Modpack Release

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It should also be mentioned that even ultimate broke parts of GT.
Ender tanks were godly at the time. Lava power for the win.

No one was that hung up on balance then. Packs were build as a mess of fun toys. With many ways to play with and through them.
You would start a map play through it one way. Start again and do it a different way.
Sometimes I played for challenge. Sometimes I played just to screw around with OP things.
That diversity was lost somewhere along the way though.
It should also be mentioned that even ultimate broke parts of GT.
Ender tanks were godly at the time. Lava power for the win.

No one was that hung up on balance then. Packs were build as a mess of fun toys. With many ways to play with and through them.
You would start a map play through it one way. Start again and do it a different way.
Sometimes I played for challenge. Sometimes I played just to screw around with OP things.
That diversity was lost somewhere along the way though.

Sure when you have BC and ender tanks getting lava becomes a whole lot easier, but you're not skipping anything. If you dont want "exploits" then don't use any other mods. I don't think the pack should be difficult, challenging or grindy so we need easy shoutcuts, without them it gets boring.
Everything I see in that picture exists in FTB Resurrection.
XD I only asked cause its only been released for a short while and it took us several days to get that. or even close to it.

There are several ores that actually smelt into tin.
yeah theres 2-3 for tin, copper and iron so more than one ore that smelts into anything. very plentiful too.

just a quick question but i see buildcraft is in this modpack, and it's a question i have all ways wanted to ask, but why is logistics pipes not in here has well its a great addon to buildcraft i know it may just be me be i like it more then ae 1 or 2 and its rare to see it in a feed the beast modpack just want to know why you guys rarely add it in?
why have 2 mods that do the same thing * pretty much * AE is a little better storage wise and automation.
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The sentence right above the one you snark-emphasized says that the modlist is 'pretty much final', which means that the community did not get an open period to influence the included mods significantly. I don't think it's necessary to be so patronizing.

I would really like to see Ender IO in the pack, as the GregTech item pipes are pretty frustrating and much less flexible than EIO conduits. I also feel that auto-extraction of fluids and items in an intuitive and easy way is bare-minimum for any tech pack. It's especially critical for servers, as bad buildcraft and other pipe systems can significantly impact everyone's play with lag.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

The highlighted sentence states quite clearly that "changes may be needed between now and release based as always on community feedback."

Maybe Joe Smith isn't going to get his personal pet peeve changed, but if it's something enough players want it'll most likely happen.
I'm getting an MD5 error upon download, and the mod pack does not load.

Logging in...
Beginning authlib authentication attempt
successfully created YggdrasilAuthenticationService
Login complete.
Modpack is out of date.
Downloading Mod Pack
Issue with new md5 method, attempting to use backup method.
Local: FAC2BC53DCA319BE2C7B1BD036DA6D0C
dirs mk'd
why have 2 mods that do the same thing * pretty much * AE is a little better storage wise and automation.
Because people like options, no one wants to be forced into a mod. But on second thought, why would such a person play a GregTech pack.

and LP looks cool and thats reason enough xD
It was awesome coincidence that this pack released as I was already looking into GregTech, in an attempt to find something a bit challenging and requiring true planning and thought. I've already fired this up on a small server with some friends and I'm having a blast. Really looking forward to where this pack goes.
Looks like a nice pack but without tinkers construct or enderio I will wait for the 1.7.10 pack that is Monster equivalent. Which does anyone know when it will be released
Pam's harvestcraft is kind of pointless, there's no real need for it (please don't include any hungeroverhaul like mods...).

I wouldn't want Hunger Overhaul, but I absolutely love Pam's HarvestCraft. I don't really want to play any pack that doesn't have it these days. It really is Food Done Right.
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I find it really odd that current "Alpha" state of FTB 3 packs is way more stable than final releases of first FTB and Tekkit packs, even ones with final updates/versions xD

Maybe consider moving to Beta, since "Alpha" leaves a bad taste in mouths, every "alpha" game I have ever tried was basically an unfinished mess while these Alpha packs I managed to crash 2 times in total while doing some pretty complex s**t, and all in span of 100+ hrs of running... A lot of finalized full AAA titles would be proud of this xD
The reason this pack isn't beta is because of the lack of a few mods that I still plan to add after more proper testing, once I complete that it will be moved into a stable beta.
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ITT everyone telling us how to make modpacks

Any why shouldn't we? Isn't our opinion just as good as yours? In what way are your opinions better than ours? What is special about you?
You won a lottery that lets you be a official part of the FTB crew? So what? Are you even a part of the pack making team? If you are again So What?
FTB wasn't built by the pack makers alone. It was built by everyone. And I don't appreciate you ignoring that fact.

It was everyone who made FTB great. All of use, every one of us players and pack makers a like. We all contributed to making FTB what it is today.
FTB is a community composed of thousands. Not only the handful who make the packs but also those who play them.
Do not forget that. We have are a part of this.
If you don't like it? You don't want to be a part of this community? Go somewhere else. Someone else will replace you and the rest of us will still be here.

If that isn't what you wanted to say thin say what you meant. But don't dismiss us.
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Any why shouldn't we? Isn't our opinion just as good as yours? In what way are your opinions better than ours? What is special about you?
You won a lottery that lets you be a official part of the FTB crew? So what? Are you even a part of the pack making team? If you are again So What?
FTB wasn't built by the pack makers alone. It was built by everyone. And I don't appreciate you ignoring that fact.

It was everyone who made FTB great. All of use, every one of us players and pack makers a like. We all contributed to making FTB what it is today.
FTB is a community composed of thousands. Not only the handful who make the packs but also those who play them.
Do not forget that. We have are a part of this.
If you don't like it? You don't want to be a part of this community? Go somewhere else. Someone else will replace you and the rest of us will still be here.

If that isn't what you wated to say this say what you ment. But don't dismiss us.

Take a chill pill dude. I can't talk for anyone, but if you took that simple comment as a critisism of the whole community, then you may be over reading things. Just maybe move critisism, suggestions and whatnot to a thread actually designed for it, where it's more likely to be noticed than scattered between the more standard comments on this kind of thread.
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I should remind everyone that the pack is in an alpha state so it's not as if we are completely blocking out feedback or anything... If you have thoughts about what you like/don't like about the pack please tell us before it's so late that we can't make big changes. If you can convince us then maybe we will do what you have suggested.
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Any why shouldn't we? Isn't our opinion just as good as yours? In what way are your opinions better than ours? What is special about you?
You won a lottery that lets you be a official part of the FTB crew? So what? Are you even a part of the pack making team? If you are again So What?
FTB wasn't built by the pack makers alone. It was built by everyone. And I don't appreciate you ignoring that fact.

It was everyone who made FTB great. All of use, every one of us players and pack makers a like. We all contributed to making FTB what it is today.
FTB is a community composed of thousands. Not only the handful who make the packs but also those who play them.
Do not forget that. We have are a part of this.
If you don't like it? You don't want to be a part of this community? Go somewhere else. Someone else will replace you and the rest of us will still be here.

If that isn't what you wated to say this say what you ment. But don't dismiss us.
To be quite honest, I don't consider my opinion better than the modpack creators on the topic of modpack creation, in fact I consider theirs a lot more important than mine. They're the modpack creators for a reason.

The community contributed, but how would the community have done anything without people in the center of all of it coordinating their ideas and putting it into action? An idea is only an idea, it's all well and good to say, "a modpack that contains lots of mods and shows off the advantages of all the mods would be great," but what would have happened without people who know what they're doing in building modpacks?

His post is not the only apparently offensive one here, seriously? "You won a lottery that lets you be a official part of the FTB crew", how is that appropriate? Nana's an extremely skilled person, and was effectively a founding member of FTB. Without him, the forums would run on some crappy software with a horrible theme and no modifications from the original, FTB would have a website that looks like it was made in the '90s. The whole automated modpack system wouldn't exist, because it was his expertise that allowed the servers that run modpack downloads to be set up.
This post really makes it look like you think the FTB team had no greater effort into bringing FTB to a reality than the community did. If you can't see the massive amount of time and effort that everyone on the FTB team puts in, you don't deserve to be here.
Because it bypasses a fair amount of Gregtech I am pretty sure. It could also be because Gregtech already has all the functionality of it.

I wish that were true, but GT 5 (for 1.7.10) is (still) missing a lot when compared with previous GT versions (ex. for 1.6.4). It doesn't have wireless/dimensional/far-distance transport of liquids, items, or energy. And, the GT 5 item and liquid pipes are ... *uncomfortable*, for the lack of a better word. They aren't buggy, just hard to work with.

While not related to eIO, GT 5 is also missing the multi-block steam turbine and Fusion Reactor.
I wish that were true, but GT 5 (for 1.7.10) is (still) missing a lot when compared with previous GT versions (ex. for 1.6.4). It doesn't have wireless/dimensional/far-distance transport of liquids, items, or energy. And, the GT 5 item and liquid pipes are ... *uncomfortable*, for the lack of a better word. They aren't buggy, just hard to work with.

While not related to eIO, GT 5 is also missing the multi-block steam turbine and Fusion Reactor.
Wait I thought the end goal of gregtech is to get the fusion reactor?