Whitelist Server Nations United | Dedicated 24/7 | 5.2.1 | 16+ | PVE | 45 Slots | No banned items

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nations United, above all we stand.

About us:

We are Nations United, a server with players from many nations, we are a small server run by hostlegend.com, but owned by FTB Forums member and small time YouTuber, Kronza. We currently are ACCEPTING applications to join the server, and have about 45 more people that we can accept onto our server, this server was put together off of donations from Kronza's livestream and TGN partnering money on YouTube, all donations we recieve will be forwarded to 'Child's play' charity, a charity that provides toys and games to children in hospitals all over the world, so when you donate, you are helping a great cause. You can now donate to ANY charity you would like VIA donating towards my Gofundme account, 100% proceeds go towards any charity of your choice, you donate for items, some items not aloud to be donated for though.


Server Rules:

1. Keep swearing to a minimum, can swear, keep it in check.
2. No homophobic/racist/sexist/religous slurs/slang.
3. No griefing/stealing.
4. Keep chunkloaders in check, 49 chunks or more is considered griefing, keep it under 49 chunks loaded.
5. You may PvP, but, only if both sides agree to it.
6. No spamming/trolling, no doing stuff intentionally to piss people off.

Server Hardware:

Intel Xeon 1240v2
3072MB Dedicated Ram
100Mps Uplink
240GB SSD in Raid 10

Dedicated IP Address:

Disabled Mods:

All mods have been enabled, YOU MAY NOT CREATE MYSTCRAFT AGES!
I will be checking daily for new ages that don't have my creation/go ahead for creation.

Whitelist Application:

Experience with the mods:
Why should we whitelist you?:
What can you contribute to NU?:

Thanks for reading our FTB Forums, hope to see you in-game!
IGN: Tombenpotter

Age: 16

Experience with the mods: I have a pretty extensive knowledge of the mods ! :)

Why should we whitelist you?: I can bring a really nice person to playwith, and someone you can joke with, but do not go too far. I can bring, as said before, a pretty good knowledge of the mods.

What can you contribute to NU?: I can contribute in making soul shards traps for everyone, and making a workshop-forgecraft like I i'm autorized to get a void age :P

PS : Why is Xycraft disabled ? The tanks are so awesome !

I hope to be accpeted, Tombenpotter :D
IGN:Zackey_TNT _HyDrAg_
Age:16 i dont know _HyDrAg_ but i know its over 15
Experience with the mods:i know 100% with tech mods HyDrag dose good with bees knows his way about some tech mods im the one that builds alot and makes tech mods eazy for him
Why should whitelist you two ?: we have been playing on premacraft for a long time we team up to have fun we help where we can
What can you contribute to NU?: lag free builds and a nice knowing of severs load and work i host my own sever so i know what lags mine the most
PS edit your specs you CAN-NOT have that much ram the max is 32GB[DOUBLEPOST=1366110416][/DOUBLEPOST]PPS your internet is to high as well max is 220 ...... your computer/host is lieing to you if thats what they say.
IGN: Tombenpotter

Age: 16

Experience with the mods: I have a pretty extensive knowledge of the mods ! :)

Why should we whitelist you?: I can bring a really nice person to playwith, and someone you can joke with, but do not go too far. I can bring, as said before, a pretty good knowledge of the mods.

What can you contribute to NU?: I can contribute in making soul shards traps for everyone, and making a workshop-forgecraft like I i'm autorized to get a void age :p

PS : Why is Xycraft disabled ? The tanks are so awesome !

I hope to be accpeted, Tombenpotter :D

Hi, Tombenpotter, accepted.

&& Xycraft is disabled as it is a bit bugged, and it's unfinished.[DOUBLEPOST=1366114194][/DOUBLEPOST]
IGN:Zackey_TNT _HyDrAg_
Age:16 i dont know _HyDrAg_ but i know its over 15
Experience with the mods:i know 100% with tech mods HyDrag dose good with bees knows his way about some tech mods im the one that builds alot and makes tech mods eazy for him
Why should whitelist you two ?: we have been playing on premacraft for a long time we team up to have fun we help where we can
What can you contribute to NU?: lag free builds and a nice knowing of severs load and work i host my own sever so i know what lags mine the most
PS edit your specs you CAN-NOT have that much ram the max is 32GB[DOUBLEPOST=1366110416][/DOUBLEPOST]PPS your internet is to high as well max is 220 ...... your computer/host is lieing to you if thats what they say.

Hi, Zackey_TNT,

Your accepted, sorry, your friend has to make a seperate post, or have a skype and I'll talk to him.

I made a few typing mistakes aswell, 100Mps Uplink, 3072Mb Ram.
IGN: _HyDrAg_
Age: 15
Experience with the mods: I know a lot about most of the mods. There are some mods I dont know much about like factorization and applied energistics.
Why should we whitelist you?: I could help other people with mods and
What can you contribute to NU?: My ultimate goal is to make a bee archive which would store either queens and drones or serums of all the bee species.
Edit: One sentence in this post seems to be unfinished. Oh well.
Edit 2: Ive just noticed its 16+ Does it matter that much if im one year younger?
IGN: _HyDrAg_
Age: 15
Experience with the mods: I know a lot about most of the mods. There are some mods I dont know much about like factorization and applied energistics.
Why should we whitelist you?: I could help other people with mods and
What can you contribute to NU?: My ultimate goal is to make a bee archive which would store either queens and drones or serums of all the bee species.
Edit: One sentence in this post seems to be unfinished. Oh well.
Edit 2: Ive just noticed its 16+ Does it matter that much if im one year younger?

Accepted, welcome to the server! Enjoy yourself.
IGN: FreyaPink

Age: 25

Experience with the mods: played the Direwolf20 pack in singleplayer and watched season 4 and 5 and mutiplayer series of Direwolf20 and testing most of the stuff he has done out myself as well as expirimenting with some other mods

Why should we whitelist you?: i am quite talkative and like to help also ifi can achieve at least one of my goals it should help everybody else and last but not least it would be my first server playing expirience and i have decided i want to play on your server ^^

What can you contribute to NU?: my personal goal is to produce as much energy as possible with renewable resourses ...so that said i want to power an entire server, and i want to play a bit more with bees to make some resources renewable ..like uranium and oil so again i can and will give bees to the people
IGN: FreyaPink

Age: 25

Experience with the mods: played the Direwolf20 pack in singleplayer and watched season 4 and 5 and mutiplayer series of Direwolf20 and testing most of the stuff he has done out myself as well as expirimenting with some other mods

Why should we whitelist you?: i am quite talkative and like to help also ifi can achieve at least one of my goals it should help everybody else and last but not least it would be my first server playing expirience and i have decided i want to play on your server ^^

What can you contribute to NU?: my personal goal is to produce as much energy as possible with renewable resourses ...so that said i want to power an entire server, and i want to play a bit more with bees to make some resources renewable ..like uranium and oil so again i can and will give bees to the people

Accepted, welcome to the server! Enjoy yourself.[DOUBLEPOST=1366150034][/DOUBLEPOST]Remember guys, if you see anyone breaking the rules, please get a screenshot VIA pressing F2, and post it on here.[DOUBLEPOST=1366150069][/DOUBLEPOST]Rewards given for turning in anyone breaking the rules.
Getting forgeBukkit tonight for forgeEssentials and Anti-Griefing plugins, just to let you all know, stay tuned!
Bump, I will only be checking for 45 more minutes for tonight, get em' in or wait till the morning!
Hello, ladies and gents, I'm sorry to inform you that Nations United will be down until about 4-5PM CST tomorrow as we installed Bukkit and were getting some serious conflicts between a mods, it will be resolved ASAP check back here tomorrow to see when the server is back up.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

know all the direwolfs mods still learning how some stuff works but getting the hang of it
i love playing along side others love building never had trouble with others
am a great guy who just enjoys building stuff and getting more and more into the game love building and helping others have fun and build bigger and more fun stuff yours Erk