Official FTB seed thread.

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Here is my submission:

Name: NPC Swamp Spawn Village
Seed: -6117057062388514482
Modpack: FTB Direwolf20 v3
Spawn Point: +13 +226 64


Readily available materials: Wood, Carrots, Potatoes, Wheat, Resin, Rubber Trees. Chest has 2 Wooden Axes, 2 Stone Pickaxes, and more. The Blacksmith chest in the village contains Bronze Leggings and Iron Boots.

Imgur Album:
Minecraft World Map:

Additional mods installed (none should effect generation):
[1.4.6] Mouse Tweaks BETA 4

Just so you guys know, this spawn also appears to work with MindCrack v6
If anyone knows a seed with a Village in a Shrubland (or less preferably a Meadow)
In my seed there is a village in Meadow/Mountain Taiga with Smithy & Thaumcraft Tower. Nearby are Mountaineous Desert and Forested Hills biomes. Also there is an open ravine under village in Mountain Taiga.

Village @ -954,-394:

Second maybe interesting for you village in my world I know about is in Savanna biome. Nearby biomes are Extreme Jungle, Pine Forest and Ocean. In my world's instance here in this Savanna there is also a Thaumcrafts Dungeon.

Village @ -475,-187:
so i tried SSP seed of Feed-The-Beast and spawned on a single block of bedrock in the air. That's it. There was nothing else around. Tempted to try this on a new SMP and trick friends. :)
You were using the Retro SSP pack right?
Theres a mod in the pack that makes the world with no worldgen so that you can spawn properly in the FTB maps and so that people don't cheat and travel to unloaded chunks. If you insist on using that pack for normal map play, you have to remove a mod called YUNOMAKEGOODMAPS.
Also anyone have a seed which spawns you in a large desert village for the Direwolf20 V3 pack. I like deserts for some odd reason.
Mindcrack Pack (v4) for MindCraft 1.4.6

Seed: 2766483
This map is really cool, with islands, oceans and all kind of cool stuff.

But I would really like to know what you used as a mapping tool to make the world and nether maps, as they look times better than what I found.
In my seed there is a village in Meadow/Mountain Taiga with Smithy & Thaumcraft Tower. Nearby are Mountaineous Desert and Forested Hills biomes. Also there is an open ravine under village in Mountain Taiga.

Village @ -954,-394:

Second maybe interesting for you village in my world I know about is in Savanna biome. Nearby biomes are Extreme Jungle, Pine Forest and Ocean. In my world's instance here in this Savanna there is also a Thaumcrafts Dungeon.

Village @ -475,-187:
Thank you sooo much! Exactly what I wanted! :D
(Edit)Just realized that I had actually tried your seed before, but I was too lazy to investigate all the villages, lol. xD
I found this one :

-Spawn in 0,0 point
- X shaped river exactly on spawnpoint.
- Biomes in X's "corners" - Desert,Tundra,Shrublands, Savanna ... so, great for bees
-Village north-west from spawn
-Small lavapool on south side
-Extreme jungle on south-east and west sides...but You propably already noticed :p

Oh and remember that Oil can spawn in difrent places in Your world :)

Ive been playing this seed for a little bit now, and my progression is hindered... I cant find any rubber trees!!!

Has anyone found any? if so please provide coordinates!!
Sorry to say, but I think rubber trees generation is random... Best chance to find some is visiting any swamp biome.
Good luck ;)

Or cheat Yourself in one sapling... :P
Boo! Ive been looking for a swamp area and i cant find one... I guess ill take some food and portable shelter equipment and go hunting around... ive found jungle, forest, snow, and desert, no swamp. Ill have to go farther!

And I left cheats off when i made my world lol
Strange. I found the rubber trees in all forest biomes (except IIRC redwood and birch).
Anyone know of a seed that has a village in the middle of a lake or ocean? I had one before but I accidentally deleted my world and I can't remember the seed.
Randomly putting words together the other day i came across a seed that starts you on the shore of a small island and theres another bigger one to the north but thats really it. There is 2 trees on the second island.
Seed: YellowBus
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Reactions: Omega Hermit
Just going to leave this here:

The seed used in the new forgecraft series (DW SMP season 4) is: "fc3wantsbigmountains" without quotes.

It's really awesome!