Modpack Release

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
greg is back ! best thing ever !

now. anyone have some tips from where to start ? whats the best furnace/power/mining tool to start with ?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know we're getting off topic but anyway,

There are 6 multi-blocks in GT:
Boilers, Bronze Blast Furnaces, Electric Blast Furnaces, Muitl-smelters, Implosion Compressors & Vacuum Freezers.
This is a typical number of machines every mid-game player would have:


This picture doesn't include any ore processing btw.
I think without further balance in Resurrection, players would have no need to build these machines
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Active Member
Jul 7, 2013
I know we're getting off topic but anyway,

There are 6 multi-blocks in GT:
Boilers, Bronze Blast Furnaces, Electric Blast Furnaces, Muitl-smelters, Implosion Compressors & Vacuum Freezers.
This is a typical number of machines every mid-game player would have:


This picture doesn't include any ore processing btw.
I think without further balance in Resurrection, players would have no need to build these machines
wow, is this FTB Ressurection?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

wow, is this FTB Ressurection?
Nope, this is my world when I played the BeyondReality mod pack, my point was that without more tweaks to the configs, players in ftb Resurrection would have no need to build this many machines


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ender IO is not in because it wasn't in Ultimate(Don't ask me why Pams is in there. It shouldn't be. >.>)
Pam's is in because it adds a lot of nice food stuffs for GregTech.
Like half of GregTech anymore is the "Bronze age", and IMO it's the better, more enjoyable half. By allowing the creation of steel in the RC blast furnace and the TE allow smelter you're destroying game-play.
The RC Blast Furnace vs. the Bronze Blast Furnace is balanced. RC is faster but less fuel efficient; BBF is slower but more fuel efficient. I'm pretty sure the TE Alloy Smelter steel stuff got removed... I know we at least told tfox about it.

Everything I see in that picture exists in FTB Resurrection.
that's cuz ur a nub and didn't see the Ender IO stuff
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is someone going to make a server folder for Resurrection (on the Forum) or is that not going to happen for a bit?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm pretty sure the TE Alloy Smelter steel stuff got removed...

This is actually quite funny, because TE's induction smelter using pyrotheum is equal to a blast furnace :D A simple replacement with pyrotheum dust would have done the trick.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is actually pretty hilarious, because the induction smelter with pyrotheum dust is TE's blast furnace. Likewise, the removal of enderium from TE's blastfurnace breaks TE's progression and forces gregtech. The hilarious part here being that greg originally did not include enderium as a blast furnace recipy and only did after KL told him about it. Know its "nerfed" out? They should realy restate there intend with this pack, as its not a remake of ultimate, its just a straight up gregtech pack.
I think you addressed the problem well, if this is supposed to be a general tech-pack than fine, don't force people to progress in GT before other mods. But I think they wan't it to be a pack where everyone is expected to like the mod and enjoy being forced into it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is actually quite funny, because TE's induction smelter using pyrotheum is equal to a blast furnace :D
The problem was that the machine was much easier to make and use, so no one was making any blast furnaces, and skipping the entire GT Bronze Age.
I think you addressed the problem well, if this is supposed to be a general tech-pack than fine, don't force people to progress in GT before other mods. But I think they wan't it to be a pack where everyone is expected to like the mod and enjoy being forced into it.
It's impossible to have a GregTech pack that doesn't either A) break GregTech balance insanely or B) force you to use GregTech. It's just the way the mod works.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
any of you guys have found some TIN ? mined half a mountain. and no tin. according to config. tin must be between 120 and 60.. but no tin found


Active Member
Oct 9, 2014
I find it really odd that current "Alpha" state of FTB 3 packs is way more stable than final releases of first FTB and Tekkit packs, even ones with final updates/versions xD

Maybe consider moving to Beta, since "Alpha" leaves a bad taste in mouths, every "alpha" game I have ever tried was basically an unfinished mess while these Alpha packs I managed to crash 2 times in total while doing some pretty complex s**t, and all in span of 100+ hrs of running... A lot of finalized full AAA titles would be proud of this xD


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
just a quick question but i see buildcraft is in this modpack, and it's a question i have all ways wanted to ask, but why is logistics pipes not in here has well its a great addon to buildcraft i know it may just be me be i like it more then ae 1 or 2 and its rare to see it in a feed the beast modpack just want to know why you guys rarely add it in?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
just a quick question but i see buildcraft is in this modpack, and it's a question i have all ways wanted to ask, but why is logistics pipes not in here has well its a great addon to buildcraft i know it may just be me be i like it more then ae 1 or 2 and its rare to see it in a feed the beast modpack just want to know why you guys rarely add it in?
Pack was based on the original Ultimate modpack. You'll notice many common mods missing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yay! This is awesome, can't wait to get enough money to build my new pc and check it out, this is definitely going to be the first pack I play, I haven't been this excited for a video game thing for a while.