Official FTB seed thread.

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No intention of looking for a fantastic seed, and this was (I felt) perfectly passable, and then....OMG VOLCANO!

I don't have original spawn (my waypoints disappeared, for some reason), but this is at +186/+117. volcano base is ~ 64, and top is at 125. In a nice little valley, simply epic. Mindcrack pack, fyi.
Guys, please, when submitting seeds, please put the modpack name with it too, I dont want to put a seed in the mindcrack mod pack just to find its for magic world. -.-
It must be same for all modpacks (all from its have ExtrabiomesXL only as new types bioms support mod)
Not all of the mod packs have the same world gen though, remember that...

Does this sound right for the current 1.4.6 FTB modpacks - DW and MC - for a given seed?
  • Terrain generation should be consistent (same ExtraBiomes version)
  • Volcano placement (Redpower) ditto
  • Ore veins may differ
  • Oil is random (but weighted per biome)
If so, providing the Seed value, Minecraft and XtraBiomes versions would be enough information to share?
Not all of the mod packs have the same world gen though, remember that...
From used in current modpacks mods worldgens only ExtrabiomesXL affect to result use seed for generated world. Other mods only affect ore (some other mods specific) distribution but not affect visual view of world.
Mindcrack Pack (v4) for MindCraft 1.4.6

Seed: 2766483

Spawn is on a small (20 x 40) desert island in close vicinity of the coastline at junction of extreme jungle and forested hills biomes.


Village on glacier near volcano:

Overworld map:

Villages: 260,180; 725,741; -475,-187; -251,644; -683,1092; 1589,325; -954,-394;

Stronghold: 533,37,782

Volcanoes: -264,125,454; -304,121,662; 180,97,1187; 713,66,1200; 1491,108,1681; 1379,101,277; 896,70,173; 702,90,25; 368,113,-546

Here are some mob's spawners I've found during looking for a place for a main base and caving:
  • Zombies:
262,70,558: Steel Sword, Emerald, Tin (5), Iron (4), Steadfast Drone, Logic Matrix Programmer, Bread, Cocoa Beans (4), Wheat, Saddle, Music Disk (stal), String (3)​
-335,33,-332: Iron (2), Coal Coke (5), Creosote Bottle (8), Gunpowder (3), String (4), Saddle, Cocoa Beans​
-230,21,-378: Silver, Tin (4), Copper (8), Gunpowder (4), Bread (2), Wheat (7), Teak Sapling, Sequoia Sapling, Track (11), Logic Matrix Programmer, Music Disk (stal)​
-339,28,-404: Emerald (2), Iron (3), Knowledge Fragment, Wooden Tie, Bread, Cherry Sapling, Saddle​
1018,59,325: Thaumium (3), Bucket (2), Cocoa Beans, Wheat (3), Track (24), Saddle​
1448,55,486: Iron (6), Copper (3), Bucket (3), Cocoa Beans, Wheat, String, Music Disk (strad)​
-634,52,-138: w/o chests​
1360,69,1157: Enchanted Book (Protection II), Emerald (2), Iron (2), Chest Cart, Logic Matrix Programmer, String (6), Cocoa Beans (2), Larch Sapling​
-17,48,-1012: Enchanted Book (Efficiency IV), Steel Shovel, Emerald (2), Ruby, Silver (4), Tin (4), Work Cart, Wooden Tie, Cocoa Beans (2), Wheat (4), Music Disks (13, mall), Saddle​
  • Skeletons:
410,56,398: Steel Shovel, Ruby (2), Silver, Iron, Copper (3), Coal Coke (8), Redstone (2), Gunpowder, Logic Matrix Programmer (2), Bucket, Bread (2), Cocoa Beans, Wheat (4), Larch Sapling, Cherry Sapling, Chestnut Sapling​
-222,21,-401: Steel Shovel, Thaumium, Silver (3), Iron (2), Redstone (10), Gunpowder (2), Bread, Cocoa Beans (3), Wheat (2), Strings (5), Saddle (2)​
  • Spiders:
-247,52,-440: Sapphire (3), Silver (4), Tin (5), Copper (3), Gunpowder, Bucket (2), Bread​
-360,89,-190: Thaumium Hoe, Green Sapphire (3), Ruby (2), Tin (4), Copper (17), Redstone (2), Gunpowder, String (6), Bucket (2), Bread, Wheat (4), Cocoa Beans, Larch Sapling​
1245,3,915: Portal Gun
, Sapphire, Tin (3), Iron (2), Copper (10), Wheat (3), Cocoa Beans, Track (30), String (4), Saddle (2), Chestnut Sapling, Music Disk (strad)​
24,38,-988: Enchanted Book (Respiration II), Ender Pearl Dust (9), Iron (4), Redstone (2), Bread, Bucket, Saddle, Chestnut Sapling
  • Cave Spiders:
93,25,-1042; 1337,28,891; 1270,11,966; -403,22,-290; -406,24,-331; -388,21,-362; -491,25,-336; -301,26,-383; -243,26,-418; -273,26,-363; -300,29,-415; -317,28,-374; -291,27,-372; -284,27,-375; -300,26,-383. Last 4 (well, actually, 3
) spawners is an excellent place for exp farm on intersection of two ravines.​
  • Blazes:
69,58,38 (enclosed by netherrack); 107,58,31 (e); 77,63,391 (e); 106,63,306 (opened); 378,62,155 (o); 325,62,189 (e); -333,74,110 (o); -317,74,101 (o); -159,70,434 (e); -180,70,441 (e). Last two is a good spot for a blaze farm, there is also good double intersection for a future wither skeleton farm nearby @ -167,67,395 & -167,67,376.​

Nether map:

For spelunkers I can recommend area 1100,870 .. 1450,1200: ultra deep (up to bedrock) abandoned mineshafts and lot of ravines. There's also spiders' spawner @ 1245,3,915 where you can find the Portal Gun in one of the chests (be carefull! spawner half covered with lava and chests are under lava!).

Map of area @ y=53 and below:

I need a good seed thats rubber trees and near to plains bl
Trees' placement is random. But I've seen plenty of rubber trees at different biomes in the Mindcrack Pack.

upd 2012.12.30: added some spawners and one more village; typo

theres the seed for copy pasting
this world is not short on oil in any way at all
A: Have you explored this seed? We need to know more about it.
B: Which FTB pack are you using?
C: Oil generates randomly, so a someone else on this seed won't always have the oil where you find it.
If anyone finds a tall volcano in the ocean or touching a large body of water the seed and coordinates would be greatly appreciated :D
Mindcrack Pack (v4) for MindCraft 1.4.6

Seed: 2766483

Spawn is on a small (20 x 40) desert island in close vicinity of the coastline at junction of extreme jungle and forested hills biomes.


Village on glacier near volcano:

Overworld map:

Villages: 260,180; 725,741; -475,-187; -251,644; -683,1092; 1589,325

Stronghold: 533,37,782

Here are some mob's spawners I've found during looking for a place for a main base and caving:
  • Zombies:
262,70,558: Steel Sword, Emerald, Tin (5), Iron (4), Steadfast Drone, Logic Matrix Programmer, Bread, Cocoa Beans (4), Wheat, Saddle, Music Disk (stal), String (3)​
-335,33,-332: Iron (2), Coal Coke (5), Creosote Bottle (8), Gunpowder (3), String (4), Saddle, Cocoa Beans​
-230,21,-378: Silver, Tin (4), Copper (8), Gunpowder (4), Bread (2), Wheat (7), Teak Sapling, Sequoia Sapling, Track (11), Logic Matrix Programmer, Music Disk (stal)​
-339,28,-404: Emerald (2), Iron (3), Knowledge Fragment, Wooden Tie, Bread, Cherry Sapling, Saddle​
1018,59,325: Thaumium (3), Bucket (2), Cocoa Beans, Wheat (3), Track (24), Saddle​
1448,55,486: Iron (6), Copper (3), Bucket (3), Cocoa Beans, Wheat, String, Music Disk (strad)​
-634,52,-138: w/o chests​
  • Skeleton Spawners:
410,56,398: Steel Shovel, Ruby (2), Silver, Iron, Copper (3), Coal Coke (8), Redstone (2), Gunpowder, Logic Matrix Programmer (2), Bucket, Bread (2), Cocoa Beans, Wheat (4), Larch Sapling, Cherry Sapling, Chestnut Sapling​
-222,21,-401: Steel Shovel, Thaumium, Silver (3), Iron (2), Redstone (10), Gunpowder (2), Bread, Cocoa Beans (3), Wheat (2), Strings (5), Saddle (2)​
  • Spiders:
-247,52,-440: Sapphire (3), Silver (4), Tin (5), Copper (3), Gunpowder, Bucket (2), Bread​
  • Cave Spiders:
-403,22,-290; -406,24,-331; -388,21,-362; -491,25,-336; -301,26,-383; -243,26,-418; -273,26,-363; -300,29,-415; -317,28,-374; -291,27,-372; -284,27,-375; -300,26,-383. Last 4 (well, actually, 3
) spawners is an excellent place for exp farm on intersection of two ravines.​
  • Blazes:
69,58,38 (enclosed by netherrack); 107,58,31 (e); 77,63,391 (e); 106,63,306 (opened); 378,62,155 (o); 325,62,189 (e); -333,74,110 (o); -317,74,101 (o); -159,70,434 (e); -180,70,441 (e). Last two is a good spot for a blaze farm, there is also good double intersection for a future wither skeleton farm nearby @ -167,67,395 & -167,67,376.​

Nether map:

What exactly did you use to get those maps? they are flipping wicked!
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Reactions: kev12east
Wanted to say thanks for the seed squee. There is a tall volcano jutting into the ocean bottom center of that map, just what I was looking for :D. And even without my volcano lab that seed is badass, nice find.
Are those tall volcanos in the bottom center and bottom right?
All volcanoes I know about:
-264,125,454; -304,121,662; 180,97,1187; 713,66,1200; 1491,108,1681; 1379,101,277; 896,70,173; 702,90,25; 368,113,-546

Wanted to say thanks for the seed squee.
np. you just look at new spawner i found!

What exactly did you use to get those maps? they are flipping wicked!
unmined v0.4.250dev
Here is my submission:

Name: NPC Swamp Spawn Village
Seed: -6117057062388514482
Modpack: FTB Direwolf20 v3
Spawn Point: +13 +226 64


Readily available materials: Wood, Carrots, Potatoes, Wheat, Resin, Rubber Trees. Chest has 2 Wooden Axes, 2 Stone Pickaxes, and more. The Blacksmith chest in the village contains Bronze Leggings and Iron Boots.

Imgur Album:
Minecraft World Map:

Additional mods installed (none should effect generation):
[1.4.6] Mouse Tweaks BETA 4
If anyone knows a seed with a Village in a Shrubland (or less preferably a Meadow), I'd really appreciate it if you could let me know. :D
I have grand plans for a village based factory, but I can't find the perfect spot.
so i tried SSP seed of Feed-The-Beast and spawned on a single block of bedrock in the air. That's it. There was nothing else around. Tempted to try this on a new SMP and trick friends. :)