Mods I added to DW20 1.6.4 (and work!)

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I did ... it's in my original list.

Can't say if it works properly since I'm a long way from making it - but it shows up fine on my NEI.
By now ive added
Morph 0.5.0 (replaced 0.4.0)
Optifine(some render problems sometimes, but worth it for the fps boost. I have a slow computer)
Iguana tweaks for tinkers construct.
Because I did not know that you could install UE to not have to get rid of MFFS to play with Galacticcraft, if I install UE now and re-enable MFFS, will that screw with the worldgen at all? Or will it just add the monazit ore back? I don't want to re-add the mod only to find out at the edge of what I've explored is just screwy terrain.
So coming from Ultimate and Unleashed, I was a bit annoyed of some mods missing with the DW20 pack that I had grown to love.

I know it's because some were not updated yet and all, but I've seen a lot of them updated for 1.6.4 in the past couple of days, to I thought, why not? (Plus a few more mods that were never part of FTB but that I love)

This is what I have installed, and have tried and tested to I can confirm that they work without issues (so far!)
  • Jammy's Furniture Mod
  • Galacticraft
  • Archimedes' Ships
  • Xeno's Reliquary
  • Soul Shards 2
  • Advanced Solar Panels
  • Gravitation Suite
  • I also disabled Opis' minimap (disabled Opis itself for now) and enabled Zanis minimap. I did not like Opis' minimap at all). Direwolf included Zanis in the latest modpack update.
  • Binnie's Mod (after seeing a reply on this thread :))
A few important notes:
  • Galacticraft and MFFS will not load together, unless you install UE Core. They work nicely after that.
  • IDfixMinus is like "best mod evah!" for fixing them pesky ID conflicts. Install in core, and it will resolve any ID conflicts, and write them to the mod's config file, so you only need it to run it once.
Still running this on a separate test server not on the official SMP one for 2 reasons - Extra Bees, and Extra Trees.

Players would hang, draw and quarter me if I reset them to a new pack without those 2.
I just tried to add GraviSuite and Advanced Solars to the DW20 pack and got an immediate crash. I was using Adv. Sol. 3.4.6 for IC2 exp and Gravisuite 1.9.8 for IC2 exp. What did you do to get it working?
Speaking of mods lacking updates, anyone knows if (and maybe when) Equivalent Exchange will make a comeback?

There's no words in the English language to describe how much I'm missing that thing! I had to walk 2 days' worth away from my base to find some stupid clay! Not kidding.

TE3 has a clay recipe. You need to use the Induction Smelter with sand and ores to get your ingots and slag as a byproduct. You then use the slag to make clay.
The question about compatibility between BuildCraft and Millenaire is fairly common because default configurations in both mods use IDs in the same range. Changing IDs of one of the mods should be all you need to do.
everytime i try to install gravisuite or advanced solar it crashes dont know y though :(

(I'm using Monster not DW20's pack but maybe its the same problem/solution)

Not sure about Gravitation but the game was closing during the loading screen when trying to get Advanced Solar Panels working so I took a shot in the dark and went into the Advanced Solar Panel config file and changed the 2 block ID's to this:

block {

I think I just added a 7 to the end of the first one and an 8 to the second one and the game loaded up fine
Took me 2 days of sorting through a bunch of mods, packs, vanilla MC and I've finally found the perfect balance. I'm using DW20 pack but just for the stability and updates that it provides. I've also managed to get shaders working, finally :).

Mods I've added:
Damage Indicators, Better Storage, Agriculture
Archimedes Ships, Ender IO (a must have, so awesome!)
Gendustry, Idfix Minus (sorts out id problems)
Iguana Tweaks for TC (settings for this below)
JABBA (I just love the dolly)
Magical Crops (build awesome ore gardens, there expensive to make though)
Mariculture (cultivate the sea, explore the depths in scuba gear)
Natura, Pam's Agriculture (played it on the Horizon pack now I can't live without it, build awesome farms of over 30 crops)
Armor Status HUD, Status Effect HUD, Redstone In Motion
Edit: Just added Traincraft, chugga chugga choo choo! Can't wait to build some advanced networks.

Mods I've disabled:
AM2 (I don't like magic, I only keep Thaumcraft because its more alchemy like than magic, this is a great magic mod though)
Billund, Biomes O Plenty (Some mods don't work properly in modded biomes)
Buildcraft (Useless), Calclavia Core
Compact Solars, Computer Craft (only used the turtles and they are too op)
Den Pipes, Extrautils, Factorization, GravityGun
Hats & Hatstand, IC2 Nuclear control & IC2 (the mod has become terrible)
Qcraft, ThaumicTinkerer (makes Thaumcraft more magical which I don't want)
Twilight Forest (some really op stuff in there), Universal Electricity (don't like UE api)

Iguana tweaks changes I've made:
I:toolLevelingRatePercentage=120 Leveling is a tad slow at the start you must mine out 10 stacks of cobble.
I:durabilityPercentage=110 I felt 100 was a bit too low specially for stone.
B:allowStoneTools=true Could set to false if you wanted a harsher start but I want to play the game not gimp myself.
And remove "2" from I:restrictedWoodParts, this lets you make a wooden pickaxe head, otherwise you need to find flint before you can make your first pickaxe.

With Iguana tweaks you can't mine out ores immediately, you must first level up your ability to use that tool. Lets say you just made a stone pick, it's mining level will be stone, no coal or copper and it feels new in your hand so you use it less effectively. You want to get a flint tool asap and level that up so it can mine copper. Yes you will be mining a ton of cobble but you can just use those to build your house so its actually not a grind mechanic, it just changes the start of the game and prevents you from rushing down to shaft mine till you get 2 stacks of everything.
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I can't get better dungeons working, is there a reason for this, I have tried adding the relevant biomes from biomes o' plenty to the dungeon config files, and also disabling biomes o' plenty. The game loads, but no dungeons spawn so the mod becomes pointless.
Man, I've been trying to add Jammy's Furniture Mod to DW20 1.6 modpack and it just out right crashes. I cant even get the config to generate and doing the trick of unloading all mobs but JFM does the same. Care to toss a working config my way? (one with the config file name? >.>)
Our server added extra bees/trees 1.8 pre 1 with no issues, didn't even had to worry with id conflicts. So far no one reported issues.
A while since last post in this Thread. Any news about Bennie Mods?
Never did bees and now wanted to start with them and was quit disapointed when I saw its not into DW20 1.6.4 :(

Edit: Any confirmed info ;) That it apperiently does not give problems on some servers is fine but I don´t want to risk anything.
I have extra bees in my game and have no issue aside having to fly out to new chunks to get them ^.- They breed just fine for me in both my manual 'breeding' chamber and my automatic system.