It does appear that Twilight forest, Thaumcraft and ars magica are the only "no-go" mods, and ichun's ones could cause problems, that annoying, as the portal gun mod is a very functional one, and personally the ability to "neutralise" spawners relatively early game via the Grav gun is really fun as well.
Well I guess as long as the config supports it, everything else can be installed.
Apparent twilight forest author is very active on twitter, and apparently follows lambert, perhaps between you you could get perms?
Also, why is it just the magic mods that don't let people use them? Does every modpack have to be the same?
Also, there was little/no permissions information available for the UE mods, so I don't knew how to go about getting these.
There's in numerous places statements how if its going to he via ftb, you can definately use my mod, if not, not so likely, so getting this pack in with FTB would make perms a LOT easier.
Well I guess as long as the config supports it, everything else can be installed.
Apparent twilight forest author is very active on twitter, and apparently follows lambert, perhaps between you you could get perms?
Also, why is it just the magic mods that don't let people use them? Does every modpack have to be the same?
Also, there was little/no permissions information available for the UE mods, so I don't knew how to go about getting these.
There's in numerous places statements how if its going to he via ftb, you can definately use my mod, if not, not so likely, so getting this pack in with FTB would make perms a LOT easier.