Now Listed - Banished V 1.4.0 [Magic][Cave world][HQM][Combat][Survival]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thinking about EE3, im suggesting that EE3 Energy should only be gained from very limited resources (maybe even only from an item you only get through dark energy?), but that it can be spend on most things. It is still very nice not haveing to hoard wool or similar, so i wouldn't remove EE3 entirely.

Yeah, unfortunately as far as I can tell, EE3 doesn't let you designate items as 'break for points only' or 'purchase with points only'. Anything that has an EE3 value can be broken down...And you can't build anything that doesn't have an EE3 value.

It's a kind of a broken mod. It encourages laziness. I used it to replicate a ton of chicken feathers and smooth stone for when I was building my towers (I use holystone). Also a ton of obsidian. But unless I am in a hurry (like I can't find something when I'm recording an LP) I try to avoid using it for 'real' resources.

Just my thing. YMMV.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hm. I guess it can't be helped.

But speaking of resources, is there an non-ghast mob that drops ghast tears? Or do i have to thaw out an hell biome and hope that a ghast spawns?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hm. I guess it can't be helped.

But speaking of resources, is there an non-ghast mob that drops ghast tears? Or do i have to thaw out an hell biome and hope that a ghast spawns?

You can use Botania to create ghast tears from, hmmmm. Is it blaze powder? Something like that. NEI shows it. Blaze powder is pretty easy, lots of the lava-monster types drop it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There is one item that needs to be nerfed in EE3 and especially in this modpack, it's Hardened Clay. Once you find a biome called "Mesa", the biome made of hardened clay, you can get tons of EMC just by mining it.

1 Hardened Clay (any color) = 256 EMC
Stack = 16,3k EMC =~2 Diamonds (8,12k)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You can use Botania to create ghast tears from, hmmmm. Is it blaze powder? Something like that. NEI shows it. Blaze powder is pretty easy, lots of the lava-monster types drop it.

Im sorry, but your wrong. There is no crafting recipe shown in NEI. The only interaction with Ghast Tears and Botania is that you can turn them into ender pearls. Why anyone would do that is beyond me.

And i don't know what kind of hardened clay you guys have, but the one i found has an value of one. Unless it's colored hardened clay, then it's three. Wow.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Im sorry, but your wrong. There is no crafting recipe shown in NEI. The only interaction with Ghast Tears and Botania is that you can turn them into ender pearls. Why anyone would do that is beyond me.

And i don't know what kind of hardened clay you guys have, but the one i found has an value of one. Unless it's colored hardened clay, then it's three. Wow.

My mistake, I thought there was also a reverse recipe, just as the Botania recipe for glowstone-to-redstone is reversible.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hm. I guess it can't be helped.

But speaking of resources, is there an non-ghast mob that drops ghast tears? Or do i have to thaw out an hell biome and hope that a ghast spawns?

I've gotten quite a few of them off of some mobs. I think two types have dropped ghast tears, forget one of them, but the other was the big floating eyes that shoot energy projectiles. It made me risk a lot of death during an event to go hunt them all down and get 7 ghast tears.

Of course, i'll never do something fun and dangerous like that again, because i'll just converts some stacks of hardended clay into a chest of ghast tears with EE.
(Sarcasm, for those who can't see my loathing for EE dripping from that statement ).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've gotten quite a few of them off of some mobs. I think two types have dropped ghast tears, forget one of them, but the other was the big floating eyes that shoot energy projectiles. It made me risk a lot of death during an event to go hunt them all down and get 7 ghast tears.

Of course, i'll never do something fun and dangerous like that again, because i'll just converts some stacks of hardended clay into a chest of ghast tears with EE.
(Sarcasm, for those who can't see my loathing for EE dripping from that statement ).

Hm. Do you remember which biome you were in?

And remember how broken EE2 was. One day, we will have sufficently balanced mods. But until then, remember the broken mods of the past.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It was during the event that spawned a few dozen of them.

The problem is EE2 is pretty basic "equivalent exchange". The idea that we are trading value for value. We aren't. The person that needs ghast tears for something is going to have to so a little hunting for them. But once you have one, you can get as many as you want to of the formerly rare item that you used to value. You trade the stuff you don't want for stuff you do want. Right there, the idea of Equivalent goes out the window.

To make it worse, items have different uses in different packs. Obsidian is considered good in banished, to make a protected base. But it's a moderately cheap item in EE. Once you have EE, you don't have any problem getting as much obsidian as needed. Even if EE had some sort of processor that slowly broke down materials over time, and required fuel, and you only got 1/4 of the values put in vs taken out, Even with all those restrictions, it would still be an awesome thing to have that people would work toward getting. As is, it's so OP its flawed beyond redemption.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There is one item that needs to be nerfed in EE3 and especially in this modpack, it's Hardened Clay. Once you find a biome called "Mesa", the biome made of hardened clay, you can get tons of EMC just by mining it.

1 Hardened Clay (any color) = 256 EMC
Stack = 16,3k EMC =~2 Diamonds (8,12k)
The latest version of the modpack already sets the EMC value of Hardened Clay to 1. The lolnet server just doesn't have that version, I believe.
I do agree though that EE is way too overpowered. But it's like that in every pack it's in.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Mikhaila666 It doesn't seem that you know that we use EE3. So i tell you. EE2 was MUCH more broken - becoming an (demi) God was putting it mildly.

Under normal cicumstances (for example access to the nether), it would be quite easy to get ghast tears, with the mods available. And really, i only need one to make that status cleaning amulet for the thaumcraft quests.

And Obsidian for Protection? I use (marble) slabs. Never had an problem, besides events that spawn flying monsters.

For me, it is nice to be able to concentrate on other things other then rare or odd resource hunting for a change. To many modpacks use hoarding.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hm. Do you remember which biome you were in?

And remember how broken EE2 was. One day, we will have sufficently balanced mods. But until then, remember the broken mods of the past.

It was during the event that spawned a few dozen of them.

The problem is EE2 is pretty basic "equivalent exchange". The idea that we are trading value for value. We aren't. The person that needs ghast tears for something is going to have to so a little hunting for them. But once you have one, you can get as many as you want to of the formerly rare item that you used to value. You trade the stuff you don't want for stuff you do want. Right there, the idea of Equivalent goes out the window.

To make it worse, items have different uses in different packs. Obsidian is considered good in banished, to make a protected base. But it's a moderately cheap item in EE. Once you have EE, you don't have any problem getting as much obsidian as needed. Even if EE had some sort of processor that slowly broke down materials over time, and required fuel, and you only got 1/4 of the values put in vs taken out, Even with all those restrictions, it would still be an awesome thing to have that people would work toward getting. As is, it's so OP its flawed beyond redemption.

I am pretty sure you're referring to the "Hell's Fury" event, which spawns a bunch of monsters from the old Doom FPS. The big floating eye beholder-type ones are called cacodemons.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am pretty sure you're referring to the "Hell's Fury" event, which spawns a bunch of monsters from the old Doom FPS. The big floating eye beholder-type ones are called cacodemons.

Thanks! I had an gut feeling that they are involved, seeing how they are mentioned when i type "ghast" into NEI.

I had something odd happen to me - some items lost their EE3 value, like gold blocks. Restarting made them come back though.

Do i have to get knowledge fragments to make eldricht eyes?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes. Caco-demons from the hells fury event give you them. So far that's the only way I got my ghast tears... After that it was growing my crops or cutting down the massive amounts of hardened clay to create insane things. So if a hells fury event comes up, run around a big cave with your ranged spell and hunt down demons. Snares a good one because it puts down an area effect so that when the floating skulls enter it they immediately explode. One guy for ever snare tho (unless they're on top of each other) so you probably want to spam it a bit.

I've cut pretty much 16 blocks high worth of 8 chunks if not more of the hardened clay and I must say it produced me 10 of the alchemy chests which = 8 diamonds and a chest... thats a lot if your going to break it down into obsidian and void stone so I do agree with it being broken yet it funds my massive building project so I can't say how much I want it taken away P: ah well.

I've also found something that's an interaction between lycanites and botania in which most people are probably not aware of. Any one seen hydrangeas die off? Well the lava version doesn't and lycanites makes a renewable lava source. So it's essentially saying "Have your hydrangeas back... Just don't fall in the lava and your set." Best part is that the lava doesn't spawn lava mobs and thus is probably the safest you'll ever come by. It's fairly simple to make: One ghast tear and a bucket of lava. Make two buckets and it's infinite lava bud.

Also: I don't know if this is considered legal to ask but: @DrasticDemise can I wonder how you gave recipes to the ars magica plants in the aura cascade. I give props to you for figuring that out because I swear I've been using multi Mc and can't seem to find a way to do it. Mind you I'm new to the experimenting with different mods though if the answer is extremely simple I'm going to face palm real hard... I ask this because I want to see if I can put together a sky block mod group that allows me to utilize aura cascade to minerly supply ars magica: If this is not a legal question I do apologize, just ignore it/ tell me and I'll delete the question if the forums let me.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And i thought that "purified" lava wouldn't work! I guess the flower doesn't care about NBT data. Btw, use @ to address a specific person, it helps getting their attention.

Did anyone see tainted land? I want to research it. Also, in case anyone wonders why i need eldrich eyes, despite the fact there is no way into the thaumcraft dimension: Certain recipes need it.

Speaking of searching, one thing i miss about banished is finding some dungeons or similar structures.

Oh, and does anyone know if lycanite mobs still spawn in an mushroom island biome?

EDIT: You guys could have told me that the dungeon caller doesn't work anymore.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Mikhaila666 It doesn't seem that you know that we use EE3. So i tell you. EE2 was MUCH more broken - becoming an (demi) God was putting it mildly.

Under normal cicumstances (for example access to the nether), it would be quite easy to get ghast tears, with the mods available. And really, i only need one to make that status cleaning amulet for the thaumcraft quests.

And Obsidian for Protection? I use (marble) slabs. Never had an problem, besides events that spawn flying monsters.

For me, it is nice to be able to concentrate on other things other then rare or odd resource hunting for a change. To many modpacks use hoarding.

I know EE2 well, that it was more broken than EE3 does not mean EE3 is not broken as well. I know why some people like it. It makes the pack easier for you, takes less time, etc. I get that you like it for that. But at the same time, understand I really enjoyed the difficulty of Banished, and am saddened to see one Mod take away much of the difficulty.

I brought up obsidian, because so many gamers talk about wanting to get it to protect their bases. I know there are many other ways to protect a base.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And I'm a bit grumpy about restarting a server every hour, or several times an hour as players crash it by using shift/click with EE3.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And I'm a bit grumpy about restarting a server every hour, or several times an hour as players crash it by using shift/click with EE3.

What the heck?! That's some pretty horrendous code. I can't imagine why it should be doing that. Doing the calc to see if enough energy/material is available and then dumping the player inventory full of whatever shouldn't crash the server. Have you mentioned this to the person behind EE3?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I logged in to say thank you, for ghasts in main world, that you can not block (their fireballs break cobble in large chunks), nor hide from (they see you through any block, blasting tunnels towards your location).
From mid-game, to ground zero - in 10 seconds.
Even better: to get Player focus you need 25 dark power (that I can understand) AND 3 diamonds. How the hell you're supposed to get that without wood or mining spell?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I logged in to say thank you, for ghasts in main world, that you can not block (their fireballs break cobble in large chunks), nor hide from (they see you through any block, blasting tunnels towards your location).
From mid-game, to ground zero - in 10 seconds.
Even better: to get Player focus you need 25 dark power (that I can understand) AND 3 diamonds. How the hell you're supposed to get that without wood or mining spell?

You only need 25 dark power and 3 diamonds to get the REPLACEMENT player focus.

You get your first player focus for free as part of a quest reward.

As for dealing with ghasts at point-blank range...Work on your return. They serve, you return; if they've been blasting a tunnel to get to you then they've got no way to dodge it. Return To Sender is Vanillacraft...