Official FTB seed thread.

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Hey guys! I found a Survival Island seed! With only one tree, tall grass and some sugar cane!
The seed is: -8539592294959210395
You spawn on the main island, in an Ocean biome.
There is another island at x:136, y:64, z:-23, smaller than the main one.
Underground, there are some epic cave systems (that I often get lost in) and lots of lava poops pools.


The island with red wool marking where you spawn:

One of the caves, taken in my survival world save:
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This seed for FTB Magic Pack (v5) is excellent. You spawn next to a village and there are about 6 fairly deep oil wells with about 200-400 meters from spawn along with a few silverwood trees. a greatwood tree to the north and a spider infested Greatwood Tree to the southwest. Did I mention that there are cows and sheep everywhere? Chickens are a little harder to find, but i found some to the southeast of the village. In the Nether, There is a fortress 300 blocks west. The Nether, while not nearly as generous as the overworld...does have a nether fortress 300 blocks west or so. What's signicantly less generous is the location of the nearest strong is a long hike and the terrain and local mineshaft have destroyed large sections of it. That being said: This seed literally has EVERYthing that an aspiring magic pack user needs to get started quickly.

I am numarically dyslexic so if this isn't it i'll fix it when someone let's me know.

Happy adventuring!
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I think I found a pretty neat seed. It has two villages close together both with smithy's although only one has epic loot.

~begin transmission~

Seed: Feed the beast
Gen: default
Epicness: close to this song


The first village is near spawn and is situated in a shrubland biome surrounded by savanna and wasteland.
This village contains smithy however its chest doesn't anything special.

West from this village lies another village (coords: x -678 z 293) which contains an beekeeper as well as an smithy
whose chest contains pretty epic loot.

This 2nd village is situated near a surface ravine, two entrances to a vast network of caves, ravines and abandoned mines and a surface entrance to a zombie dungeon with also epic loot.

Between these two villages lies a dessert which contains at least two surface dungeons, loot not checked.

Image showing layout second village:

Note on image: mod specific terrain features will vary per generation.

~end transmission~
Best Seed Ever!
I spawned a little ways away (600 blocks) but this is so worth it!
If you go to the nether about 11 blocks beneath the floor of the church you find yourself right next to a Fortress with a blaze spawner inside a hill, just waiting to be made into a mob grinder!
All you need now is a giant canyon/crevice running parallel to the mountains. Then, it should be perfect.
If you look at the mountains as they are in the screen shot and go around to the right there are more jungle mountains with a ravine in front that you can just see.

Less amazing with Mystcraft worlds but if you're interested in a mushroom biome spawn island for single player map with any pack that uses ExtraBiomesXL for 1.3.x or above use this seed :)
Doesn't work.

At least for FTB 1st mod pack (BETA A, 1.4.2).

And since you didn't specificy for which modpack/version the seed was I assume it was for a different version.

>> after trying this yesterday several times, usually landing in the the water in the middle of nowhere i decided to try it again today.

ALthough the layout is a lot of different from your map there are some similarities so it seems to work a bit at least. :) Lot of randomness in seeds though.

I think I found a pretty neat seed. It has two villages close together both with smithy's although only one has epic loot.

~begin transmission~

Seed: Feed the beast
Gen: default
Epicness: close to this song


The first village is near spawn and is situated in a shrubland biome surrounded by savanna and wasteland.
This village contains smithy however its chest doesn't anything special.

West from this village lies another village (coords: x -678 z 293) which contains an beekeeper as well as an smithy
whose chest contains pretty epic loot.

This 2nd village is situated near a surface ravine, two entrances to a vast network of caves, ravines and abandoned mines and a surface entrance to a zombie dungeon with also epic loot.

Between these two villages lies a dessert which contains at least two surface dungeons, loot not checked.

Image showing layout second village:

Note on image: mod specific terrain features will vary per generation.

~end transmission~
-466763500696254256 small (about 30 block length) island in the middle of an ocean, with a single tree and some yellow flowers. There is some oil not far from it. Might be good for survival island type situation

Seed has high plateaus to build houses on, and some of the largest villages I've ever seen. Digging straight down next to the chest at the blacksmith, within the wasteland village close to spawn, will land safely in a large cave system near bedrock (many exposed ores). Following this cave system runs into a ravine and an abandoned mine. All close to bedrock and easily navigated for a quick start on resources.

Second village pictured is between two biomes and half on a hill.

Couple large exposed lava pools on the surface.

-400,340 another village spread way up a mountain side. :)
(Difficult to even get it all in one image.)
I haven't been able to find any decent seeds for the new pack. Anyone else have any luck?
Don't have pics handy, but try "Feed The Beast" or -1960741170

spawns on a cliff ledge, village behind you visible on the expanded minimap, cave opening near the village, spawner somewhere in the cave
Biomes at villiave: Green Swamp, Green Hills, Alpine,
Short distance away: Marsh, Mountain Taiga, Autumn Wood, Redwood forest, Mountains desert

edit: did it for the MindCrack pack
Don't have pics handy, but try "Feed The Beast" or -1960741170

spawns on a cliff ledge, village behind you visible on the expanded minimap, cave opening near the village, spawner somewhere in the cave
Biomes at villiave: Green Swamp, Green Hills, Alpine,
Short distance away: Marsh, Mountain Taiga, Autumn Wood, Redwood forest, Mountains desert

Thanks! I'll give it a try.
Oh My God... used this seed to Dire's modpack.. there is a zombie spawner below the first village (open cave, you can't miss it really)
and in one of the chests I found a Portal Gun !

I think I found a pretty neat seed. It has two villages close together both with smithy's although only one has epic loot.

~begin transmission~

Seed: Feed the beast
Gen: default
Epicness: close to this song


The first village is near spawn and is situated in a shrubland biome surrounded by savanna and wasteland.
This village contains smithy however its chest doesn't anything special.

West from this village lies another village (coords: x -678 z 293) which contains an beekeeper as well as an smithy
whose chest contains pretty epic loot.

This 2nd village is situated near a surface ravine, two entrances to a vast network of caves, ravines and abandoned mines and a surface entrance to a zombie dungeon with also epic loot.

Between these two villages lies a dessert which contains at least two surface dungeons, loot not checked.

Image showing layout second village:

Note on image: mod specific terrain features will vary per generation.

~end transmission~
- Bee-friendly seed
- Go to (0, +280) - it should be near spawn, i my case: (24, 324)
- Desert, Ice, Woodlands on one small island and around it. + vanilla swampland North-West from island

Seed: -7944390277081023420
