More efficient/completely safe nuclear reactor setups?

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Okay this one isn't as efficient but the output is better. I tried for the longest time to figure out a setup that would use a plutonium cell in each of the corners but the only way it will run indefinitely (as far as I can tell) is to use uranium in one corner. I wish I knew more about cooling and distribution with this stuff but all I can do is shuffle around the components until I find something that works. With the other corner as plutonium it cranks it up to 430 but it can only run for 210 minutes. Suggestions?:

384 eu/t

430 eu/t

Edit: This one works but it uses 8 plutonium cells and 4 quad thoriums. Still the power output per tick is decent I just wish it was more efficient:

In 1.4.7 there isn't really a need to work in uranium. You can make nice thorium + plutonium cycles without ever running any uranium cells. You get thorium and plutonium in a easy to run ratio. You will get about 3x more EU out of thorium+plutonium than you will out of uranium.

Take this balanced design (consumes plutonium and thorium in the same ratio you get them from centrifuging):

I refined that 367 EU/t design from 5 chambers down to 4 chambers, so in theory you could run it in side by side or for bulk power generation.
One high speed breeder (2 uranium + 8 isotopes + ~60k heat) should enrich enough cells to run 20 of them full time.
Should require about 40 uranium ingots every 14 hours to run.

You could run them all in a row or all as a tower. Example:
Automated with routers and AE storage network.
In 1.4.7 there isn't really a need to work in uranium. You can make nice thorium + plutonium cycles without ever running any uranium cells. You get thorium and plutonium in a easy to run ratio. You will get about 3x more EU out of thorium+plutonium than you will out of uranium.

Take this balanced design (consumes plutonium and thorium in the same ratio you get them from centrifuging):

I refined that 367 EU/t design from 5 chambers down to 4 chambers, so in theory you could run it in side by side or for bulk power generation.
One high speed breeder (2 uranium + 8 isotopes + ~60k heat) should enrich enough cells to run 20 of them full time.
Should require about 40 uranium ingots every 14 hours to run.

You could run them all in a row or all as a tower. Example:
Automated with routers and AE storage network.

Oh, man, I hadn't even considered using routers to automate hybrid reactors - that's brilliant! Just stick some item filters on the ones pulling the re-enriched/depleted cells, and have an input router and export bus dedicated to each fuel slot.
Edit: This one works but it uses 8 plutonium cells and 4 quad thoriums. Still the power output per tick is decent I just wish it was more efficient

Read my post on the IC2 forums that I linked to. You're not going to get good efficiency if you overload on plutonium like that. You need to make sure that each plutonium cell (or uranium cell) is next to as much thorium as possible. That's where the efficiency comes from.
I haven't had a chance to tool around with it yet, but while I was setting up my tungstensteel crafting the other day I noticed that the gregtech vacuum freezer can be used to repair reactor system components. The energy draw looks pretty modest, too. Has anyone looked into the feasibility of using it to quickly repair cooling cells instead of dedicated cooling reactors?

Hm. They're not turning out to be as cheap as I thought. Cooling down a 60k water cooling cell takes 768,000 EU and 300 seconds. Cooling a 360k He cell takes 4,992,000 EU and 1,950 seconds, and cooling a 360k NaK cell takes 3,840,000 EU and 1,500 seconds, while the recipes for the smaller cells are less efficient. I'm not much of a reactor designer, but that does seem like a pretty significant cut to the efficiency of a reactor if you need to dump the equivalent of 2 or 3 UU matter into a cell every so often.
Yeah, considering a cheap cooling tower does it for free and quite possibly faster (1950 seconds is over half an hour!), that's not really an attractive option.
myns outputting 7600 eu/t as a mark 1-SUC EA+ reactor here it is
LZH-Condensators = C
Quad Plutonium cells = Q
Do one whole row of Quad Plutonium Cells
Then a row of Lzh - Condensators
then 2 more rows of Quad Plutonium Cells
then another row of lzh - Condensators
then one more row of Quad plutonium cells
like this

this reactor can run forever
It'll also take you forever to get enough resources to run it outside of cheat mode. For one single cycle, you need 144 plutonium, 1,440 copper and close to 11,000 lapis lazuli (and that's not counting the building cost, that's just running costs). You also need to manually shut it down every 2 minutes and recharge all the condensators - you can't do it automatically in running operation because the reactor has no buffer vents.

It's an on-paper design that has no basis in reality and will never run in practical application.

(Oh, and don't tell me you'll use UU-matter to make the lapis. You're playing GregTech. 4 UU-matter = 9 lapis, therefore ca. 4,835 UU-matter required per cycle. That will cost you 80 billion EU, not counting the cost for copper or plutonium. Your reactor produces 3 billion EU per cycle. The answer is NOPE :p)
Yes, it is 100% safe, so long as you place all the components right (very common mistake, always triplecheck and babysit the reactor during its first cycle).

You will have to restock it by hand after the cycle finishes. However if you used reactor plating to fill in the center gap, you could engineer an automation solution very easily, since you only have a single cell type to replace. Let your ingenuity guide you!
Yeah, and after all running costs are paid, you're ending up with only 1280 EU/t profit, for an effective efficiency of 3.55. And "running costs", by the way, is not yet counting the 72 uranium required ever 2 hours 46 minutes.

That's not a good reactor. Effective efficiency is average, output is admittedly very good but fuel consumption wise this is a monster. The only reason Dire isn't complaining about being unable to keep it running is because after filling up his one enderchest of UU-matter he completely forgot about it :p He did later build that (also not very well executed) breeder since he realized that his reactor is completely unsustainable even with automining, but I still wager it sits in standby for most of his playing time, only being used for occasional short bursts.

This is more of a fun build, probably chosen specifically for the show value because it hits exactly 2000 on the EU-reader, but not really something you'll find in top design lists.
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You don't have the Lapis Lazuli -- that design will consume a piece of blue dust every 138 seconds. And the output and efficiency are less than a Tower of Power segment, while having more complicated automation and no better efficiency. Alternatively, a tower of power based on this would be more efficient and put out significant amounts of power while having no non-tin non-uranium running costs.
You don't have the Lapis Lazuli -- that design will consume a piece of blue dust every 138 seconds. And the output and efficiency are less than a Tower of Power segment, while having more complicated automation and no better efficiency. Alternatively, a tower of power based on this would be more efficient and put out significant amounts of power while having no non-tin non-uranium running costs.
Its rather sad how several small reactors can completely trounce 1 large reactor. Even with CRCS, its best to have the power producing reactors as small as possible (without wasting space on neutron reflectors, of course).

There's my standalone using quad uranium (Notice that I only have IC2, due to using New World pack, you might wanna try changing it to plutonium.)
NOTE: Quad Thorium seems to run the LZH-Condensator out of it's cooling power, I would use plutonium for higher efficiency and more EU produced.

Both of these reactors make exactly the same mistake: Using condensators when it's absolutely not necessary. You can make a tenuous point for Direwolf's condensator reactor, in that it at least has a very high burst output that is impossible to achieve with just internal vents... but for these two, there's just no justification when this design exists: http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyo...hz1wpiyjp8vtdslza80m00drdsvntps8fdm4xmr3ydlhc

It has higher effective efficiency, it is much easier to automate, it is significantly cheaper to build. And in the case of Link's reactor, which is especially bad, this even has significantly more output. All while still being one of the less ideal designs (because it heavily sacrifices efficiency in favor of output, and note how this thread is about efficient designs).

Seriously guys... please at least try to look at this thread of recommended designs, which is also linked several times in this thread, to get some idea of roughly how well your design stacks up in terms of output, efficiency and running costs. And please, try not to post something below effective efficiency 4 in a thread that is titled "more efficient (...) reactor designs". That's like coming into a thread about automating ore processing with Applied Energistics to tell everyone how you put a hopper on top of a vanilla furnace. Sorry for having to say it so directly, but on the internet just as in real life, basic reading comprehension is something you really want to have as a person. And we now have a series of three people in a row posting designs that completely miss the point of this topic.
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