[New mod pack] What do you think so far? [unreleased]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys, so people were talking about how they would like to see a mod pack that used mods that didn't use RF, but still had all the features... so I have done just that, and started to make it something which will hopefully be fun to play :)

This pack will be entitled "Industrial Revolution" - And as you can guess from the title, tech mods only.

So where do we start? Mod list I have so far? Yeah, let's start there:
Applied Energistics
Carpenter's Blocks
Chicken Chunks
Chisel 2
Code Chicken Core
Hunger Overhaul
Ingame Wiki Mod
INpure Core
Inventory Tweaks
Iron Chests
Logistics Pipes
NEI Integration
NEI plugins
Pam's Harvestcraft
Refined Relocation
Rails of War
Tinkers' Construct
Tinkers' Tooltips
Tinkers' Mechworks

So as you see there's 3 (technically 4) potential RF using mods in that list:
Railcraft, Buildcraft, Applied Energistics and Logistics Pipes.
I allowed these mods in for a few reasons:
AE: Storage/sorting. I am not the biggest fan of rooms of chests.
Buildcraft and Railcraft: These were originally MJ, and stuck with it in 1.6.4, even though most things were converting to RF.
Logistics Pipes: If buildcraft is installed, I always add LogPipes, as it gives people a mid-way storage solution between Refined Relocation and AE.

So how are you putting this together Jordan? Just throwing them all in, and hoping it turns out good? NO!
I am trying to integrate the mods at least a tiny bit.
Right now I have it so you start out by getting into PneumaticCraft (getting compressed iron), which you use Railcraft's Rolling Machine to make into Pressure Chamber components (which can only be powered by Buildcraft engines, as Railcraft engines are disabled).
From there you are able to get into Rotarycraft and Tinkers' (as you make your stone bricks, for the Blast Furnace, using the pressure chamber, and you need stone bricks to make seared brick blocks), and after getting some HSLA steel, you can put that into a Railcraft Blast Furance to make regular steel.

And that's about as far as I am with progression and integration. But I have only spent an hour or so doing that.
I spent so long trying to get my head around Rails of War, and then adding recipes for that.

But yeah, practically no RF in the pack, other than to power the rolling machine, and buildcraft machines (quarry is disabled).

So what do you think so far?
Any suggestions for mods, progression stuff, etc.
When it comes to suggesting mods:
IF it uses RF now, did it output RF in 1.6.4? If no, suggest it.
Is it techy? If yes, suggest it.
Is it magic? If yes, don't suggest it.
Does it give Jordan cake? If yes, suggest it.
Does it add something the mods already listed don't add? If yes, suggest it.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I really like the idea off this mod pack and it actually gives you a challenge instead off mining for 20 mins and making power. You could possibly add Iguanas Tinker Tweaks as it could give the mod pack more off a challenge and more realistic feel. Definitely going to be keeping an eye on this mod pack
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Mod Developer
Dec 24, 2013
Heh. It reminds me of Magnum Opus a bit, except Magnum Opus is at the point where I'm writing custom feature mods just to make it work the way I want to.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't know what it does. Enlighten me?
One of RoC companion mods - provides high end power gen for RoC.
Usually the trifecta suite of Rotarycraft, Reactorcraft and Electricraft (all of which are Reika's mods) are installed together as they are all complimentary and integrate.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
One of RoC companion mods - provides high end power gen for RoC.
Usually the trifecta suite of Rotarycraft, Reactorcraft and Electricraft (all of which are Reika's mods) are installed together as they are all complimentary and integrate.
I know what it is, but I don't know why they are always used together.
People always told me that ReC was a great way to get RF, by converting ReC's power to RF. And I have never really used Electricraft, so I don't know what that does either.


Jan 29, 2015
This sounds really interesting! :)

I don't know if I'm being crazy, but it reads like a 1.6.4 pack - am I just being a bit demented or is it actually geared towards 1.6.4? If so, I would love to give it a test drive!

Its also very unusual to put Tinker's as a later game rather than an early game mod, so straightaway that stands out as an intriguing and interesting choice! Did you have something in mind in that mid-to-late game that Tinker's would be giving you?

- GwnG


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know what it is, but I don't know why they are always used together.
People always told me that ReC was a great way to get RF, by converting ReC's power to RF. And I have never really used Electricraft, so I don't know what that does either.
I haven't had the time to actually sit down and play with the mods myself, so bear in mind I'm going mostly on what I've heard from others.
From what I understand ReC is all about the cool high end power gen. At what I presume would be the mid-game stage there are small, flat(not 100% on the flat bit) reactors you can build which act as component based multiblocks - think along the lines of an inworld block based version of the IC2 reactors, with components functioning differently depending on what is around them. At the higher end of the spectrum is the big tokamak(?) fusion reactor which tends to be the inspiration for a number of mega builds centred on it which produces more power than you and all your friends could likely ever use, but takes an obscene amount of infrastructure and materials to build. As for the RF conversion, from what I understand ReC has variations on its turbines (which are used to actually generate the power from the steam the different reactors generate) which can directly output RF, but is primarily meant to be used with RoC shaft power.
As for why they are always used together, people seem to like the idea of this totally endgame powergen to add all powergen and I'm under the impression that ReC outright requires RoC to be installed.
Electricraft on the other hand, provides a means to mass store power and provides better long distance transport options by transforming shaft power into its own electrical system which is intended as a realistic simulation of RL electricity. I believe it does also add a variety of RF cable too. Again, also requires RoC.

Also worth noting though, although RoC doesn't add any worldgen, ReC does add a bunch of ores that are fairly specific to it, and Electricraft adds ores too, but are more along the lines of the mainstream ones that you would also find in thermal foundation etc. so can easily be disabled.

Unrelated to the Reika's mods wall o' text: Might I suggest Enhanced Inventories to replace Iron Chests?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This sounds really interesting! :)

I don't know if I'm being crazy, but it reads like a 1.6.4 pack - am I just being a bit demented or is it actually geared towards 1.6.4? If so, I would love to give it a test drive!

Its also very unusual to put Tinker's as a later game rather than an early game mod, so straightaway that stands out as an intriguing and interesting choice! Did you have something in mind in that mid-to-late game that Tinker's would be giving you?

- GwnG
No, it's 1.7.10, but I am going on the basis (for mods that accept/produce RF) that if the mod left 1.6.4 using a power source that wasn't RF, it would be added; Buildcraft, Railcraft :p

I haven't had the time to actually sit down and play with the mods myself, so bear in mind I'm going mostly on what I've heard from others.
From what I understand ReC is all about the cool high end power gen. At what I presume would be the mid-game stage there are small, flat(not 100% on the flat bit) reactors you can build which act as component based multiblocks - think along the lines of an inworld block based version of the IC2 reactors, with components functioning differently depending on what is around them. At the higher end of the spectrum is the big tokamak(?) fusion reactor which tends to be the inspiration for a number of mega builds centred on it which produces more power than you and all your friends could likely ever use, but takes an obscene amount of infrastructure and materials to build. As for the RF conversion, from what I understand ReC has variations on its turbines (which are used to actually generate the power from the steam the different reactors generate) which can directly output RF, but is primarily meant to be used with RoC shaft power.
As for why they are always used together, people seem to like the idea of this totally endgame powergen to add all powergen and I'm under the impression that ReC outright requires RoC to be installed.
Electricraft on the other hand, provides a means to mass store power and provides better long distance transport options by transforming shaft power into its own electrical system which is intended as a realistic simulation of RL electricity. I believe it does also add a variety of RF cable too. Again, also requires RoC.

Also worth noting though, although RoC doesn't add any worldgen, ReC does add a bunch of ores that are fairly specific to it, and Electricraft adds ores too, but are more along the lines of the mainstream ones that you would also find in thermal foundation etc. so can easily be disabled.

Unrelated to the Reika's mods wall o' text: Might I suggest Enhanced Inventories to replace Iron Chests?
Ahh ok. I'll look into it then. I was never a fan of the mass amount of "pointless ores" added when Electricraft/ReC, but I guess that's because I never used them :p

As for enhanced inventories, why is it better than Iron Chests? I'm at work, so I can't download it and look :/
Does it have bigger/better inventories. It has some nice features, but needs some sort of large storage size to entice me (because I hate double chest mechanics, as they mean you can't place 3 chests next to each other)


Jan 29, 2015
I am not going to work with 1.6.4, I would miss my 1.7 features too much :p
I definitely understand that! :) I was rather crestfallen to discover that the last 1.6.4 version of EnderIO has none of the things I thought were really interesting from watching DW20's 1.7.10 series - so no Slice 'N' Splice and associated stuff, no stealing Endermen's souls, no Hootch...

I did have one question: are the Railcraft engines disabled because they produce RF? Or is it to drive folks to use the Buildcraft ones?

- GwnG


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I definitely understand that! :) I was rather crestfallen to discover that the last 1.6.4 version of EnderIO has none of the things I thought were really interesting from watching DW20's 1.7.10 series - so no Slice 'N' Splice and associated stuff, no stealing Endermen's souls, no Hootch...

I did have one question: are the Railcraft engines disabled because they produce RF? Or is it to drive folks to use the Buildcraft ones?

- GwnG
It's a mixture of both.
No matter what I do, Applied Energistics will be able to accept RF, so give people to power to make RF easily, they will power AE with RF. Make it so the only RF producing mod is Buildcraft, it's unlikely they will use it, as the BC engines aren't capable of powering an AE system as easily as the RC engines are.

That, and it's also mod interaction.
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Jan 29, 2015
It's a mixture of both.
No matter what I do, Applied Energistics will be able to accept RF, so give people to power to make RF easily, they will power AE with RF. Make it so the only RF producing mod is Buildcraft, it's unlikely they will use it, as the BC engines aren't capable of powering an AE system as easily as the RC engines are.

That, and it's also mod interaction.

That is very true! Cool!

With regards to my earlier question about Tinker's being later game, I'm still quite intrigued; on reflection, its only the Smeltery and Tool Forge that are later game, the normal wood/stone etc tools still fulfil your early-game needs. With that in mind, does the Smeltery unlock a later game phase that you'd prefer to keep under wraps, perhaps alloys that can only be made there that are used for advanced things?

- GwnG


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That is very true! Cool!

With regards to my earlier question about Tinker's being later game, I'm still quite intrigued; on reflection, its only the Smeltery and Tool Forge that are later game, the normal wood/stone etc tools still fulfil your early-game needs. With that in mind, does the Smeltery unlock a later game phase that you'd prefer to keep under wraps, perhaps alloys that can only be made there that are used for advanced things?

- GwnG
I may be doing something like that (or maybe just using stuff like <material> large plate, in crafting recipes, etc.)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Steve's Factory Manager is too OP for what it costs (no amount of recipe changing can fix that, without making people complain about the recipes)