Mod Suggestions for 1.6

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Mod Name : Random Things​
Link to Mod: Minecraft Forums
Version : 1.5.2/1.6.2​
Reason(s): This mod adds many different functional Items and Blocks (Similar to Extra Utilities).​
As an example it adds a block that acts like the inventory of the player and allows you to access it with pipes and similiar things.​
Mod Name : BlockPhysics mod​
Version : 1.4.7 / 1.5.2 / 1.6.2​
It adds simple physics to natural blocks, it will enforce the creation of structures when making ceilings out of common materials and blocks are shifted by explosions rather than destroyed.​
The config is highly customizable, allowing for as many blocks moving at a given time as you desire as well as several other options to tweak performance.​
Server ops also have commands to toggle the physics on or off should they desire it in either state. By default it only affects a few types of vanilla blocks with options for more.​
A video link for your viewing pleasure:​
Mod Name: Better Sprinting
Link to Mod:
Version: 1.5.2 / 1.6.1 / 1.6.2
Reason(s): useful, you can set key for toggling sprint and sneak. also if you sprint more often you need to eat more, so more balance with all the food we have

Mod Name: Waila
Link to Mod:
Version: 1.5.2 / 1.6.2
Reason(s): Waila is an extension for NEI. It will show in the tooltip what mod an item is from and show internal information of some specific blocks. Honestly I don't understand why it's not already in FTB.

Mod Name: Gravestone mod
Link to Mod:
Version: 1.4.7 / 1.5.1 / 1.5.2 / 1.6.2
Reason(s): This mod generate a gravestone where you die, you can break it for recover your stuff. In vanilla MC it's fair enought to lose your stuff when you die, but in moded MC, losing expensive stuff that take you 2 month to acquire, it's not fair at all.

Mod Name: Super Crafting Frame
Link to Mod:
Version: 1.5.2 / 1.6.2
Reason(s): simple mod that helps with repetitive crafting tasks during early game. spotlight

sorry for my english :)
Mod Name: MAtmos r25 - Environmental sound atmosphere simulator
Link to Mod:
Version: 1.5.2 / 1.6.2
Reason(s): Whenever you play on any multiplayer server or in singleplayer, it looks at your surroundings and generates natural noises as a soundscape, such as birds chirpling in the forest, rumbling noises near a lava lake or wind gusts on a hilltop (though rain is even more anoying).

Mod Name: Presence Footsteps
Link to Mod:
Version: 1.6.2
Reason(s): Presence Footsteps adds new sound effects when Minecraft didn't play any sound at all, such as jumping, landing, walking on the edge of a block, foot shuffling when coming to a stop. It also plays sounds differently whenever you're running, and allows each block to be played in a different way: Metal fences does not sound like iron blocks; Walking over rails both plays a faint metallic sound and the surface below it; Walking on a piston pointing upwards sounds like wood.
Mod Name: Better Anvils
Link to Mod:
Version: 1.6.2
Reason: Though vanilla enchanting/repairing is not so special anymore nowadays, some people still use it.
But the repair cap has always been an annoying bump in the road, and this mod helps with that.
It does not only remove the repairing cap on the anvil, it also gives some extra options you can configure for the anvil.
Now I have no idea if there's already a mod in the modpack that removes the repairing cap, but I still wanted to suggest this mod.
Mod Name : Tall Doors
Link to Mod:
Version : 1.0 (when available...mod still in "WIP" status at version 0.3.0)
Reason(s): Larger doors & drawbridges

Mod Name : Minecraft Graves
Link to Mod:
Version : 5.2
Reason(s): Decoration, and a way to keep your inventory safe until you get back to your death spot.

Mod Name : CraftHeraldry
Link to Mod:
Version : 1.0.3
Reason(s): Player Base/Mine/Work Area Identification, Decoration

Mod Name : Ropes+
Link to Mod:
Version : 1.6.2
Reason(s): Ziplines
Mod Name: LotsOMobs
Link to Mod:
Version: 1.6.2
Reason(s): Alot of people want MoCreatures in FTB but of course that wont happen well this mod is a very good alternative that is updated regularly

Mod Name: Galacticraft
Link to Mod:
Version: 1.6.2
Reason(s): It is the ONLY thing (impart of millenier but that wont be added) that gives tekkit a plus over FTB and is an awesome mod

Mod Name: Aether II
Link to Mod:
Version: 1.6.2
Reason(s): This Mod adds a third dimension to the game and really adds some depth to the exploration side to minecraft
Mod Name: Gany's Surface/Nether/End
Link to Mod:
Version: 1.3.0
Reason(s): A lot of cool little tweaks that add various perks & fun things to Minecraft (most of which I haven't seen being added by other mods...small amount of overlapping functionality with other mods, but not much)
Mod Name: Ars Magicka 2
Link to Mod: Linky to ze WIP thread
Version: Not released yet(hey, not like the 1.6 pack is right around the corner!)
Reason(s): Ars Magicka 2 is a rebuilt, revised, and plenty other "re-words" version of Ars Magicka. While it is currently unreleased, there are apparently only 20 items left on Mithion's To Do List for the mod's first release. While plenty of people were quick to point out how the power system could be used in a manner akin to EE2(You don't say?!), in AM2 you can not turn items into essence or back again. Now the mod seems to be much more focused on developing ones skills as a mage via casting spells, not by burning EXP. There also seems to be no preset spells, as one builds every spell one wishes to cast from a set of effects. So making a spell that lights entities on fire at a range would be done by combining the "Fire Damage" and "Projectile" effects. Making that spell also ignite blocks would require one to add the "Ignition" effect, and so on for other things.
Affinities have been vastly changed as well, as they no longer are gained from books but now develop as one casts a element more. Not to mention they have additional effects beyond reducing mana consumption for spells.

While one could quite easily quip Nihil sub sole novum, I highly disagree in this instance, as I have yet to see a Minecraft mod with such a open ended spell creation system, even as a Vaporware. Anyway, even if it is not included in a FTB pack, I do suggest that those who enjoy magic in Minecraft to check out this mod, as it has more potential then many magic mods I've seen for adding that "Unique Flavor of Batshit Insane" we minecraft modders have come to love.
Mod Name : RotaryCraft
Link to Mod:
Version: release
Reason(s): This is a unique and fairly complex tech mod with a lot of fun features. Some of them even add a little bit of danger to your workshop. Sure, put that gas turbine engine down to power your array of machines connected to it, but don't stand in front of it...yes it will suck you through! The mod plays pretty steel hungry, and only a couple things i'd consider limiting/banning in a large smp environment.
I'd like to suggest the following mods;

Mod Name : Greg's Lightning
Link to Mod:
Version : 1.9.0 for MC 1.6.2
Reason (s): A suitable and awesome addition for room lighting, a better version of Wrath Lamps. It's just that awesome.

Mod Name: BladeCraft
Link to Mod:
Version: for MC 1.5.2
Reason: Another tier of costumization and decoration for your homes in your SSP or SMP or even amidst the angels!

Mod Name : Additional Buildcraft Objects
Link to Mod:
Version : 1.0.6 for MC 1.6.x
Reason(s): Despite changes to BC, this mod definitely expanded the potential for the modpack itself, giving much needed items that make the mod usage that much easier.

Mod Name : Chest Transporter
Link to Mod:
Version : 1.1.6 for MC 1.5.2
Reason(s): a super neat solution for early storage rooms, when you decide you want to reorganize and reposition chests, and you find it breaking double chests or even iron chests is absolutely stupid thing to do.

Mod Name : Extracells
Link to Mod:
Version : 1.4.5 for MC 1.5.2&1.6.2
Reason(s): Yeah, AE is absolutely great, but lacks one crucial part, liquid storage, which this mod tries to implement in a non-obscure way, coupled with some extra bonuses.

Mod Name : ForgeBackup
Link to Mod:,4606.0.html?PHPSESSID=y8cSJh0FAagl,VgVtot7g2
Version : 1.1.2 for MC 1.5.2
Reason(s): I must say, I always wanted a Save World option in Minecraft, especially so when playing a modded MC, and this mod does exactly that. Just brilliant. No more copy pasting your save folder!

Mod Name : Translocators
Link to Mod:
Version : for MC 1.5.2 & 1.6.2

Reason(s): I have no idea why no one thought of this mod yet, it is so brilliant, it's almost comical. Best 1-block-away transportation, and the best looking if I may say so.
Mod Name: Metaworlds
Link to Mod:
Version: 0.81 for Minecraft 1.6.2
Reason(s): This mod adds interactive blocks which are capable of moving and interacting with the Minecraft world - they can be added to, destroyed, mined, and generally interacted with in any way blocks normally can while still being capable of moving simultaneously. The mod is in fairly early development, but it shows immense promise - this is a feature which has been lacking from Minecraft, and Feed the Beast for a long time. The mod comes in both Forge and non-Forge versions.
Mod Name : Dungeon Crawler
Link to Mod: (Down the first post)
Version : beta 0.2.4v5 for MC 1.5.2
Reason(s): Adding some of the quite neat ideas to the game, from Gravel and Flesh smelting, to throwable explosive and traps, to armors and back to the reversible vanilla recipes, which are completely forgotten about. Balanced nicely!
Note: check the author's page for other work he has done, however personally, I am not actually recommending any of the other mods.
Mod Name: Magitek Mechs
Link to Mod: Here ya go, mate!
Version: 0.22 for 1.5.2
Reason(s): It's the frigging Magitek Mechs from FF6 in Minecraft! Hoereesheet! People, get back on the MCF and let this modder know that this is a dream come true for all of us old enough to have played FF6(and did so). THE MAGITEK COMMANDS YOU!!!

Mod Name: Unique Artifacts
Link to Mod: Here ya go, Guv!
Version: ??? for 1.6.2(seriously, doesn't say on the forum page what version it is, just that it's for 1.6.2)
Reason(s): Hey, y'all remember Infernal Mobs? Well, take that idea and make it apply to items instead, with a metric crap ton of unique "artifacts" of possibly dubious use that have tons of cool things that they could do, add variety of unique icons, unique types, and unique phonemes(that's a funny word for "Diablo Unique Boss Naming Words")(IIRC, anyway), and you get something like this mod.
How could this even be better? Maybe, just maybe, Draco18s could make items that would fit in TiC equip slots actually go in those slots, if they don't already, which they might because I haven't had a chance to test it yet.
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