Whitelist Server *NEW WORLD* ComplexCraft | DireWolf20 1.0.23| WhiteList | 24/7 | No Lag | Very Friendly | No Bans |

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IGN Mr_Diablo
age 20
I want to help the server out again ^.^ or play atleast thanks
Re-Added!! WB[DOUBLEPOST=1398895800][/DOUBLEPOST]Everyone thank djlite138 for helping get the server up and running. I had an issue with my back account and he came to the rescue.. Thanks DJ!!
Just so everyone knows, there now is a donation link on the first post, if you want to help out, that would be great. Also if we go above the amount, we have been talking about running 2 servers, one with a different Pack....
Yeah attack of the B-team has a few mods we know like MFR and Thermal expansion, and some i doubt many of us have used like necromancy, tropicraft, fossil/archeology reported and many more. It is technic tho, so that may deter people....
Re-Added!! WB[DOUBLEPOST=1398895800][/DOUBLEPOST]Everyone thank djlite138 for helping get the server up and running. I had an issue with my back account and he came to the rescue.. Thanks DJ!!
what version of the server is it on? 1.0.21?[DOUBLEPOST=1398961176][/DOUBLEPOST]
Server should be online...
what version is the server on i cannot log on due to microblocks are not installed
no endermen were spawning in the end and now the server has crashed
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Ok i just tried logging in after scheduled server reset time and it died as soon as i turned and tried to take a single step :/ wth...
-- Entity being ticked --
Entity Type: null (net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP)
Entity ID: 170509
Entity Name: sineddw
Entity's Exact location: 229.18, 84.00, 642.20
Entity's Block location: World: (229,84,642), Chunk: (at 5,5,2 in 14,40; contains blocks 224,0,640 to 239,255,655), Region: (0,1; contains chunks 0,32 to 31,63, blocks 0,0,512 to 511,255,1023)
Entity's Momentum: 0.00, -0.08, 0.00
at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72939_s(World.java:2704)

-- Affected level --
Level name: DIM_MYST4
All players: 1 total; [EntityPlayerMP['sineddw'/170509, l='DIM_MYST4', x=229.18, y=84.00, z=642.20](sineddw at 229.17656662650245,84.0,642.1987828028405)]
Chunk stats: ServerChunkCache: 1228 Drop: 0
Level seed: -4097910017435568720
Level generator: ID 04 - BIOMESOP, ver 0. Features enabled: true
Level generator options:
Level spawn location: World: (-345,63,871), Chunk: (at 7,3,7 in -22,54; contains blocks -352,0,864 to -337,255,879), Region: (-1,1; contains chunks -32,32 to -1,63, blocks -512,0,512 to -1,255,1023)
Level time: 53628846 game time, 3277528 day time
Level dimension: 4
Level storage version: 0x04ABD - Anvil
Level weather: Rain time: 11900 (now: true), thunder time: 11900 (now: true)
Level game mode: Game mode: survival (ID 0). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:883)
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(DedicatedServer.java:330)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:777)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:659)
at net.minecraft.server.ThreadMinecraftServer.run(ThreadMinecraftServer.java:16)[DOUBLEPOST=1399065536][/DOUBLEPOST]This is the crash report, that sent the server into constant crashes, i will try my best to revive it.....
IGN : Torpdeo
Age : 16
Minecraft Expertice : I have played FTB for over a year now.
Why you want to join : I want to find a server with a nice community that also has plenty of players
IGN : HappyGamerMike
Age : 24
Minecraft Expertise : Esthetic Builds Engineering with ThaumCraft, Ars Magica and Thermal Expansion
Why you want to join : I've been wanting to be part of a friendly and talking community of people on my minecraft: FTB Server for years but so far I can only find the ones where you join and you find your self in a little corner of the world somewhere and nobody is talk. So I'm hoping to find a really friendly community here.
IGN: MrMan3344
Age: 14
Been playing Minecraft since Beta 1.3_01 and started playing with mods for about 2 years. Very experienced with most of the mods within the pack.
I haven't played on a server for a while now, starting to get lonely here... anyways, I am friendly towards everyone
IGN : Torpdeo
Age : 16
Minecraft Expertice : I have played FTB for over a year now.
Why you want to join : I want to find a server with a nice community that also has plenty of players
IGN : HappyGamerMike
Age : 24
Minecraft Expertise : Esthetic Builds Engineering with ThaumCraft, Ars Magica and Thermal Expansion
Why you want to join : I've been wanting to be part of a friendly and talking community of people on my minecraft: FTB Server for years but so far I can only find the ones where you join and you find your self in a little corner of the world somewhere and nobody is talk. So I'm hoping to find a really friendly community here.
IGN: MrMan3344
Age: 14
Been playing Minecraft since Beta 1.3_01 and started playing with mods for about 2 years. Very experienced with most of the mods within the pack.
I haven't played on a server for a while now, starting to get lonely here... anyways, I am friendly towards everyone
Accepted Welcome
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Reactions: HappyGamerMike
IGN: LimpLungs
Age: 17
Minecraft Expertise: I am fairly solid with my redstone knowledge, although I usually build it over complicated to start and compact it later on/if need the space. I have built large builds before and various servers, and have been playing minecraft since July or August of 2009 (although I used my brother's account until the "Halloween Update" with pumpkins etc when I bought mine). I have also dabbled in coding and created my own basic mod for minecraft.
Why I want to join: I am looking for a server where I can actively build without the need to worry about griefing, and where I can collaborate with others. There is only so much fun to be had in a singleplayer world, but all non-whitelist servers are griefed like crazy for the first 20,000 blocks or so... Perhaps in the future I would start making some videos if the server players (and host) would allow me to do so, but I am still unsure if I would want to.

EDIT*** Forgot to mention, I have played mods for a long time as well, and actively watch Direwolf20 and Ethoslab for more mod/vanilla knowledge.
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IGN: LimpLungs
Age: 17
Minecraft Expertise: I am fairly solid with my redstone knowledge, although I usually build it over complicated to start and compact it later on/if need the space. I have built large builds before and various servers, and have been playing minecraft since July or August of 2009 (although I used my brother's account until the "Halloween Update" with pumpkins etc when I bought mine). I have also dabbled in coding and created my own basic mod for minecraft.
Why I want to join: I am looking for a server where I can actively build without the need to worry about griefing, and where I can collaborate with others. There is only so much fun to be had in a singleplayer world, but all non-whitelist servers are griefed like crazy for the first 20,000 blocks or so... Perhaps in the future I would start making some videos if the server players (and host) would allow me to do so, but I am still unsure if I would want to.

EDIT*** Forgot to mention, I have played mods for a long time as well, and actively watch Direwolf20 and Ethoslab for more mod/vanilla knowledge.
Accepted Welcome