Nerfing the Nerfs!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Only nerfy gripe I have in Unleashed so far is the TE recipes for MFR. Expensive cross-mod recipes make me feel like I'm playing GregTech all over again.

Yes, there's a config, but SMP automatically negates any choice you have in customizing your modpack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
CASUC no longer exists, unless you mean condensators? They use a lot of lapis, though lapis bees and using AE to autocraft the frames makes it quite manageable. The alternative is CRCS, which has high startup costs, though is pretty amazing to see in action.
Old CASUCs, not new ones. The ones where you pump your reactor full of ice and in return get a high uranium efficiency.

Also, geothermal spam wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the nether... Solar spam on the other hand, is and will always be a problem for balancing the various methods of eu production.
Solar spam didn't used to be a huge problem, because at most you could get a few hundred eu/t before your solar field got too ugly - then Compact Solars came along.

OMG nerf this nerf that nerf everything nerf nerf nerf nerf IT'S NOT NERFING it's called balancing.....
When it makes things worse than they were before, it's also called nerfing.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I could argue that the reason reactors are so expensive is because the FTB team have decreed that we must use Thermal expansions ore generation, which has hardly any copper and tin compared to IC2 (which is ridiculous considering most other mods barely use them, TE included).
Even without the lack of copper and tin, they still are less expensive.

For comparison, this reactor produces 180 EU/t. It takes 372 copper (+ 48/cycle), 34 tin, 152 iron, 24 gold, and a couple of other things. Compare that with 9 geothermal generators, at 6 (!) copper, 90 iron, and 44 tin. With the exception of the extra tin, geothermals are much much much less expensive. Also, the geos will last longer per cycle. It requires 1800 lava to match a cycle from the reactor, and that's only a cube just over 12 on a side.
bc filler dropping items can be turn back on in the configs

They still disappear after a second.

Most of those are just you complaining. All of those things had exploits with the exception of ee3 and the builder. The builder just doesn't work in newer versions. No way to fix it, and many have tried. Ee3 is a new mod. This is how the creation of new mods works.
I already covered this. "Some of these nerfs may be deserved. That being said, they are still nerfs!"

Not to mention that many of the things I covered weren't simply exploit fixes. Soul shards, Forestry farms / biogas engines, CASUCs, etc.

BC Fillers only briefly dropping items is to minimize lag, and prevent them from being superior to the already powerful Quarry.
In the process breaking a lot of existing and neat things. Not to mention that it makes buildcraft even less useful standalone. (Also, the quarry is the least powerful of the quarry-like machines.)

BC Builder has unfortunately been severely bugged. Like server crashing and possibly world corrupting. They are even removing it from the creative menu.
I know. That being said, removing it still nerfs BC.
EE3: I don't see any nerfs here. Could you be more specific?
EE3 versus EE2. I don't see a single thing about EE3 that is buffed compared to EE2.

Fillers: Since Buildcraft 3.7 they should have been partially un-nerfed. If a block could be harvested by hand, its drops will not despawn quickly.
Do they still drop from top down?

OMG nerf this nerf that nerf everything nerf nerf nerf nerf IT'S NOT NERFING it's called balancing.....
What is your definition of nerfing then?

Most of the things people are mentioning are not nerfs, they are bugs and exploit fixes (eg bonemeal/blaze dupe)

Sent from a rich kids phone that I stole. (I'll regift it soon)

Many of the things I said previously weren't expoits. That being said, most of the exploits were cross-mod exploits and were simply removed, thus negatively impacting the players using just that mod.

Modders: if you find a cross-mod exploit, don't simply remove it. Add a config option to remove it, defaulted to keeping it unnerfed! Modpack authors can turn it off if they want, but that way it doesn't negatively impact people playing without the other mod involved in the exploit.

For example: blaze powder -> blaze rods, railcraft steam boilers + lava, magma crucibles, fillers, etc...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Modders: if you find a cross-mod exploit, don't simply remove it. Add a config option to remove it, defaulted to keeping it unnerfed! Modpack authors can turn it off if they want, but that way it doesn't negatively impact people playing without the other mod involved in the exploit.

For example: blaze powder -> blaze rods, railcraft steam boilers + lava, magma crucibles, fillers, etc...

You do realize you can still craft blaze powder, right? Cross mod exploits like that can completely break the game, which is the reason mod authors take them out. If you want a mod that allows blaze rods being macerated, make one yourself. And the way you wrote that post seemed a little self centered, as I wasn't only talking about you.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You do realize you can still craft blaze powder, right

Not what I said. I was talking about being able to turn blaze powder into blaze rods, which is very useful even without the exploit.

Cross mod exploits like that can completely break the game, which is the reason mod authors take them out. If you want a mod that allows blaze rods being macerated, make one yourself.

Again, read what I said. I believe that cross-mod exploits should be addressed via non-default configs, as the cases when multiple mods are being added are generally either in modpacks (where configs can be changed), or in SSP worlds (ditto).

And the way you wrote that post seemed a little self centered, as I wasn't only talking about you.
I know. However, I can talk for myself, whereas I don't presume to talk for other people.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am hoping it wouldn't have devolved into someone crying about everyone speaking on nerfs *eyes b0bst3r* while I do agree balancing needs to happen there should be config options for people to disable and enable as they like. I for one dont mind when there's a way to exploit as it's part of the game to exploit all it's resources and if that means being able to snag some free blaze powders well that makes my job easier and in turn have more fun. Cause I play games for fun not stress.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nerfs all the way down! Because actually game design is too hard.

Also the newest Bee is nerf is a prime example of this. 80% of bees are now 'ignoble' and can randomly die. Because apparently bee breeding wasn't infuriatingly luck based before.

Well that's the final nail in the coffin, I've wanted to get into bees since i found out about them, though their complexity makes me cry. Now hearing that they can just die off? Well. I'll never bother with them then.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
from my understanding only swarmer princesses have that but maybe if you overcharge them with mutators will kill them. I've got a pretty solid bee farm right now and have not lost any, then again I take care of my bee bishes 8p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why the obsession of making things really annoying for the players? I mean, so "balancing" acts are warranted but a lot aren't. They just make things much more tedious and puts off more players while catering to the much smaller and niche group.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
from my understanding only swarmer princesses have that but maybe if you overcharge them with mutators will kill them. I've got a pretty solid bee farm right now and have not lost any, then again I take care of my bee bishes 8p
I ment if that randomly dying off in 1.6 is true. If it is, I'm very glad that i've never touched bees. Why? Because then i'll never have to be upset because i lost one for no reason.

Sorry, I know my luck with these sorts of things, I roll 1's in DnD.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I ment if that randomly dying off in 1.6 is true. If it is, I'm very glad that i've never touched bees. Why? Because then i'll never have to be upset because i lost one for no reason.

Sorry, I know my luck with these sorts of things, I roll 1's in DnD.

Lol... I know that feeling, every diceroll I make in anything from mario party to wh40k (and dnd for that matter) I always roll 1's... I thought it was a 1.5 mechanic but didn't know that, I do hope they make it so there's a chance for princesses to spawn then because a random dieoff means you have to go up to an entire tree if you're not up to the serums stage which many people I play with rush for resources first and ignore the base. I again don't but still I enjoy the breeding of them, it's pretty fun to do and some breeding but this is my third time having to breed back up and I will admit I'm starting to lose interest since all I really need from them is the occasional rare item and most of the times that's a niche and hard to get materials (depending on gen) and to go entire species lines to get there is just painful...

Fans: "Hey I want an omnitool to do everything, make it doable mid to late game tier but not OP"
Mods: "Here's tons of backpacks to hold all the tools!!!!!"
Fans: "..."
having special tools for each thing isn't too fun and when seeing the power tool it could EASILY incorporate EVERY tool that has saved the players on over 20 spots of inventory that they wouldn't need bags for...

I will say having ender chests/tanks/pouches as one of the last few mods I can count on to just make my life easier. Cant other mods learn from that?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I honestly thing the term NERF is over used these days. People seem to slap nerf on anything remotely negative regardless of the reason for that change. While I agree some stuff that is done can indeed to called a nerf but the term nerf brings a lot of preset baggage with it. Nerf most often is used to suggest the change is bad over all or poorly done. Sometimes you do have to make something weaker to make it work better over all. And this were devs will step in and change things it is their mod after all (unless we are talking about GT but lets not do that) and they have a sort of idea of how they want their mod to be used. Hate the changes they make all you want but at least look at it as what mods are a work in progress to an experience they are trying to shape.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why the obsession of making things really annoying for the players? I mean, so "balancing" acts are warranted but a lot aren't. They just make things much more tedious and puts off more players while catering to the much smaller and niche group.
A lot of it is the mistaken idea that making something more random or take longer is "making it more difficult". They're not trying to make it more annoying, they just think that making an extremely rare drop off of a rare spawn (wither skulls) even rarer to get is making the game harder. Or the same by making you have to mine several stacks of materials just to make basic machines.

Having to navigate the Nether to find a fortress to get nether wart and blaze rods is difficult. Making the placement of said fortress completely random, and even then it might not have what you're looking for, is just frustrating.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A lot of it is the mistaken idea that making something more random or take longer is "making it more difficult". They're not trying to make it more annoying, they just think that making an extremely rare drop off of a rare spawn (wither skulls) even rarer to get is making the game harder. Or the same by making you have to mine several stacks of materials just to make basic machines.

Having to navigate the Nether to find a fortress to get nether wart and blaze rods is difficult. Making the placement of said fortress completely random, and even then it might not have what you're looking for, is just frustrating.

I agree with this. I enjoy the challenge of making complex builds where sometimes I would consider it to be "difficult", but making the resource gathering more difficult is unnecessary to a point. What I'm trying to say is that I like being challenged to get creative with builds, but I dislike when resource gathering turns into an extremely laborious task.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I agree with this. I enjoy the challenge of making complex builds where sometimes I would consider it to be "difficult", but making the resource gathering more difficult is unnecessary to a point. What I'm trying to say is that I like being challenged to get creative with builds, but I dislike when resource gathering turns into an extremely laborious task.

I agree, and several others made quite some good points as well. I will say farming wither skulls just to get a netherstar is tedious enough since they require specific conditions to spawn. Hell a previous world I did didn't have ANY nether fortresses in a 10k radius. It gets incredibly tedious when some mods require these parts and depend on vanilla mechanics to gather said items. That in my opinion is setting a higher standard and putting off many from the thought of doing such a thing. While I will say it all pads out the singleplay portion of the game and was meant as a goal.. the rules of the game have changed for most, some just wish to build fantastic worlds and the inclusion of such amazing items should require effort but not hours upon hours of wasted time. Not everyone has an infinite amount of time to play said game to gather materials. I personally do like to build amazing builds in survival and there is no need for time wasting roadblocks.

Yes a lot are mistaking time wasting for more difficult yet I think they go hand in hand as wasting my time makes it more difficult on myself as ADHD is a bish to contend with, it's already hard enough to keep focus on one project let alone trying to farm up incredibly rare resources, so if I can passively gather items then I will to make it that much easier and less time consuming.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The TE Sawmill got nerfed to only produce 4 planks instead of 6 recently. Thus making it totally worthless.

Sent from boobs (because why not?)

Hardly worthless. It produces Sticky Resin + wood from Rubber and I believe it produces Sawdust from vanilla woods. If I'm too lazy to build a manual tree tap farm early-game, I'll just chop my Rubber grove and Sawmill everything to get Sticky Resin. This, IMHO, is more in line with the other TE 'processor' machines such as the Pulverizer and Smelter that produce the usual ratio of processed goods along with a small percentage of producing bonus goods.

The Sawmill is usually the 3rd or 4th machine I get, right after the Pulverizer, Powered Furnace, and Induction Smelter. I love, love, love my TE machines early, mid, and well into late game.

As for gathering wood early-game, a TC Iron Lumberaxe with the Electric upgrade is amazing. Plant a grove of 25-ish (5x5) trees, Lumberaxe 'em all down, replant the saplings, and wood is never a problem.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I agree, and several others made quite some good points as well. I will say farming wither skulls just to get a netherstar is tedious enough since they require specific conditions to spawn. Hell a previous world I did didn't have ANY nether fortresses in a 10k radius. It gets incredibly tedious when some mods require these parts and depend on vanilla mechanics to gather said items. That in my opinion is setting a higher standard and putting off many from the thought of doing such a thing. While I will say it all pads out the singleplay portion of the game and was meant as a goal.. the rules of the game have changed for most, some just wish to build fantastic worlds and the inclusion of such amazing items should require effort but not hours upon hours of wasted time. Not everyone has an infinite amount of time to play said game to gather materials. I personally do like to build amazing builds in survival and there is no need for time wasting roadblocks.

Yes a lot are mistaking time wasting for more difficult yet I think they go hand in hand as wasting my time makes it more difficult on myself as ADHD is a bish to contend with, it's already hard enough to keep focus on one project let alone trying to farm up incredibly rare resources, so if I can passively gather items then I will to make it that much easier and less time consuming.

Blaze Rods to make Brewing stands to make Alembics for mid-game Thaumcraft progression is another example. Fortunately, a Nether fortress was only 300m away and I only had to get the jump upgrade on my MPS pants and a fire resist upgrade to live long enough to gather at least 4 of them for a full Alembic set. I agree that depending upon a Nether Fortress being in semi-close proximity is not a fun mechanic.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hardly worthless. It produces Sticky Resin + wood from Rubber and I believe it produces Sawdust from vanilla woods. If I'm too lazy to build a manual tree tap farm early-game, I'll just chop my Rubber grove and Sawmill everything to get Sticky Resin. This, IMHO, is more in line with the other TE 'processor' machines such as the Pulverizer and Smelter that produce the usual ratio of processed goods along with a small percentage of producing bonus goods.

The Sawmill is usually the 3rd or 4th machine I get, right after the Pulverizer, Powered Furnace, and Induction Smelter. I love, love, love my TE machines early, mid, and well into late game.

As for gathering wood early-game, a TC Iron Lumberaxe with the Electric upgrade is amazing. Plant a grove of 25-ish (5x5) trees, Lumberaxe 'em all down, replant the saplings, and wood is never a problem.

The extractor has a 100% extraction rate for rubber, you loose out on the wood but I'm never in a shortage of wood.