How could you say that painting our beloved town blue is retarded?
Its a nice way to paint away the red blood from the past.
but since you want us to be more objective... lets add to the town a very nice TTT element.
Every night 2 people are voted (the two most voted) to be tested on the Wolven Tester.
Results are posted on the nightly recap before anything else.
These results can not be altered by anything else.
If the result is RED, both tested players will be jailed and be completely immune to any power whatsoever until the town decides (with a vote) on the next day who will be lynched.
If the one lynched is a wolf, the other one is released.
If the one lynched is not a wolf, the other one is kept inside the jail and will be executed on the following day.
It works like math.
+ + = + (Green)
+ - = - (Red)
- - = + (Green)
(+ = wolven trait and - = absence of it)