Nerfing the Nerfs!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
so basically,what im reading is, people dont like surviving in survival multiplayer, yet still play it and are complaining that they have to go into a scary cave.


You can just cheat in quantum or go into creative mode if you don't like it. Don't advocate diluting my game experience because you don't like an aspect of the game. Risk, loss, and difficulty are a factor MANY enjoy, including me. Its also a basic tenet of game design, because a game without any challenge gets boring and stupid fast. There isn't a legitimate argument for leaving resource loop exploits in the game, all it sounds like is entitlement.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Bees live forever, they should die out after breeding 1,000,000 times over and over, hell that's enough to kill anyone/any species and besides any decent bee-keeping has serums and can just make another.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
so basically,what im reading is, people dont like surviving in survival multiplayer, yet still play it and are complaining that they have to go into a scary cave.


You can just cheat in quantum or go into creative mode if you don't like it. Don't advocate diluting my game experience because you don't like an aspect of the game. Risk, loss, and difficulty are a factor MANY enjoy, including me. Its also a basic tenet of game design, because a game without any challenge gets boring and stupid fast. There isn't a legitimate argument for leaving resource loop exploits in the game, all it sounds like is entitlement.

Must everything be a massive time sink because you can sit there for 8 hours in one setting?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Must everything be a massive time sink because you can sit there for 8 hours in one setting?

Is that supposed to be a veiled 'no life' insult? You're barking up the wrong tree, I'm driving to the beach tomorrow on vacation with the GF with hard earned cash from my full time job, thank you very much.

I'm more concerned with what takes you 8 hours to do in modded mine craft, especially unleashed of all things. Are you spending 8 hours strip mining a chunk because you're afraid of zombies? That's your problem, not mine or the modders. Risk enhances reward, and you're advocating removing risk. It dilutes the game the same way you're reluctant to cheat things in does.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is that supposed to be a veiled 'no life' insult? You're barking up the wrong tree, I'm driving to the beach tomorrow on vacation with the GF with hard earned cash from my full time job, thank you very much.

I'm more concerned with what takes you 8 hours to do in modded mine craft, especially unleashed of all things. Are you spending 8 hours strip mining a chunk because you're afraid of zombies? That's your problem, not mine or the modders. Risk enhances reward, and you're advocating removing risk. It dilutes the game the same way you're reluctant to cheat things in does.

There was a big post here.

Then i realised how pointless it was to waste my time trying to fix people like this and removed it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is that supposed to be a veiled 'no life' insult? You're barking up the wrong tree, I'm driving to the beach tomorrow on vacation with the GF with hard earned cash from my full time job, thank you very much.

I'm more concerned with what takes you 8 hours to do in modded mine craft, especially unleashed of all things. Are you spending 8 hours strip mining a chunk because you're afraid of zombies? That's your problem, not mine or the modders. Risk enhances reward, and you're advocating removing risk. It dilutes the game the same way you're reluctant to cheat things in does.

I'd like to congratulate you, not only are you silly you tend to say things that only make you seem even more silly, just lemmi know when you start throwing stones while in your glass house... oh wait..

I did say no insults as this was a discussion not a trolls paradise..
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
More likely Dackstrus was talking about things like Gregtech being "hard" just because it takes longer to get the materials to make stuff. Time does not equal difficulty. And neither does random chance.

Like was mentioned above, I've also had worlds where I couldn't find a nether fortress. Because of that you can't get blaze rods, nether wart, or wither skulls. Yet because of one of those endless loops mentioned (which DO need to be fixed), the only other way to get blaze rods was removed. And suddenly a good portion of the game is impossible to play.

Yes nether wart is possible to get with IC2's crops, but that's so random you can play for hours just growing plants only to have the RNG say "sorry, you're stuck here doing nothing for hours". I ended up using Biomes O' Plenty simply because you can find nether wart growing wild.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
More likely Dackstrus was talking about things like Gregtech being "hard" just because it takes longer to get the materials to make stuff. Time does not equal difficulty. And neither does random chance.

Like was mentioned above, I've also had worlds where I couldn't find a nether fortress. Because of that you can't get blaze rods, nether wart, or wither skulls. Yet because of one of those endless loops mentioned (which DO need to be fixed), the only other way to get blaze rods was removed. And suddenly a good portion of the game is impossible to play.

Yes nether wart is possible to get with IC2's crops, but that's so random you can play for hours just growing plants only to have the RNG say "sorry, you're stuck here doing nothing for hours". I ended up using Biomes O' Plenty simply because you can find nether wart growing wild.

This is exactly it. Time does not equal difficulty.
Figuring out the logistics of smashing all these things together, the most efficient tube/pipe paths with redstone turning them on and whatnot. Figuring out just how much space i need for a woodfarm to cover my power system, or maybe it's time to add onto that system for even more power. Figure out just how to set-up a boiler so you can keep full steam pumping, but not use nearly as much charcoal, and then rigging it all up. This is difficulty.

These are the kind of things that should be focused on.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Removing the old forestry farms... I would've liked to keep the old farms as well but to just nerf the old farms of make them more expensive. Or just make the multiblpcks more expensive and better and bring back the old ones.

Oh well, you know what they say. It's nerf or nothin
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd like to congratulate you, not only are you silly you tend to say things that only make you seem even more silly, just lemmi know when you start throwing stones while in your glass house... oh wait..

I did say no insults as this was a discussion not a trolls paradise..

I shouldn't have taken it out on the thread in general, and for that I apologize. I think you've discussed things in an even keeled manner and reasonably. The source of my irritation is thelonewolfing, who appeared to be trolling from my perspective. He was complaining that he could no longer take advantage of bugs like collecting items flying near a filler output, as if he'd rather crash a server so he could use a cheap tool to quarry. Then complaining that there's no longer an infinite blaze rod exploit and calling it a nerf, etc. The guy doesn't even know what the term nerf even means and decided to dominate the thread with ignorance, so my response was pointed at him. Nerf is associated with balancing, not bug fixes and exploit fixes.

Sure, it would be nice if they added a 4 powder to blaze rod recipe back, but I've never had a problem finding a nether fortress (especially with flight) so I don't see a huge deal. I think standard IC2 has the blaze rod UUM recipe, though it could be gregtech specific, I can't recall. I guess what I'm getting at is, what'd you do before the EE recipe to get blaze rods? Why is it such a big deal now vs then? The answer is usually that it isn't a big deal and people have just gotten used to being lazy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Didn't know the old Forestry farms were gone now :(

Based simply on how the multifarms work, it looks like Sengir didn't want the original farms to be completely automated. They required a constant supply of soil, which people eventually found a way to automate within the system.

Of course, one of the mods now allows you to change MFR fertilizer into Forestry fertilizer. So the multifarms can be automated. Macerating a plantball gives eight dirt.

EDIT Runo, I've had to restart entire worlds because I couldn't find blaze rods or nether wart. Many mods require the rods for anything past the basic stuff. And nether wart is pretty much required for anything resembling alchemy, like potions.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Bees live forever, they should die out after breeding 1,000,000 times over and over, hell that's enough to kill anyone/any species and besides any decent bee-keeping has serums and can just make another.

Sharks managed.

But then sharks are badass.


Popular Member
Apr 3, 2013
so basically,what im reading is, people dont like surviving in survival multiplayer, yet still play it and are complaining that they have to go into a scary cave.


You can just cheat in quantum or go into creative mode if you don't like it. Don't advocate diluting my game experience because you don't like an aspect of the game. Risk, loss, and difficulty are a factor MANY enjoy, including me. Its also a basic tenet of game design, because a game without any challenge gets boring and stupid fast. There isn't a legitimate argument for leaving resource loop exploits in the game, all it sounds like is entitlement.

Oh man time for a discussion. On game design. From me. Run while you still can!

So, yeah, it's that post. You're discussing the new Bearcraft nerf, and some people are saying 'maybe he went to far'. So they're posting their arguments, some are just grumbling, and then that post shows up. All smug and missing the point by a nautical mile. Why people make that post is pretty varied, but to violently beat people because they got close to your tree is human, so I'll just slot them into either lazy idiot, fly-by poster or confused. That probably covers, like, 30% of that post creators, which is certainly a valid sample size if it were a absolute value and not a percentage.

So yeah, that post. In essence, that post is the simple statement 'if it's too hard, use creative'. It's generally an attempt to invalidate someone's argument by somehow suggesting they play incorrectly or something. It's a pretty terrible argument, that needs dissecting no several levels. So let's go.

Firstly, is that it creates a false dichotomy. The argument set forth suggests exactly two options are present; the current level of difficulty in Survival mode, or Creative mode. It's suggests that preferring less difficulty in requiring resources is equivalent to wanting no difficultly in that area. However, difficulty is not a binary setting. It's an analogue scale, and a fuzzy one at that.

Which I think brings us nicely to our second point. The that post argument generally does not consider the quality of the difficulty or design in general, and instead focuses on the fact that difficulty exists, and that people don't like it because difficult. However, difficultly should be judge on how it is created. While TV Tropes is fairly hit and miss, the pages on Fake Difficulty and Fake Balance list many example of difficultly that is just bad, including things that appear in Minecraft mods. An example of this is the 1.6 Forestry bee nerf. 80% of bees are now 'ignoble' and have a random chance to 'die off'. So now you have to sent roughly 5 times longer finding princesses that don't have this problem. Of course, such luck-based systems are everywhere in bees. Mutation chances start at 15% percent and go down. And vanilla forestry contains no way of affecting this chance in either direction in and upward direction. No player input, just RNG. 'Difficult' maybe. Well designed? In Minecraft mods? It's less likely than you think!

Finally, the that post argument is one directional. The inverse is never present. No one says 'Oh, if it's so easy, why not get out of creative mode' when an excess of power is present. (Except for EE2, which while very fun, was also very Creative Squared). It's a subtle, perhaps not intentional suggestion that difficult will always increase enjoyment. Buffs of underpowered mechanics are rare. Instead, everything is brought down. Don't bring me down, Bruce! But seriously, when was the last time something was described as UP in Minecraft modding. It's as easy to create something something that's underpowered as it is to make something overpowered. Seriously, Push was a waste of energy better spend explode stuff. And Explode was cheaper than Teleport, but dug up treasure, killed stuff and gave a way back. Game design isn't just nerfing. It's providing interesting things, and something bring something up to the level of everything, instead of being Bruce and bringing everything else down.

And now look! Discussion of that post has caused yet more cross-contamination! Before long you'll know exactly which open-source freeware game I mod! Eep!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think the crux of this discussion is: under what circumstances does making things take longer add to difficulty?

Think about this: suppose you bought a game, where the hardest part was beating the final boss. If the game has a cheat code that allows you to skip everything, aside from the final boss, does the cheat code make the game easier? Or just less tedious?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think the crux of this discussion is: under what circumstances does making things take longer add to difficulty?

Think about this: suppose you bought a game, where the hardest part was beating the final boss. If the game has a cheat code that allows you to skip everything, aside from the final boss, does the cheat code make the game easier? Or just less tedious?
This is a very different type of game from that, Those rules do not apply to this due to the nature of modded MC.

In supposed game you speak of, The path you take from start to finish is generally laid out. The final boss is always the same. And it will generally take most people about the same amount of time to get to it.

In MC, Your "Final Boss" base might look very different and use nothing another person does. That alone makes this very different. Not to mention the very different speeds at which people play.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Soul Shards: No idea what's an exploit here. You might argue the whole mod was an exploit, but that was intended. (and if you think that's the case, you shouldn't be using it). It could have had an optional hard mode like Portal Gun, though.

The exploit is the fact that you could use an anvil to combine multiple soul shards. This wasn't intended, it was an exploit due to the mod creator using durability as a means to store souls. Combine cheapo zombie shard with a single soul wither skeleton shard and BOOM, 7 hours of grinding skipped. Now they're not anvil-able. However, needing to go to The End (or some other means of finding end stone) and one diamond making only a single shard are nerfs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Soul Shards now requiring end stone sounds to me to be in response to the ease of getting a tier 5 blaze spawner (especially with Mystcraft) to supply endless power for other mods. And went too far by making it almost impossible to get unless you're late in the game.

IF that's why the change happened. Most mods are only overpowered when you combine them with other mods, and are almost impossible to balance towards without ruining the mod on it's own. The kind of nerf this thread is complaining about.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh man time for a discussion. On game design. From me. Run while you still can!

Well, that is one way to completely ignore the arguments in a post.

There are indeed 2 difficulty modes that everyone can use, creative which removes all dangers and resource gathering from the world, and NEI cheat mode that removes all or part of the grindy portion. Obviously, most/all people in this post prefer at least some grind and danger, otherwise there would be no need for this discussion at all.

There is however a problem I see with minecraft, that makes balancing somewhat hard. There are very few barriers in the base game, and some of those barriers can be pretty luck based (nether fortress, biomes, the whole mining process (cave availability etc).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Soul Shards now requiring end stone sounds to me to be in response to the ease of getting a tier 5 blaze spawner (especially with Mystcraft) to supply endless power for other mods. And went too far by making it almost impossible to get unless you're late in the game.

IF that's why the change happened. Most mods are only overpowered when you combine them with other mods, and are almost impossible to balance towards without ruining the mod on it's own. The kind of nerf this thread is complaining about.

In my singleplayer worlds I dont usually rush to the end, I do everything possible first then go to it. So yes adding that is just painful when mods are done solely on the single mod basis by gamers and realize that cool things need to have one complete the game to enjoy.

Also complaining is a dirty word, I'd like to call it, openly opinionating