Now Listed - Banished V 1.4.0 [Magic][Cave world][HQM][Combat][Survival]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There is a targeting book for the turrets and golems that can be created. I will be adding a quest that comes with the book that has some lycanites mobs by default for targets.

Very cool. Having it as an in-game fix with an in-game quest to tell people what to do is much more immersive (and will be less intimidating than trying to find and create a file, for those folks who aren't terribly computer-literate).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone else able to generate totems from thaumcraft? Can't figure out how to generate black aura energy. From all my research/searches black aura doesn't do much.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone else able to generate totems from thaumcraft? Can't figure out how to generate black aura energy. From all my research/searches black aura doesn't do much.
It is a known bug, items requiring black aura are uncraftable. Will be fixed next update


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It is a known bug, items requiring black aura are uncraftable. Will be fixed next update
I apologize didn't find it when I searched totem in this forum but should have checked issue page. Thanks for the quick reply and really loving the pack. Lots of fun.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone else able to generate totems from thaumcraft? Can't figure out how to generate black aura energy. From all my research/searches black aura doesn't do much.

I just wanted to ask aswell!

It is a known bug, items requiring black aura are uncraftable. Will be fixed next update

NOOOOOOOO my osmotic enchanter ! :(

EDIT: So, where do i find shadowmetal ore again? Only in tainted biomes?

EDIT2: *some research later* huh, i have to refine it myself. ok then.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
NOOOOOOOO my osmotic enchanter ! :(

I actually figured out you can change the required type in the script folder. I just adjusted Black Aura to White Aura until the update comes out. So yay no exp farming!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Any tips for a noob that cant stop dying? :p

Dig in, then Dig up asap, then cobbleslab everything. Get the rock magic. Use cobbleslab windows to snipe enemies.

From there, get the dig magic, then the light magic, then the far ranged light magic. Light everything up. In the process get as much string as you can, and be always weary of geonachs and phantoms.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone found a good way to get wither skeleton heads? Trying to get nether star for focus of warding.

Also, is there plans to make the shimmerleaf via aura or anything? Can't make the fortress mask that removes warp.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone found a good way to get wither skeleton heads? Trying to get nether star for focus of warding.

Also, is there plans to make the shimmerleaf via aura or anything? Can't make the fortress mask that removes warp.

That removes warp? That's new to me, i thought it makes severe warp events occur less (often). And aren't there (more) Wither Skeletons in Hell biomes?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone found a good way to get wither skeleton heads? Trying to get nether star for focus of warding.
If you're far into botania, the elementium axe works like a cleaver, i.e. it has an increased chance to drop mob heads. You could try that. Apart from that, try getting or making a skeleton spawner. They should also create Wither Skeletons, especially if set up in the Nether. GraveStones has a skeleton spawner made from skeleton heads.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
FINALLY, after getting nearly 41 magic levels only through digging and laying down mage lights, i found morganite!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Today, my Guard Golem died. He was made out the finest thaumium, together with all the toys he could ever wanted - including an fashionable fez. Sadly, a "Swarm" event made my base full with BEES. About 8 of them swarmed him, and he was pummeled to death, despite me feroucisly using spells. (Not that he was ever usefull, most mobs he can't even get to before being knocked back harshly.)

As it turns out, AM2 attack spells were nerfed. The same old rock blast from the spell book is just as strong as the fire+lightning+ice+magic+force combo spell i made.

In further news, how am i supposed to make eldrich eyes? To be able to make them, researching the "crimson rites" book and an eldritch obelisk are needed. (They are needed for some tainted magic recipes, like the boots of the voidwalker.)

Finally, did anyone do the "new horizons" super hungry node? It sound incredibly dangerous (as in, nuke dangerous) and i wanted to inform myself before doing anything.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First and foremost, I love this modpack! It's awesome. I usually never stray far from my tech mods but I've had a ton of fun learning all these magic ones! That being said, I'm having one huge problem. My husband and I play on LAN with me hosting the game. There have been a TON of times that he will die & be in the overworld again. He loses all of his magic levels, affinities, etc. and doesn't keep any of his items even if they are soulbound. Is there anything I can do to fix this? We usually just load up a backup save but, that tends to get a bit tedious. Any help anyone could give would be greatly appreciated!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I doubt you'll do this, but I think that Tinker's Construct would be a great mod for the pack. You can change the config and stuff to make progression a whole lot harder. Also, it would add in hammers, which would make it a lot easier to mine. It'd be awesome. Just a suggestion. You don't have to listen, as it's your pack. I just wanted to give my feedback. Otherwise, I'm loving the modpack. Very fun. I played for 6 hours straight before I realized it was 4 in the morning. Thanks for the great pack. Looking forward to your future work.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First and foremost, I love this modpack! It's awesome. I usually never stray far from my tech mods but I've had a ton of fun learning all these magic ones! That being said, I'm having one huge problem. My husband and I play on LAN with me hosting the game. There have been a TON of times that he will die & be in the overworld again. He loses all of his magic levels, affinities, etc. and doesn't keep any of his items even if they are soulbound. Is there anything I can do to fix this? We usually just load up a backup save but, that tends to get a bit tedious. Any help anyone could give would be greatly appreciated!

For some reason, Lan mysteriously breaks other mods for no reason. I am not entirely sure as to why.

When he dies does he have a spawn point set in the cave world?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For some reason, Lan mysteriously breaks other mods for no reason. I am not entirely sure as to why.

When he dies does he have a spawn point set in the cave world?

Yep! He has his spawn set to his bed in our safe house. It's as if all of his player data gets deleted or reset. Would making our own server maybe stop this from happening since it might just be LAN breaking things?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yep! He has his spawn set to his bed in our safe house. It's as if all of his player data gets deleted or reset. Would making our own server maybe stop this from happening since it might just be LAN breaking things?
I would run a server from your machine (single player is doing this anyway just with not as many options)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Some feedback on EE.
Players on the server went from struggling for resources and dying a lot, to endgame, in about 2 days after hitting EE. Last night I watched a player with Awakened Ichorium and other Thaumcraft endgame items build a 1200 long 3x3 tunnel lined with obsidian in a couple of hours.

There's a nice learning curve and power progression up to EE. But having all the resources you need speeds Thaumcraft, and any other mod, immensely. Two small fixes we did were changing hardened clay from 256 to 1, and banning the recipe for knowledge shards. I'm sure though that there are dozens of other ways EE unbalances an otherwise very nice mod pack.

I guess it might be a difference in how you see the pack. If you just want something to play and beat in a couple of weeks, it's fine. Early struggle and death, mid-game play with little victories, and then EE and a race to the finish line.

For folks setting up servers, i'd suggest thinking about what type you want. For a longer struggle, i think the game plays better without the transmutation tablet. The real shame, is that it overshadows the other mods. Where you might need to progress in Aura, Thaum, or Ars to get certain resources you can now just easily duplicate them once you have it learned.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thinking about EE3, im suggesting that EE3 Energy should only be gained from very limited resources (maybe even only from an item you only get through dark energy?), but that it can be spend on most things. It is still very nice not haveing to hoard wool or similar, so i wouldn't remove EE3 entirely.