It should also be mentioned that even ultimate broke parts of GT.
Ender tanks were godly at the time. Lava power for the win.
No one was that hung up on balance then. Packs were build as a mess of fun toys. With many ways to play with and through them.
You would start a map play through it one way. Start again and do it a different way.
Sometimes I played for challenge. Sometimes I played just to screw around with OP things.
That diversity was lost somewhere along the way though.
Ender tanks were godly at the time. Lava power for the win.
No one was that hung up on balance then. Packs were build as a mess of fun toys. With many ways to play with and through them.
You would start a map play through it one way. Start again and do it a different way.
Sometimes I played for challenge. Sometimes I played just to screw around with OP things.
That diversity was lost somewhere along the way though.