My Resonant Rise Let's Play (Resonant Rise Modpack)

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And Xycraft does tanks AND boilers better in the beta, so I hope to get rid of Railcraft entirely in the future.
By the way is there any 1.5 version of Xycraft yet.If there is I can't find it.I almost swear I heard you saying there is(in yuor vid)
Well if it were just Greg and UE I think I'd use the Greg method. I will be using the greg method soon in my series.

Railcraft is not a mod I enjoy and it's only around because of boilers and tanks. And Xycraft does tanks AND boilers better in the beta, so I hope to get rid of Railcraft entirely in the future. I have extreme differences of opinion with Railcraft. The entire mod is working in a balance universe that doesn't exist.

But I'm open to suggestions! Should I turn off cooking of steel dust w/out a blast furnace? I can do this, but then everyone will need IC2 batteries first. If they do that they'll have them on hand when they make Mekanism powergen. If they have them on hand then they get 50eu/t power output from a solar. We're working with Aidan to fix that problem, but even then I'm not sure how the progression should look.
No-no-no! Don't do that... Mekanism heavily relies on steel... I think it is better to tweak conversion ratios a bit working with Aidan. Metallurgic infuser might be a bit OP in Greg's terms. Or maybe even a LOT OP, but in Mekanism it's pretty balanced.

And Xycraft is getting boilers now? That's interesting...
Oh, Dave, Actually Aidan says that 1 KW = 5 Eu/t. That's not 50 Eu/t per Solar, just 3 Eu/t. Or 18 Eu/t per Advanced Solar (if it's still 6 x basic solar)
Oh, Dave, Actually Aidan says that 1 KW = 5 Eu/t. That's not 50 Eu/t per Solar, just 3 Eu/t. Or 18 Eu/t per Advanced Solar (if it's still 6 x basic solar)

Yeah well his argument is not reflected by what his code is doing. Solars are definitely outputting a lot more than they should.

I've regenerated the config once or twice too...
I think he talks about 5.5.6 version that he is developing now. At least the latest commits he made reflect the balance changes we were talking about.
Maybe there is some bugs in his code, since the numbers posted by Poppycocks look like a bug - sometimes those things output normal amounts, sometimes overpowered amounts.[DOUBLEPOST=1369161169][/DOUBLEPOST]I'd like to test it, but I can't access the Mekanism creative tab, since it crashes with some rendering bug...
I think he talks about 5.5.6 version that he is developing now. At least the latest commits he made reflect the balance changes we were talking about.
Maybe there is some bugs in his code, since the numbers posted by Poppycocks look like a bug - sometimes those things output normal amounts, sometimes overpowered amounts.[DOUBLEPOST=1369161169][/DOUBLEPOST]I'd like to test it, but I can't access the Mekanism creative tab, since it crashes with some rendering bug...

Use the NEI mode?
Nope. We have the same problem :).

Chunk generation is the biggest cpu guzzler, but there's a number of mods that could... use a little optimization.

Then there's one known memleak and one we haven't pinned yet... Errr, yeah, it can get hairy.
D'ya think pre-generating the chunks would help? I was really pumped for a 1.5 modpack.
D'ya think pre-generating the chunks would help? I was really pumped for a 1.5 modpack.

You can use RR. It works. My advice is to get chunkgenning out of the way to start.

Part of the problem is that the mods: they do things. And many of them got a ton of features added in 1.5.1 that aren't really done baking yet. The next 1.5.2 release of the modpack seems to be a ton more performant.

In general though the server runs for days at a time without reset, and really only gets hairy if you generate a lot of chunks. Overall it was probably wise for people to skip 1.5.1 in favor of 1.5.2. You missed some really obnoxious forge bugs too.

But by the way, you can significantly improve the performance of your server if you run it with these flags:
java -server -Xms3000M -Xmx3000M -XX:PermSize=128M -jar forge_server.jar nogui

The bloklag I get is weird sometimes... it seems like MPS has some sort of bug that exacerbates blog lag.
My opinion in the steel was that I thought it was OP, based on its strength in Tconstruct , which requires a lot if shovels to normally obtain the tech for, and also based in GT, where steel is meant a slightly later game swap for advanced machine blocks, and for reinforced casing and suchlike.
But having played now ewith UE, it is rather apparent that without it, UE becomes rather mid-late game, and difficult to enter, I hadn't realised the vast quantitys of steel it used so early.

So that's my opinion on the steel.
You said that you got the perms for Everything bar ars magica?
Or that if your pack was in ftb officially you would have inherited perms for everything else?
Even Thaumcraft and Twilight forest?

I think you may perhaps try one if the mod pack teams? Not slow himself? I was reading Lawbrokens wall, where several (one) people had asked him how to get their modpack in the launcher, as a public pack.
He said to consult the mod pack team, and included a link to the staff list.

KirinDave : "Hey Mithion, can I use ars magica in My modpack, Resonant Rise? I have everyone else's permissions and its going to be distributed completely non-profit via the ftb launcher. I will donate money to child play, and sell my wife and kids to you, you can have both my legs and my left arm."

I can't understand why some mod authors are so mean about letting people use their mods. I mean, what was the point in making a cool mod, developing it and refining it to a point where its clean and polished, but then telling everyone to take a running jump when they ask if they can actually use it.

I can understand them not wanting people to profit from their hard work, but other than that what's the point?

Oh and Dave, check out this mod, I just posted it in another thread but I think you would like it too.

Sent from my Paranoid Android
Were I a mod author, and someone wanted to put a mod pack together with my mod(s) in it, I think I'd really want to have confidence that the pack maintainer will be the front line for bug reports before I said "sure, go for it".

It's hard enough to manage bug reports when you have a single place to report them (say, the "official" minecraft forum thread) and you are talking about a single mode. It's a lot harder to deal with crazy inter-mod interactions that you never dreamed could happen, being reported in dozens of different places. The last thing a mod author is going to want to deal with is people yelling "your mod is broken" when it turns out that some other mod in a pack is the real culprit.
I... actually suggested half-heartedly to Greg that it would be interesting and cruel to have the flint and steel use steel. He did add matches, though! And seeing as we have Ars, fire isn't a problem.
So, it took me till 3:55am, but I finally finished it.
Here is the list if all the mods, with links to MCF posts, blogs etc, and the required perms for conditions.
I may have missed some, and I deliberately left buildcraft out - the information on it is so scattered it will be a whole other project. I think it's open source however.

The list contains the mod name/version, the mod authors name, a link to their MCF post, and their terms of use.
Hope this is helpful dave.

It seems that I must split it between two posts, this may take a bit longer in that case...

Forge Version: minecraftforge-universal-1.5.1-


This is the Internet. Even if you don't like us (we still like you, really) for some reason, we can't (and wouldn't) stop you and maintain any semblance of a moral high ground, so have fun. Permission granted. This was made to be played, after all.

A courtesy notification is definitely appreciated, as well as a link to the wiki. As a consideration to the community, I would request that you make all possible efforts in order to comply with the respective licenses and terms of all other mods in your pack.


Chickenbones: "You are welcome to include any of my mods in modpacks as long as you provide credit. My name and a link to this page is fine."


See CodeChickenCore


power crystals
Free for non-commercial use. You are free to include any of my mods in any modpacks or server-specific packs without needing to ask permission (but it'd be nice to hear if you do!), provided something either in the download or on your site lists me as the creator. You are also free to produce Bukkit ports. A link to this thread would be nice for any of the above, but that's all I ask.


And no, you don't have to ask me to make a port or a modpack. The license says you need to include it in "all copies or substantial portions of the software"; since there's a copy in the download that's already done for you.


Ars Magica is not allowed in modpacks by default. There are a couple special cases:
The DireWolf20 pack
One other one soon
As a general rule, I will not respond any more to PMs asking about mod packs - this isn't because I am trying to be a jerk or anything, but I get a lot of these PMs each day, and responding "Read the OP" over and over gets old. So please, don't PM me about mod packs. If I change my mind, I will post it here on the OP.


2. USE
Use of this MOD to be installed, manually or automatically, is given to the USER without restriction.

This MOD may only be distributed where uploaded, mirrored, or otherwise linked to by the OWNER solely. All mirrors of this mod must have advance written permission from the OWNER. ANY attempts to make money off of this MOD (selling, selling modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and the OWNER may claim damages or take other action to rectify the situation.

TDWP_FTW, ted80, Amnet and Adubbz
Can I add this mod to a mod pack?
A: Yes, as long as you give proper credit (Linking back to this thread, etc.), and don't make any money off of it (, etc.).


See CodeChickenCore

I authorise and encourage people to create and distribute lua programs for ComputerCraft however they see fit (try the forums at!). I also give permission for ComputerCraft to be included in any and all mod packs, provided that the ComputerCraft files are included completely unmodified. If you include ComputerCraft in a popular modpack, please consider donating to the development of the mod.

For modpacks and etc- Just ask me beforehand. I want to keep track of where my mod is being distributed. More specifically, read below.
(Legal Jargon)


See CodeChickenCore


This mod may be used in modpacks under the following conditions:
1. There is a post in this thread that the mod is being used in a modpack. If it is a public modpack, then it must include the pack's name and the website or URL where the modpack can be found. If it is a private modpack, then mention this in your post. (I would like the post to contain also a description of the modpack and an estimate of the number of users, but this isn't necessary.)
2. The modpack must include in it a text file listing for each public mod: the name of the mod, the mod's author, and the mod's forum thread or website.
3. If the modpack is, or is derived from, the modpacks known as "tekkit" or "technic", or is kept in company with them, or uses their launcher or other programs, then the configuration file "factorization.cfg" must have "addBranding" set to "true", such that this is the default value for all users of the modpack. (Users of the modpack may change this value themselves if they wish.)

Q: Can I add this mod into a mod pack?
A: Sorry, but I do not allow this mod in mod packs, other than AMCO by Arrrg (Now by Kenny) and FTB modpack by Slowpoke.

See Hats

See gravity gun


Inventory Tweaks, being under the MIT License, is frequently used in modpacks. Feel free to redistribute it! My only request is to provide a link to either this thread or the mod's website.


Andrew24478 - Addons for MachineMuse's MPS, see below


See PowerCrystals core.


Yes, you may include this mod in your pack. I will not sign up on your website to give you express written permission. Just link to this page.


You are free to add NEIPlugins to your modpack and redistribute it, as long as the modpack is strictly non-profit and none of the other mods are included against their license.

This mod is covered under the Creative Commons 3.0 license. Modpacks are encouraged, feel free to do anything you like with it. I only ask that you enjoy it!


See PowerCrystals Core


See team CoFH core

See Gravity Gun


If you wish to include Railcraft in a mod pack, you should know that CovertJaguar will by no means allow you do so if you intend to earn revenue from it. This is not permission to include Railcraft in a mod pack. If you fail to get permission, CovertJaguar will use all means available to get your mod pack removed from the Internet.
You are REQUIRED to provide a link to a PUBLICLY posted permissions list for all the mods currently in your mod pack (images of PMs, posts by devs, etc...).
Requests without proper background information (links, name, theme, descriptions, other mods, expected user base, etc...) will be dismissed off hand.
If you do receive permission you will not be allowed to use the latest series of Railcraft (versioning system being <>, ie until a new series is released or one week has passed since the last revision was released. This is to protect the users from unstable versions.
Beta build are never to be packaged as part of a mod pack. Only public releases ending in zero (x.x.x.0) can be used in mod packs.
Permission to use future versions may be revoked at the discretion of CovertJaguar, but will only occur if it is deemed necessary for the health of the mod. Otherwise permissions are considered to be valid for past, present and future versions unless otherwise stated.

If you want to include Steve's Carts 2 alpha in a mod pack, public or private, you need to follow a few steps.
1. Give me credit for the mod.
2. Have permission from all mod authors whose mods are in the pack.
3. Don't earn money on the pack.

If all those steps are followed you have my permission to include it in your mod pack. This licence might be change in the future.


This mod is covered under the Creative Commons 3.0 license. Modpacks are encouraged, feel free to do anything you like with it. I only ask that you enjoy it!

All mod packs I want to include Thaumcraft already have my permission. Only people I am personally acquainted with have any chance of me giving permission for their mod pack.
Currently these include:
- Feed the Beast
- SolitaryCraft.


See Team CoFH Core


See Chickenbones Core

Exterminator Jeff


You may include this mod into your modpack if you ask nicely for it (post here or PM) and give credit & a link to this thread.
It may be included in any modpack with other mods, as long as the owner does not try to make money.

You are allowed to use backpacks mod in your modpack when you fullfill the following points:
- You have to give credits to the author of this mod and you have to show a link pointing to this thread.
- You are not allowed to make money with your modpack ( or similar); PayPal donations are allowed.
- Make sure you have read and understand the license (can be found in the zip)


This one I left out, AFAIK perms are open, however buildcraft has had such a history and has so may developers off and on from other mods etc, that I left his kettle of fish out.

Since Equivalent Exchange 3 is an open source mod released under the LGPL v3, that means you have the right to include this mod in your modpack (regardless of who you are).


If you have permission to use forestry in your mod pack, in accordance with the terms and conditions provided at the bottom of the forestry forum thread then you have permission to also include Extra Bees, as long as you link back here

You have my permission to use include this mod in any modpack, public or private, provided that credit is given, the source code is not modified and the overall mod pack is distributed free of charge.


Mod Packs: You are free to add Forestry to your modpack and redistribute it, as long as the modpack is strictly non-profit and none of the other mods are included against their license. Yes, this even applies to packs made by people I don't like. Don't expect me to play tech support for your modpack though. (Applies to and later.)

2. If it's going to be distributed via the FTB-Launcher, then you don't need to ask me, as I already gave the permission to redistribute it via FTB.
3. If you are making a public Modpack, which is NOT distributed via FTB-Launcher, then you HAVE TO ask before.

iChun - See Gravity Gun


See Immibis MicroBlocks


See Immibis MicroBlocks


Effective from now on, you may redistribute IC²'s original download (in any combination with other files or mods) in the form of 'ModPack's, without requesting explicit permission in advance, as long as following conditions are met:

You must explicitely state, on the website, thread, blog or other public location (further referred to as 'location'), the presence of IC² in your modpack in a readable and user-understandable manner and English language (usage of multiple languages, including at least one English translation, is permitted).
Either the download or the location must contain some sort of 'Credit's, listing up the 'IC² Dev Team' (this term is considered sufficient, it is not necessary to label the members of the Dev Team by name) as creator of IC².
A link to or must be present, user-visible, at the location of publication.
You may not gain any direct revenue associated with the download of any data containing the redistributed IC² files. This literally applies to AdFly, but as well to other advertisment services, including those services basing revenue of website traffic.

You may contact me (aka Alblaka), head of the IC² Dev Team, to negotiate conditions different from those specified above, if the necessarity arises.


See Immibis MicroBlocks

Modpackers: yes, I allow both this and compact solars into modpacks, and being open source I really can't stop you. But I would appreciate a courtesy ping saying that you're including me somewhere. Thanks!


See Immibis MicroBlocks



For all those who want to use my addons in their mods pack, I give permission to use all my addons. You don't need pm me about it !

Look for permissions.


FTB has my explicit permission to include any of the mods in this post in any official FTB or privately listed ModPack, to be distributed via the FTB Launcher. Additionally, any of the mods listed may be added to non-FTB public or private modpacks, without asking me directly for my permission, so long as they adhere to the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license (which all of the mods use).


Can I add Thaumic Bees to my modpack?
Yes! You don't need to PM me about it, you can add it.
I am not interested in any more public modpacks at this time. All the packs I'm interested in already have permission.
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