-890 Nice big montain with big crater in center, close to great biomes, desert, jungle. dye trees. - screenshot
x-1530 z+1658 giant redwood bark on a flat terrain with cows. Near the sea with a source of oil. - screenshot
x-390 z+1145 desert temple near source of oil.
x240 z1815 ravine with mine - screenshot and x475 z1880 have big crater in montain and near small ravines -screenshot

OMG OMG i have EPIC SEED for FTB Monster without BoP ( tested in V1.0.3)

Seed 112233

starter near tainted land and big tree(giant redwood bark) in place have many cows, sheeps and chickens - screenshot
X90 Z40is very near a ravine with a village on top - screenshot and cave with chests

updated with the coordinated jungle temple near big tree (giant redwood bark) x-265 Z-168 - screenshot

Updated 2 - screenshot
[ALL these places are close together] small village, ravine, floating isle and 2 big trees (giant redwood bark) near big trees have small source of oil on flat ground, with sheep and pigs nearby
X:-440 Z: -1185 coordinated the small village
x:-455 Z:-1078 coordinated the ravine
X:-400 Z:-900 two big trees (giant redwood bark)
x: -400 z:-1214 floating isle tinkers construct with blue slime
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Seed Request.

Hi all, after trying out few 100 worlds i have to say i need help finding a seed.

What i deffenly need are the following biomes / features.

Desert biome/Clay biome/plains biome, and some tinkers floatings islands.

I am playing on Monster with B.o.P enabled, not ATG!

It doesnt have to be conected to eachother but in a walking distance is very needed :)

Cheers , Pascal.
Seed Request.

Hi all, after trying out few 100 worlds i have to say i need help finding a seed.

What i deffenly need are the following biomes / features.

Desert biome/Clay biome/plains biome, and some tinkers floatings islands.

I am playing on Monster with B.o.P enabled, not ATG!

It doesnt have to be conected to eachother but in a walking distance is very needed :)

Cheers , Pascal.
I'm pretty sure slime islands are generated independent of the seed.
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Spawn near a Rainbow Forest (Dye for days!). Some nice, mostly flat, building areas. Mesa (Red Rock) and Volcano (Biome) close too. Just a nice seed for longterm survival i think. Enjoy!

FTB Monster 1.0.9
Biomes O' Plenty World Generation
: -5816482679639593533

(Included a screenshot of disabled mods)​
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Seed from the DeathCraft FTB Server. Enjoy!

FTB Monster 1.0.9
Biomes O' Plenty World Generation
: 835081023

(Including Screenshot of Disabled mods)

Large Dungeon
x:-461 z:468

End Portal
x:-494 z:528 y:26

Rainbow Tree
x:76 z:1089

Natura Redwood
x:1086 z:1541​
Does anyone now a seed where you spawn in a Mesa biome from biomes 'o plenty?
I'm playing the direwolf20 pack version 1.6.4
Hey, does anyone know any good flat seeds for FTB Ultimate? I'd like to make a big city. The things in a seed i'm looking for is a Village close to pawn, Ravines, and a bonus would be the location of the End Portal.
Hey, does anyone know any good flat seeds for FTB Ultimate? I'd like to make a big city. The things in a seed i'm looking for is a Village close to pawn, Ravines, and a bonus would be the location of the End Portal.
You know what's useful for making flat land? a filler. Works really well. You can define up to a 64x64 area, set the pattern (three glass on top of three brick), connect some MJ, and instant flat area. To make the edges look more natural, you can use an explosive mining laser to dig out chunks and then fill in with dirt.

Direwolf20 pack with BOP.

A perfect starting world, especially for servers. The villages, witchwood forest, magic forest, snow biome, jungle, swamp, forest and desert means that all biome-supplies are right near the spawn. This is the best spawn I have ever seen.

Seed: -786688341
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