Whitelist Server Nations United | Dedicated 24/7 | 5.2.1 | 16+ | PVE | 45 Slots | No banned items

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IGN: TheSquiggolo
Age: 16
Experience with the mods: Started in tekkit, moved to FTB after. I have experience broadly with most of the mods, more with the bigger ones like forestry, bc and ic2. Also I've watched Dire's LPs, which counts for something I think.
Why should we whitelist you?: I've been looking for a good server and community to join because playing by myself just isn't as fun and this one looks really good
What can you contribute to NU?: building skills, teamwork, fun, and cooperation
IGN: twinsdgc
Age: 21
Experience with the mods: months
Why should we whitelist you?: im a youtuber as well and i have wonderful ideas to help make the server more fun.
What can you contribute to NU?: youtubing and free food and recharging for items and charms of keeping (when i find a labyrinth that i can make into a slime farm lol)
IGN: Zb2009
Age: 18
Experience with the mods: I have alot of experience playing with the tech mods like ic2 and buildcraft, im kinda new to thaumcraft and bees but im learning.
Why should we whitelist you?: I am looking for a lag free, friendly community/non griefing server that uses the dw20 mod pack.
What can you contribute to NU?: A fun sociable guy(who sucks at spelling fyi) who likes to help others when they are having trouble and if the server fits me well, then a dedicated player.
IGN: darkreapa
Age: 19
Experience with the mods: I know pretty much all of the direwolf20 mods, just a few left to learn.
Why should we whitelist you?: I am a mature person, I can keep my calm at all times and I try to get along with everyone. I am friendly at all times and enjoy helping out new players on the server with gifts and tips. If anyone needs help with the mods I will always be glad to help.
What can you contribute to NU?: I am a laid back, chill guy and I like to talk with other people over VOIP's such as skype or TS3.
IGN: Hexanon84
Age: 29
Experience with the mods: Played ftb for a year and if i dont get something Google is my friend :)
Why should we whitelist you?: I think i can constribute to the server, love to build amazing stuff either there is underground in the sea or on the ground, i never griefed or stolen anything (been done to) and im helpfull
What can you contribute to NU?: building stuff that looks cool and amazing can help other ppl with mods i can. Playing FTB everyday and some nights aswell.
IGN: ShadowBlockXD

Age: 17 (just turn 17 in April 2)

Experience with the mods: i have experienced with industrialcraft, thaumcraft, portalgun, mystcraft, twilight forest, and more mods

Why should we whitelist you?: because i can help the community out, and sometimes be helpful to other players that are online. And i'm looking for a great server to join that has a great community and helpful admins. also i'm a bit funny(really funny in real life)

What can you contribute to NU?: If i can i will make a public energy/machine room where starters can come any use the machines/energy they needed to use. to build this might take me a while. And if i can i might let people use my personal stuff(it won't be personal anymore...)if they need it.
P.S - Can you add mcMMO to this server it will make thing so much faster like the skill, it feels like a RPG game.
IGN: truewolfhell
Age: 16
Experience with the mods: 3 months of mindcrack and 6 months of tekkit
Why should we whitelist you?: I'm a friendly and helpful player and i want to join a server with a nice community
What can you contribute to NU?: help for others and mod knowledge
IGN: Donut_master
Experience with the mods: I am Quite experienced with most of the mods
Why should we whitelist you?: I am a creative and helpful builder/player
What can you contribute to NU?: Almost anything
IGN: hoodster25
Age: 19
Experience with the mods: playing with mods over a year or so, fixing to know java to make maybe my own bukkit pugins or just plain mods
Why should we whitelist you?: I am a college student whom has a lot of free time so I know my stuff do not need to study too much so I do have a lot of free time when I'm not doing that or spending time with my fiance`
What can you contribute to NU?: What I usually do is community builds
IGN: d3r5kill0r
Age: 17 (I'm from Germany)
Experience with the mods: Played FTB alot with my friends, i know most of the mods and i can handle them but i'm still learning :)
Why should we whitelist you?: I like to play on a stable server with my friends: Glixxer and DennisAkaReaP3r.
What can you contribute to NU?: I can help everyone and anytime i'm online :)
IGN: Glixxer
Age: 17 (I'm from Germany)
Experience with the mods: I played FTB alot with friend and alone also played Tekkit before. I know most of FTB but i still learning :)
Why should we whitelist you?: I want and like to play on a good Server with my friends (d3rskill0r and DennisAkaReaP3r).
What can you contribute to NU?: i'm often online, if i can help... i will help :)

Greetz Glixxer :)
IGN: DennisAkaReaP3r
Age: 17 (Germany)
Experience with the mods: Hey there! I played FTB alot with my friends before, so I already gathered some experience in most of the mods. But there is always more to learn!
Why should we whitelist you?: I would like to play on a stable, friendly server with my friends d3r5kill0r and Glixxer.
What can you contribute to NU?: I will try to help the players on the server if they need help while I'm online. :)
Experience with the mods:Ive played with mods for around 2 years now
Why should we whitelist you?:I love to play FTB with a close community and I want to make friends while doing so. And i want to be able to help people as well.
What can you contribute to NU?:Exp with mods i guess i could help out quite a bit about them also building projects and some more:)
Just thought i should mention Kronza has stopped running the server to save some of you applying
IGN: Mad_Mine
Age: 17
Experience with the mods: Yes
Why should we whitelist you?: becouse i am a fun guy and i know how to have fun with you all :)
What can you contribute to NU?: I whant to make a Big Power sorce for all in the server and maybe make a workshop for all to come and use what they whant :)
IGN: Don't have one;
Age: 18:
Experience with the mods: i'm used to the como ones, also i play DW20 modpack since 5.3.2, (i had a wonderful world, almost cried when it updated :( ), mostly buildcraft

Why should we whitelist you?: Well, i'm not an SMP experienced player but i always wanted to be one, most of the time getting rejected or internet derping or minecraft not behaving, but since, now most of that seemsa to be fixed, i decided to try my luck on this whitelist server, why whitelist? they seem a lot more controlled when it comes to who play on then and tend to have reasonably good hardware to support some crazy(caham Jaded engine tetris for example, not that i want to build one of then of course) so i can get some nice experience in such servers where people help each other out and help back in return greatly improving the overrall atmosphere.

What can you contribute to NU?: I'm Brazilian, and brazilian players of FTB seem to be scarce, also i'm a member of a local cultural club where we discuss some things about our way of things and why we seem to do so(mostly philosophical talk).Also i would like to add, i plan to spend about 2 hours online each day(can't stay more because i have college to attend at night and some homework to do[most programming or works for teachers]).
IGN: Zzfallen_AngelzZ
Age: 16
Experience with the mods: i played direwolf for over a year.
Why should we whitelist you,What can you contribute to NU?:
i decided to put it like that as ill answer both in this. I like to have fun, i want to meet more friends , add them on skype etc xD, i would glady add u if u want to speak to me. I been tired of vanilla MC for quite some time and i seen alot of server's die off, my favorite died a long time ago. I like helping people and the community, this place does seem like a good spot for me to return to modded mc ^.^. i do suck at typing, so thats why i would add u on skype lol, easier if im typing to someone in personish lol.
(skype: travist10111)