IGN:Nakedallday (Name is meant to be funny) And yes people ask me all day in every game I play if I'm naked right now I tell them well I'm nakedallday. You can call me Naked for short. But don't team up against me because someone will have to tell the next guy "on the count of 3 we are going to get naked" or they might shout "lets get naked!!!!!!!!" no matter what you say in this regard it will be funny.
Age:35 yesterday
Experience with the mods:Very little. I'm following the youtube videos of the direwolf20 season 5 and Keep having to restart. To be honest I try to figure things out for myself but would like to ask some questions here and there.
Why should we whitelist you?:I can name a bunch but i'll keep it short. You have open slots. I'm a nice, funny guy. This will make it harder to give my spot away to some rude person.
Being that I don't have much to offer as in exp I can at least take up a chair 
What can you contribute to NU?:Humor for the most part.
Oh by the way is there a TS3 server?
Age:35 yesterday
Experience with the mods:Very little. I'm following the youtube videos of the direwolf20 season 5 and Keep having to restart. To be honest I try to figure things out for myself but would like to ask some questions here and there.
Why should we whitelist you?:I can name a bunch but i'll keep it short. You have open slots. I'm a nice, funny guy. This will make it harder to give my spot away to some rude person.

What can you contribute to NU?:Humor for the most part.
Oh by the way is there a TS3 server?