Whitelist Server NYAN-Craft [Mindcrack 8.2.0][Whitelisted][Mature 16+][20tps][Skype][NA Host][Mystcraft][Hard]

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IGN: Comxx
Age: 33
Where are you from: USA Oregon
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: Since Feed the Beast beta
Skype: Have one don't want to put it in a pub forum post though. Will give to you if accepted though.
Mic: Yes
Why do you want to join?: I want to join because other Friend that play one the server like Bigboy and Luner
Anything else: Not really just that I can't wait to play with you guys.
Where are you from:Finland
How long have you played Modded Minecraft:I installed my first mod in beta 1.3 (Normal minecraft i have been playing since alpha 1.1.2)
Skype: (Send it to us upon Approval)
Why do you want to join:I haven't played FTB for a month now and my old server got downed so i have been looking for an new FTB server. And i chose this server cause i wan't to play with mature peoples and with the mindcrack pack ;)
Anything else you want to add:I am not able to use mic everytime i play but on thos times i can still join your call and just listen you and talk via ingame chat. I am an fair player i won't whine like an 7yrs old kid if die and loose my items :D
IGN: Comxx
Age: 33
Where are you from: USA Oregon
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: Since Feed the Beast beta
Skype: Have one don't want to put it in a pub forum post though. Will give to you if accepted though.
Mic: Yes
Why do you want to join?: I want to join because other Friend that play one the server like Bigboy and Luner
Anything else: Not really just that I can't wait to play with you guys.

Added & Added
IGN: Purplepanda0x
Where are you from: USA Oregon
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: about 1 yr
Skype: (Send it to us upon Approval)
Why do you want to join: have several friends that play on the server like commxx, bigboy, dabomb.
Anything else you want to add: I just want to be able to play and have fun with some cool people...
Where are you from: East US
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: Not long, at all, but I am quickly learning many things
Skype: (Send it to us upon Approval)
Mic: Yes, would love to use it too
Why do you want to join: Wanting a backup server, the one I'm on is quickly going losing its playerbase. I'm also wanting a server to learn and grow from. I'm also hoping this server is friendly enough to at least point me in the right direction of doing what I want. Maybe/most likely be a new home.
Anything else you want to add: I'm very self contained/sustained, I mostly refuse to work/profit from a central spawn (although I want to contribute to them). I want to progress through FTB at my own speed, and not use materials or machines above my limit. I work with aestics in mind. I would also like to note, that I am very active in keeping my machines working only when they need to.

P.s. I love self sustained/renewable energy, and I am against using limited resources.
spawn looks somehow nuked =_= I hope there is some logging and server backups, because this "present" damaged all buildings above ground around spawn..
IGN: PotatoSamurai
Age: 25
Where are you from: Georgia, USA
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: Uncountable eons on Tekkit (>1y), maybe three months on FTB.
Mic: Negative
Why do you want to join:
Hard mode √
Emphasis on aesthetics √
Mystcraft (I actually read the novels) √
Anything else you want to add:
I'm an engineer type. I like building factories that actually look like factories, with iron-block panels, brick office buildings, etc. I also like integrating Industrialcraft etc. into buildings, like making massive dams for Water Mills (even though the Mills are hardly an effective power source). Oh, and I dislike destroying much of the natural terrain. Better to build within it.​
IGN: Hotncole
Age: 16
Where are you from: Dallas, Texas
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: I've played vanilla since the betas and played ftb about 4 months on an open server which closed down recently.
Skype: (Send it to us upon Approval) <---will do if accepted
Mic: I've got a pair of earbuds with a mic in them that I may be able to use and I plan on getting a headset soon.
Why do you want to join: I've played on open servers and they seem to be everyone just holed up and secluded. (no community) I'm also interested in mystcraft I'll have to look into it but it sounds fun. :)
Anything else you want to add: I have a few awesome soulshard spawner designs that I'd love to set up and I'm always open for a caving trip or to just hang out ingame.
IGN: mdgates00
Age: old
Where are you from: Buffalo, New York
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: Since Minecraft was in beta
Skype: (Send it to us upon Approval)
Mic: yes
Why do you want to join: My old FTB server had gone stale, and nobody's ever on anymore. Your server's got hard mode and mystcraft.
Anything else you want to add: See you in the game, hopefully.
Where are you from:USA
How long have you played Modded Minecraft:1 year
Skype: (Send it to us upon Approval)
Why do you want to join:because I believe I can help provide the server with building and interior decoration
I'm also very friendly and I'm very good with any projects

Anything else you want to add:I am a staff on another server and if I do get whitelisted I will be on everyday
IGN: xmigix
Where are you from:netherlands
How long have you played Modded Minecraft:6months
Why do you want to join: I like the whitelist gaming no spawn killing
Anything else you want to add: good in construct buildings and
IGN: doughman00
Age: 20
Where are you from: California
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: At least a year over multiple different mods.
Mic: Yes
Why do you want to join: A small tight knit server makes minecraft much more entertaining.
Anything else you want to add: Hope to talk to you soon.