Murder at Monocon Game Thread!

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sgbros - Tried to convince that Cheese was a wolf, although CROST is slightly suspicious in most eyes, bros is more suspicious than anyone else alive

Il change my vote to sgbros
Changing mines to vote sgbros! too!

I'm always quiet in games... i know i need to change that.

Pyure suspected ljfa was crost and i think i can trust cheeses conversation as well.

but with the notes i have i'm not 100% certain on sg...
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This is unofficial, as far as I know I got everything in order:

Stringwolf - Votes Victini
sgbros1 - Votes LivingAngryCheese
fowltief - votes jus2beast
jus2beast - votes fowltief

victini - votes sgbros1
strikingwolf - votes sgbros1
livingangrycheese - votes jus2beast
ljfa - votes strikingwolf
jus2beast - votes sgbros1
fowltief - votes sgbros1
not voting: sgbros1

: victini, strikingwolf, jus2beast, fowltief
jus2beast: livingangrycheese
strikingwolf: ljfa
FOR FUCKS SAKE I WAS IN CONTACT WITH THE MEDIUM AND THE INVESTIGATOR. Sg is the muscle man. Fowl is almost certainly a chap. Ljfa and victini are CROST. Striking is acting weird, jus2beast actively defended j.
Yup, and if basically everyone who voted for me don't switch their votes now, Victini's gonna die.

Vote strike
WOAH WOAH, hang on a minute. I had no idea that sg was muscle man, if everyone is fine with voting jus2beast we can do that. Go ahead and murder me, but I don't understand how I'm acting suspicious. If I think you're suspicious and you're a villager/CROST that doesn't automatically make me suspicious, analyze reasoning and gaps in logic and overall accusations, not a particular accusation.

I'll vote jus2beast for now even though I'm still not sure of sg, and I hope some of you will join me so I live through the night.

Sg, you're fairly in the clear as people have vouched for you, but you're next on my list if it isn't jus2beast tonight

Also @Jus2beast
Does anyone have anything with some form of evidence? Rn its just accusations with no backup.


Why did he out himself as a wolf, did he give a reason? He might be a moonmoon.
It's not really much, so I don't consider it very incriminating evidence. But apparently Cheese does, and while searching for those quotes I found out that Cheese was confirmed CROST much earlier, I wasn't reading the thread much early on and only skimmed it and missed that
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@VictiniX888 change your vote and I'll use my chap power to force jus2beast to die, if my power doesn't work then it won't be enough to let me out and I'll die tonight, deal?
  • strikingwolf was lynched! He was a Chap!
  • sgbros was killed by the wolves! He was the Muscle Man!
  • The game is over! the winners are:
    • VictiniX888 the Identity Thief!
    • LivingAngryCheese the Wasp!
    • ljfa the Identity Thief!
  • The losing survivors are as such:
    • Fowltief the moon-moon!
    • jus2beast the adulterer!
Fun facts:
  • most of the wolves were revealed when pyure pretended to be the wasp extending an olive branch to the wolves. He got this info from vikestep, who scanned J night one.
  • Vikestep was attacked three different times and survived each. He survived twice from the muscle man and once from the priest.
  • jus2beast tried to convert to CROST twice. First he attacked vike and the second time he attacked pyure. Both times he was blocked by the muscle man.
  • One night, vikestep was attacked by three different people: the wolves, the wasp, and the adulterer. Good thing he was guarded by the muscle man.
Here have a list of roles:
i know I raised the above as a possibility, but only if all three villagers managed to die tonight. Jus2beast didn't die, nor did the moonmoon, so the game should have kept going...?
Just to clarify, the win condition for wolves requires that the moonmoon dies, and they never met their full win condition, (and they technically still can), so the game should have continued.
I knew there was something wrong with fowl's message
But, @Pyure did you send him the list because you knew he was moon-moon?
Remind me, what list? There's a possibility he simply misdirected you.
Remind me, what list? There's a possibility he simply misdirected you.
Well, there's that possibility, but he got most roles right

Anyways, here's the convo
I really do not want to speak publicly, my only goal now is to survive until the end.

What role do you claim?

Pyrue sent me a list before he died and i'm trying to verify it.
i dont blame you for being paranoid as well but it's a risk i have to take.

Here.Cheese i believe has the list as well.

Strikingwolf: the_J suggested we target him. I've asked for his claim
sgbros1: claimed muscleman D4
Pyure: more or less proven medium
SoraZodia: Claims adulterer; Vike says adulterer too
VictiniX888: I've asked for his claim
VikeStep: Claims investigator, its pretty tight, cant do anything about it.
fowltief: claims chap ("Im a Chapy!" " Since you got J I think you can be trusted and less concerned with you.")
Jus2beast: claims chap "I am a standard ol' chap." Asked for info on others
LivingAngryCheese: claims Wasp, is almost certainly CROST
ljfa: CROST? No response to role request yet
Shazam08: claims MEDIUM but his defense is substandard. The_J implied AND said shazam was a wolf before he got "suspicious" of me. BS?
dylanpiera: claims "pro-town", doesn't really deny moonmoon. Says we can kill him whenever. Doesn't really mean dickall with dylan, he's weird.