More news about FTB's Future. (Important announcement)

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Of course i totally agree, at the end of the day the only real people who should or could have a problem with it are the mod devs themselves and if they are ok with it (which I am sure they are) then i see no reason to be against it. I know you all deserve even just a little money to help keep you going and I wish you luck.

I'm okay with this. Also, is there or will there ever be a place where you can upload/download custom modpacks? Tekkit has a similar feature on their website and i would love to see some the custom packs that people have put together (with mod pack permissions of course).

You can make custom packs, you just have to do it through either watchful or another pack editor the post on how to do so can be found here
I'd love to have some way to be able to get private mod packs made for you, as long as the mods requested gave permission to do so. And pay some sort of monthly amount.
i actually have a question about the whole money thing.
in the past (i think half a year ago), you(Slowpoke) and Jaded talked about it on one of your streams, and you mentioned certain modders would stop allowing FTB distribution of their mods. you never mentioned any names, which i completely question is, now that FTB will be a business, do you see any modders choosing to disallow the distribution of their mod in your packs, or have those individuals said okay?

like i said, i don't want any names, i merely want to make sure that no current pack needs to be changed suddenly due to a disagreement between the two "groups"
Frankly I can hardly believe it's taken this long. Make as much money as you can and Make FTB even more amazing! You and all the people who make FTB work should be well compensated for you genius and you efforts. That's not "selling out", or "cashing in", that's just fair. Its how the world is supposed to reward hard work.
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This is a good idea. As far as Im aware the mod developers need a space that they can advertise their stuff. So that they can continue to make good mods for minecraft. Its obvious with the problem with the Direwolf pack that things need to change and to grow. I fully support this.
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FTB will continue to have my support. I think this is a great way to keep the project going and growing.
As a mod developer, I am happy with this change.

Making FTB more of a business is something that benefits everyone. People put a lot of hard work into making entertainment for everyone, and if benefits can be taken from that without it doing any damage, then it's a 100% positive thing.

The end user will end up having a better experience and the people involved in creating and distributing the content will be happier.
i have no issue with this personally, I only hope you support the modders by donating some of the profits to them as they are as much a part of FTB as the pack moderators.
All ok with me and i will continue to support FTB, Slowpoke and all of the FTB/Feed the Beast team.
Glad you keep us in the mix.
I wish you good luck :)
I see no problem with any of this, suprised it didn't happen sooner to be honest. soon as I see one I like...I'm totally going to be supporting through buying most likely a hoodie...
Slowpoke, you and all of the mod developers have created something that is fantastically fun, easy to use, and just plain awesome! I find my self playing a few packs that I never thought I would enjoy and finding out that they are a blast. With FTB, you, and the devs compiling the mods, updating them, and configuring everything for compatibility you make it truly fun to play minecraft like it is an addiction (Which it very well might be for me at this point ... ). The only other groups that have EARNED high reverence are the FTB Team (Including all Developers) and the Forge Team. For all your work, I very sincerely thank you all.

I feel you have earned the right to profit off of your work and effort, and I personally would not mind if the launcher even cost a few bucks to use. On a side note if you could setup a Donation system something that would let people like myself donate to multiple mod devs and FTB all at the same time. For example, If I wanted to donate $100 to FTB & 6 mod devs it would make it simple. (I know many developers have their donation links on their websites but having them all in one location would be handy.)
As an interested party: please I beg of you offer more colors than just black. I really would like to purchase a hoodie (non-zippered), but I dislike wearing black.
Mmmm This is great! Don't you worry I will definitly buy the Unleashed Hoody :D (tbh I really need a hoody XD) So might as well make it something i enjoy and support people that make what i enjoy :D Hope the best of luck.
As an interested party: please I beg of you offer more colors than just black. I really would like to purchase a hoodie (non-zippered), but I dislike wearing black.

There is more colors when black :) They were the first 2 printed I believe.
I have absolutely no problem with this at all. Your team does a tremendous amount of work maintaining and enhancing FTB. If this helps you meet those goals and continue then I am all for it.
Does "no payment for download" also include no obnoxious and intrusive ads? Things like the small static banner below are nice and unobstrucive, a steam like "this download is sponsored by XXXXXX" would be fine for me to. Please just don't do it like all those "free" mobile apps that clutter your screen, display fake download buttons or flash all the time.
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I am a little worried about the ads that will be on the website, one of my favorite things about FTB is that this is one of the few places on the internet that is not littered with ads.
Other than that I am excited too see how FTB progresses :)
Does "no payment for download" also include no obnoxious and intrusive ads? Things like the small static banner below are nice and unobstrucive, a steam like "this download is sponsored by XXXXXX" would be fine for me to. Please just don't do it like all those "free" mobile apps that clutter your screen, display fake download buttons or flash all the time.

We've had a sponsor on our launcher from the start, the small creeperhost logo is our current sponsor and and future sponsors would likely be no more intrusive than this one, we want to make something simple to use so clutter is the last thing we would want to add to the launcher/site
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