Moderators: They make you lose count(Longest thread still alive!)

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Jul 31, 2013
56 well, if all goes as planned second part will be tomorrow (gotta go with the theme :p ) though I won't promise anything


Jul 31, 2013
61 and here is day 2
Dear diary,
Today I met the person that would care for me from now on. Its a woman named Scarlet. I wasn't allowed to leave today though, instead they gave me what they call an injection. When they do that they use a small liquid container and a needle to inject the stored liquid into your body.

As I wasn't allowed to leave yet I am instead write about Scarlet and the room I am currently being kept.
I'm not sure what species Scarlet is, she says that for now calling her a human is close enough though I know that she isn't one as she does have a tail (which she tries to hide). I think that she says it will be close enough for now as we speak different languages. We manage to talk to each other and mostly understand what we say only because one of the language she speaks looks very much like mine, in her words my language is shorter and less dreamy then that of the normal elves which is one of the languages she speaks. The other two she speaks are English, which she currently tries to teach me as it is the most used language here and of course her own, she did talk a bit to let me hear it but it didn't even sound like it had words.

Scarlet gave me two plush toys and some other clothes but she didn't know anything about me except my gender when she got them and just had to guess. As a result I now have a pink shirt that is a bit too big. Luckily we both had to laugh when I put it on at how ridicules I look with it. Though I was glad when she was done washing my normal clothes and my wolves hide so I could put them one again.

Another thing which is probably something I need to change about myself is the difference in our sleep habit. Apparently most if not everyone that lives here sleep once a day, where I and the rest of my kind usually wake up somewhere close to midnight and stay up for a while before going back to bed. I learned this because I accidentally woke Scarlet up when getting out of bed to write about today.
It also took her by surprise that my skin glows during the night, currently I write this just using the light of my skin while scarlet is making something she calls "tea". She thinks I would like it.

As for how the room is I am currently in, there are 2 very soft beds that we put next to each other so I can sleep in her arms, just like I used to but then in my brothers arms. There is a wooden table with 2 chairs which is where I am currently sitting. On the other side is the place where I can get water and prepare food.

Speaking of food, Scarlet is done with the tea and I took a sip. Its still a bit hot but it tastes good. She was indeed right about the fact that I would like it.

Then there is a door near the beds that leads to another room, here we can wash ourself or our clothes.
I won't deny it, this place is small but according to Scarlet it is only for the time being and we should be able to go to her home tomorrow.

Now, I think I kept Scarlet awake for long enough and I kind of feel bad for it thus I am going to keep it at this and go to bed again.