Whitelist Server NYAN-Craft [Mindcrack 8.2.0][Whitelisted][Mature 16+][20tps][Skype][NA Host][Mystcraft][Hard]

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IGN: thunder2277o
Age: 19
Where are you from: USA
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: about a year and a half
Skype: (Send it to us upon Approval)
Mic: yes
Why do you want to join: want to get on a server that does not have griefers
Anything else you want to add: i mostly work with bees thaumcraft and a bit of red power

IGN: Reganom
Age: 24
Where are you from: UK
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: Played Technic for a while, and played the FTB maps.
Skype: (Send it to us upon Approval) Will do =]
Mic: Working fine (I think)
Why do you want to join: Looking for a nice community server, where people play to have fun WITH others, not despite. I like the fact mystcraft is added, I hate destroying the landscape with the quarries.
Anything else you want to add: My general build style in FTB is mod dependant, My factory looks like a factory, thaumcraft looks thaumcrafty and snozberries taste like snozberries! (sorry watched charlie and the chocolate factory again earlier!) I normally focus on building machine set ups, pipes running around my base, machines sending items to other machines to other factories to be sorted etc.
IGN: Reganom
Age: 24
Where are you from: UK
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: Played Technic for a while, and played the FTB maps.
Skype: (Send it to us upon Approval) Will do =]
Mic: Working fine (I think)
Why do you want to join: Looking for a nice community server, where people play to have fun WITH others, not despite. I like the fact mystcraft is added, I hate destroying the landscape with the quarries.
Anything else you want to add: My general build style in FTB is mod dependant, My factory looks like a factory, thaumcraft looks thaumcrafty and snozberries taste like snozberries! (sorry watched charlie and the chocolate factory again earlier!) I normally focus on building machine set ups, pipes running around my base, machines sending items to other machines to other factories to be sorted etc.

IGN: CrazzyL
Age: 17
Where are you from: Alberta,Canada
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: I've been playing Feed The Beast mod pack since it came out, bringing much experience in many of the mods that are implemented.
Skype: (Send it to us upon Approval) Will do!
Mic: Indeed
Why do you want to join: Recently I have been playing FTB by myself and have discovered it to be quite lonely. I would like to play with others on this mod pack and make connections to add to the experience of the game.
Anything else you want to add: I ensure that ill be an active player on the server except for a specific week as i will be in Spain :P
IGN: CrazzyL
Age: 17
Where are you from: Alberta,Canada
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: I've been playing Feed The Beast mod pack since it came out, bringing much experience in many of the mods that are implemented.
Skype: (Send it to us upon Approval) Will do!
Mic: Indeed
Why do you want to join: Recently I have been playing FTB by myself and have discovered it to be quite lonely. I would like to play with others on this mod pack and make connections to add to the experience of the game.
Anything else you want to add: I ensure that ill be an active player on the server except for a specific week as i will be in Spain :p

Added in a minute
IGN: thomboy90
Age: iam 14 but iam pretty mature
Where are you from: iam from the netherlands
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: i have played modded minecraft since ic1 and i think iam pretty good with it
Skype: (Send it to us upon Approval)
Mic: i use my ipad for skype but the sound is clear enough to hear me
Why do you want to join: i want to join because i have not played mindcracked on a server and i want to make some new friends
Anything else you want to ad : i hope you pick me and whe sould have allot of fun
IGN: thomboy90
Age: iam 14 but iam pretty mature
Where are you from: iam from the netherlands
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: i have played modded minecraft since ic1 and i think iam pretty good with it
Skype: (Send it to us upon Approval)
Mic: i use my ipad for skype but the sound is clear enough to hear me
Why do you want to join: i want to join because i have not played mindcracked on a server and i want to make some new friends
Anything else you want to ad : i hope you pick me and whe sould have allot of fun

Added Because im the only one from the netherlands currently :C
IGN: TheShyPie
Age: 22
Where are you from: California, USA
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: Since mods were new. :)
Skype: (Send it to us upon Approval) nikolas.sepulveda3 Though I prefer not to use it as my mic is broken (though im building a new computer soon, which will have one)
Mic: Sorta
Why do you want to join: Need some place fun and simple to play. Im tired of the over-complexity and hierarchy of public servers
Anything else you want to add: Tacos are good. Im highly experienced in all these mods.
IGN: TheShyPie
Age: 22
Where are you from: California, USA
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: Since mods were new. :)
Skype: (Send it to us upon Approval) nikolas.sepulveda3 Though I prefer not to use it as my mic is broken (though im building a new computer soon, which will have one)
Mic: Sorta
Why do you want to join: Need some place fun and simple to play. Im tired of the over-complexity and hierarchy of public servers
Anything else you want to add: Tacos are good. Im highly experienced in all these mods.

Where are you from:ms
How long have you played Modded Minecraft:1 1/2 years
Skype: (Send it to us upon Approval) i have skype but i use mumble
Mic:yes i have mumble
Why do you want to join:i want tp join a friendly server where i can play with a friend and survive
Anything else you want to add:do you have your own configs or anything like that
Where are you from: Arizona
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: for a few years now
Skype:i have skype but i dont like using it
Mic:i do have a mic but i prefer using mumble not Skype
Why do you want to join:i want to join to help the community and the other reason is that all the other servers i have played on have gone offline :/
Anything else you want to add: I am very knowledgeable when it comes to mods
Where are you from:The Netherlands
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: Since Beta, don't really remember, i played early versions of IC and other technical mods
Skype:I prefer not to post it but i have it and I can also use other Communication software like Mumble or TS
Mic:Yes, regular one
Why do you want to join: Basically to have a friendly community experience and being able to share and learn ideas and knowledge from the mods with others. And to have fun of course, together with other people! I like the addition of mystcraft. It changes the gameplay and lets the overworld landscape a bit of a nicer place altogether with the fact that aesthetic buildings are somewhat required. It really is a plus and makes this server a really interesting one, on top of the fact that it’s location is in The Netherlands, meaning that I won't have any lag issues. So I hope that this is convincing enough.
Anything else you want to add: Nothing special
Where are you from:ms
How long have you played Modded Minecraft:1 1/2 years
Skype: (Send it to us upon Approval) i have skype but i use mumble
Mic:yes i have mumble
Why do you want to join:i want tp join a friendly server where i can play with a friend and survive
Anything else you want to add:do you have your own configs or anything like that

Where are you from:The Netherlands
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: Since Beta, don't really remember, i played early versions of IC and other technical mods
Skype:I prefer not to post it but i have it and I can also use other Communication software like Mumble or TS
Mic:Yes, regular one
Why do you want to join: Basically to have a friendly community experience and being able to share and learn ideas and knowledge from the mods with others. And to have fun of course, together with other people! I like the addition of mystcraft. It changes the gameplay and lets the overworld landscape a bit of a nicer place altogether with the fact that aesthetic buildings are somewhat required. It really is a plus and makes this server a really interesting one, on top of the fact that it’s location is in The Netherlands, meaning that I won't have any lag issues. So I hope that this is convincing enough.
Anything else you want to add: Nothing special

Where are you from: Arizona
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: for a few years now
Skype:i have skype but i dont like using it
Mic:i do have a mic but i prefer using mumble not Skype
Why do you want to join:i want to join to help the community and the other reason is that all the other servers i have played on have gone offline :/
Anything else you want to add: I am very knowledgeable when it comes to mods

Added x3
IGN: bigbass1997
Age: 15 (Please read the rest before you reject me for my age)
Where are you from: USA
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: I have been playing modded MC for such a long time I can't quite remember exactly but I think I started in mid-beta.
Skype: (Will be sent at request through a PM)
Mic: My mic isn't bad in terms of quality but isn't a professional mic either. Mainly just a $10.00 Logitech headset.
Why do you want to join: The last Mindcrack server that I played on has become somewhat abandoned. What I mean by this is that a lot of the people who had played on it don't seem to come online as often as they used to. Due to this, I am looking for another mature server to play on where I don't have to worry about griefing or annoying, rude players.
Anything else you want to add: Although I understand if you don't want to approve this application because of my age, please give me a chance to prove I am not just a little kid trying to get on here to annoy everyone I can. You may hear this a lot but I am more mature and polite than most teenagers. I don't goof off like most others and I certainly don't break rules or laws. In my life, I strive to help others around me daily, even those who may be mean to me or that I dislike. To prove I'm not an annoying little kid, I am fully able to speak with you either on Skype, TeamSpeak, Ventrilo, and other various voice chat software. If you want to know my skype username, please message me privately as I do not like giving it away to the public.
Where are you from:arizona
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: first time
Skype: I have but don't use often
Mic:no mic but I have a computer that picks up voice
Why do you want to join:my friend plays on the server (dabomb0186) he gave me his spare account
Anything else you want to add:i would really like to play on this server

IGN : _SyndicateX
Age : 15 (Honest is trust)
Where are you from? : Australia
How long have you played modded minecraft? : Year and a half.
Skype : No , i use teamspeak or ventrillo.
Mic : Webcam
Why do you want to join? : Looking for a community based server and mainly because dabomb0186 made me apply.
Anything else you want to add? : Knowledge is power, and honesty is trust.
IGN: FijianMamba
Age: 16
Where are you from: Canada
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: For about a year now
Mic: Yes
Why do you want to join: I want to join because I want to play some FTB with people that love it as much as I do!
Anything else you want to add: I think I can bring a lot to the server because I know most of the mods pretty well
IGN: bigbass1997
Age: 15 (Please read the rest before you reject me for my age)
Where are you from: USA
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: I have been playing modded MC for such a long time I can't quite remember exactly but I think I started in mid-beta.
Skype: (Will be sent at request through a PM)
Mic: My mic isn't bad in terms of quality but isn't a professional mic either. Mainly just a $10.00 Logitech headset.
Why do you want to join: The last Mindcrack server that I played on has become somewhat abandoned. What I mean by this is that a lot of the people who had played on it don't seem to come online as often as they used to. Due to this, I am looking for another mature server to play on where I don't have to worry about griefing or annoying, rude players.
Anything else you want to add: Although I understand if you don't want to approve this application because of my age, please give me a chance to prove I am not just a little kid trying to get on here to annoy everyone I can. You may hear this a lot but I am more mature and polite than most teenagers. I don't goof off like most others and I certainly don't break rules or laws. In my life, I strive to help others around me daily, even those who may be mean to me or that I dislike. To prove I'm not an annoying little kid, I am fully able to speak with you either on Skype, TeamSpeak, Ventrilo, and other various voice chat software. If you want to know my skype username, please message me privately as I do not like giving it away to the public.

Where are you from:arizona
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: first time
Skype: I have but don't use often
Mic:no mic but I have a computer that picks up voice
Why do you want to join:my friend plays on the server (dabomb0186) he gave me his spare account
Anything else you want to add:i would really like to play on this server

IGN: FijianMamba
Age: 16
Where are you from: Canada
How long have you played Modded Minecraft: For about a year now
Mic: Yes
Why do you want to join: I want to join because I want to play some FTB with people that love it as much as I do!
Anything else you want to add: I think I can bring a lot to the server because I know most of the mods pretty well

IGN : _SyndicateX
Age : 15 (Honest is trust)
Where are you from? : Australia
How long have you played modded minecraft? : Year and a half.
Skype : No , i use teamspeak or ventrillo.
Mic : Webcam
Why do you want to join? : Looking for a community based server and mainly because dabomb0186 made me apply.
Anything else you want to add? : Knowledge is power, and honesty is trust.

Added x4
Age 15 ( Turning 16 )
I am from Australia
I have played FTB for approximately a year
I do not own a Mic or Skype account
I want to join a friendly community that will allow me to co-operate with others and have friendly treatment
Although i do not own i mic i still hope this would not determine whether i would be accepted
Thank you.