Mod Pack Update

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just find this thread ever more hilarious, so much BS, quality comments, valid points and people who just don't get it.
What more could you want in a form for FTB. Oh, and just to make my stance clear, they make all this stuff FOR FREE, how they spend their time making the mod packs for the benefit of others is up to them, yeah, given, it may be annoying this wait considering we were told that it would be out several days ago, but its them doing the work for us, so how they bring it out is up to them.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Except your whole premise is wrong, since they could just as well ignore all bug reports and it'd be exactly the same as now when the community doesn't have access to the mod pack. Thus, it wouldn't clog anything, as you eloquently put it, except allow the adventurous members to try the pack before it's full release.

Except for the amount of spam it would create in the support section, where I spend most of my time trying to help Booker, ash, tadpole, etc. It's hard enough trying to get people to follow some semblance of protocol let alone adding a couple hundred posts from others that can't or won't post what we need.

I'd prefer waiting.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh, and just to make my stance clear, they make all this stuff FOR FREE, how they spend their time making the mod packs for the benefit of others is up to them

That's where you're wrong. There is still some responsibility, even with free products.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's where you're wrong. There is still some responsibility, even with free products.
True, but their are many people on this thread who are basically accusing them of neglecting their duty as a mod pack developer, and as I said, I am fairly annoyed by the delay, but I can't quite understand the amount of BS that they are getting. Nobody wants FTB to turn into something similar to a game owned by EA, rushed out of development too early, and in this case, leading to an angry mob of non-understanding individuals who are spitting out rubbish and accusing the developers of being crap, after they were the ones who insisted that they bring it out as soon as, even if it was unready.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Except your whole premise is wrong, since they could just as well ignore all bug reports and it'd be exactly the same as now when the community doesn't have access to the mod pack. Thus, it wouldn't clog anything, as you eloquently put it, except allow the adventurous members to try the pack before it's full release.
You are correct they could ignore all bug reports so an open beta wouldn't fix anything either. All it would do is clog up the forums with people bitching about a modpack or mods to people who are not listening. Kinda like what we have now. Open forums where a lot of comments aren't about how to make things better or constructive criticism of the mod/modpacks. But, that was not the angle I was taking. I was/am making a comparison between the merits of a closed beta and an open beta. For developers who want quality feedback the closed beta wins hands down especially, if you get to interview the closed beta members and remove anyone who is not actually bug testing.

The current system we have is exactly what you mention in your latest post. So, exactly why would you be against doing something different and possibly better?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I truly do not understand this stance that the mod devs or modpack authors have a responsibility to inform or work at a pace the community desires or dictates. I'm really baffled. Don't get me wrong I was up in arms when the mod pack didn't come out on the deadline given by slow. However, if you read my comments you'll see that I was up in arms because of their lack of response once the deadline was missed. I also mentioned that it is folly for them (FTB) to give any deadline especially when they (FTB again) are at the mercy of modders who are doing things in their own time.

Anywho, I was happy to read (on slows twitter) the 1.5.2 pack is working out of the box. Hopefully, they can release a private beta pack tomorrow as mentioned earlier in this thread. That would be awesome sauce and I'd be happy to play with all the things.

Those of you who post, I salute you. I love the back and forth with people and although I may disagree with someone I'm glad we can exchange ideas without anyone calling anyone else a name, or using derogatory language. If I take nothing else from this forums I do have that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Couple of helpful links for those who don't have them on the update status of the ultimate, mindcrack and DW20 packs ... I believe Slow said on his stream yesterday that they are now waiting on a 1.5.2 release which is almost as complete as 1.5.1.
These are lists of updated mods, NOT what mods will go in the 1.5.2 packs. They list the mods that are in the 1.4.7 packs and if the mod is updated for 1.5.2 yet.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It would stop people complaining about not being able to play.
Everlast, let me give you my favorite quote from a great man named Perry Cox, "People are bastard coated bastards, with bastard filling." I repeat this quote to say no matter what happens people will find something to bitch about. When the 1.5.x pack is released, in beta form or no, people will bitch about how they had to restart their world, or how the mod author changed Soul Shards, or how they don't like the way MFFS machines are textured. Sure they'll play, and for the most part have a great time but please don't think it'll stop any bitching. They'll just have new stuff to bitch

I don't say this in a negative light. Nay, it's a wonderful thing and provides ton of


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Everlast, let me give you my favorite quote from a great man named Perry Cox, "People are bastard coated bastards, with bastard filling." I repeat this quote to say no matter what happens people will find something to bitch about. When the 1.5.x pack is released, in beta form or no, people will bitch about how they had to restart their world, or how the mod author changed Soul Shards, or how they don't like the way MFFS machines are textured. Sure they'll play, and for the most part have a great time but please don't think it'll stop any bitching. They'll just have new stuff to bitch

I don't disagree, but my logic is still flawless: If the 1.5.x pack is released then they can not complain about not being able to play it. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the thing is its all over the net testing testing testing honestly i dont see testing i see..... people swinging the 1.5.2 update porkchop in everyones face honestly dont say nothing dont get peoples hopes up and dont show people and bang complaining is over wait till its satisfactory and say hey we have a new pack uplaod and enjoy

" its the same as when dw20 was doing mod spotlights on rp2 6 to 8 mths before its release swingin the rp2 porkchop in everyones face "


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok. So you have a chicken. You kill it, you gut it, etc. you then go to cook it. Are you going to pull it off the grill early or are you going to wait until it is cooked thoroughly. It is basically the same thing that is going on here. The modpack isn't ready so they are not releasing it yet. When it is "cooked throughly" we can most likely assume they will release it.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
" its the same as when dw20 was doing mod spotlights on rp2 6 to 8 mths before its release swingin the rp2 porkchop in everyones face "

OH god I hope its not 6-8 months I want my porkchop... On a serious note it will be ready when it is ready.
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