First off this pack is the most fun I have had in MC this year, the dread you feel when you hear mobs digging/mining to you is real, & the shock value of tp creepers & a lot of the new mobs is scarey as hell but added an edge that is palatable, in short it scares the crap outta me but I love it.
Now to the crux of my post, I have just setup a small creeperhost server & was hoping to host this for a small white list group, DLing the server from ftb launcher atm, its named Testserver so my question is what version is it, ie what client version needed to connect & is there anything that's not obvious I should know in advance ?
& yes I know there is a server up atm but there in Canada, the ping is unplayable so...
Oh & any plans to get this pack on the creeper host servers list ?