Mod/Item/Stuff Ideas

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I want that Lambert... I especially like the idea of having some kind of "ender diamonds" to craft them so you can keep the cost high but also keep the voidy aspect. The black hole would be nice for a way to automatically drop them into your sorting system but that's a bit extreme.

Want a sword to void the drops you dont want? sweet
Want a shovel that drops nothing but sand? why not?
and not getting cobble/marble/whateves when you don't want it would be amazing.

so yeah, I WANT THIS NAO!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I especially like the idea of having some kind of "ender diamonds"

One diamond surrounded by eight eyes of ender creates an endgem. Endgems are used to make endgem tools and armor. Endgem tools and armor have the durability of diamond, the enchantability of gold, and would have a sweet ender pearl/liquid ender pearl look to them.

Endgem tools would be a bit slower than diamond (85% of the speed of diamond), but they would be able to send things into a remote storage which is defined by right clicking the container.

Endgem armor would have the ability to mitigate damage by teleporting aspects of that damage into remote containers, such as animals, or mineral blocks. There would also be a small chance (1/10 to 1/50 or so) of randomly being teleported a small distance when wearing full endgem armor.
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Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
One diamond surrounded by eight eyes of ender creates an endgem. Endgems are used to make endgem tools and armor. Endgem tools and armor have the durability of diamond, the enchantability of gold, and would have a sweet ender pearl/liquid ender pearl look to them.

Endgem tools would be a bit slower than diamond (85% of the speed of diamond), but they would be able to send things into a remote storage which is defined by right clicking the container.

Endgem armor would have the ability to mitigate damage by teleporting aspects of that damage into remote containers, such as animals, or mineral blocks. There would also be a small chance (1/10 to 1/50 or so) of randomly being teleported a small distance when wearing full endgem armor.
And for all the people that like challenge: 3 nether stars + 3 diamonds + 3 eyes of ender to make 3 Endgems on hard mode.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And for all the people that like challenge: 3 nether stars + 3 diamonds to make 3 EndGems on hard mode.

Nah, they don't add enough to really be worth the extra cost. Perhaps nethergems which require eight endgems and one nether star to make one. They have a similar bone yellow color to netherstars, and have four times the durability of diamonds, twice the enchantability of gold, the special properties of the endgem tools/armor, and something else to make them worth the pain. Automatic regeneration of durability at the cost of health? The ability to shoot your head at people? Goats?

Something to dig into, eh?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hah, you can teleport your damage to your animals hahaha, that's a good idea. You could go battle a Wither and give it that effect, wouldn't you need some kind of Ender Scepter though? You right click the mob, it shoots like a wand, and it auto-links to your armor. But it'll have to be chunkloaded unless you give the effect to a mob you're battling. In that case, it'd act like Thorns, maybe a little weaker.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hah, you can teleport your damage to your animals hahaha, that's a good idea. You could go battle a Wither and give it that effect, wouldn't you need some kind of Ender Scepter though? You right click the mob, it shoots like a wand, and it auto-links to your armor. But it'll have to be chunkloaded unless you give the effect to a mob you're battling. In that case, it'd act like Thorns, maybe a little weaker.

Id be thinking that you hold the armor in your hand, and right click the target (animal, mineral block [we could figure out how much damage they'd take before exploding], etc). If you can right click a wither midfight with all of your armor, you deserve to win.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
All 4 pieces must be clicked, or maybe just a 2x bonus?

Perhaps each piece either does 1/4th of total damage (or 1/4th of half of all damage), or yeah, all pieces are needed to get the bonus. Something fancy like that.

Now, though, why would you use this over nano/quantum/MPS?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have an idea... Drum Rolls....

1. Keys and Door Locks. The main use would be for servers so that we dont have to make any password protected computer programs.

I know that was a small idea but you did say to give any ideas we have and this came to mine


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
I have an idea... Drum Rolls....

1. Keys and Door Locks. The main use would be for servers so that we dont have to make any password protected computer programs.

I know that was a small idea but you did say to give any ideas we have and this came to mine
Thaumcraft is your friend.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thaumcraft is your friend.
I really need to get into that more, I only know how to research up to tier 2 and dont really know what most of that tier 2 stuff does.

But anyways, i guess the memo still stays. If we have to make a lock for doors, does it have to be magical?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There's a "Chest Lock" from SC2...

Too bad you can't actually lock chests with it. But I can see a nice vanilla style door lock/pressure plate where only the user gets admitted. Thaumcraft's there, but something...easier?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I already suggested this to lemming, but right now you can make cracked bricks using the pulverizer and stone bricks.
my suggestion was to also be able to make mossy stone bricks and moss stone using the liquid transposer filled with water and normal cobblestone and stone bricks.

I also always disliked that in villages the beekeeper's apiaries were always open, while forestry has a really good smp locking function for it's machines.
I once suggested it to have those apiaries locked for players, untill you for example kill the beekeeper, or that you can only break the apiaries without it dropping anything.

I have also thought alot about vanilla enchanting, and how it's too effing random. I know of mods that allow you to pick your own enchants for free, or for a little cost, but they're just too easy for me.
so I was thinking about a tiered enchanting table. it'd start out with the normal vanilla enchanting table. nothing has changed, except you are able to feed the enchanting table xp level's through a button or something.
if you feed it 30 levels, it'll be upgraded to the next tier enchanting table, maybe also changing it's appearance a little bit. this table requires only 5 bookcases around it (I never liked having to make a whole new room just for the enchanting table and the bookcases) and you are able to get higher enchantments for your levels, even some enchantments that are normally not able to get through enchanting (like for example sharpness V) another function is that you can set the amount of levels you want to enchant from 0-10, 11-20 and 21-30 so you no longer need to constantly change the bookcases. now if you feed the table another 30 levels, you upgrade the table to the next tier, which is pretty much the last tier, with maybe also changing it's appearance.
this last tier requires no bookcases at all, gives you a really good chance for higher enchantments, you are able to choose exactly how many levels you want to spend, when enchanting books you are able to choose what type of enchantment you want (like armor or tools, because there's just so many armor enchantments that I just don't want) and a further option to choose what item enchantment you want (for tools you'd be able to choose if you'd want weapon, or tool enchantments, and with armor you'd be able to choose which armor item) but in exchange for that you'd get lower enchants for your xp levels.

and with the enchantment table I always wanted to change some things for the anvil aswell. for example when you put an item in the anvil, you'd be able to see on the anvil itself on the outside what item is in there. with this you'd also be able to leave items in the anvil. it'd be pretty awesome to have an avil standing there with a sword on it. you'd also need to have a fire nearby to heat the items, and maybe a hammer in the anvil aswell that takes damage when you repair/combine armor and tools, so you'd need to put in new hammers when they break. you'd also be able to put an enchanted item in the first slot, and an empty book in the second, and for some experience you'd be able to take an enchant from the item, and put it on the book. that way you'd be able to make an item with the enchantments you'd want (for example I never really want any knockback or disjunction on my weapons) you could also take a new anvil (with no damage) and enchant it in an enchantment table, and you'd be able to put unbreaking and efficiency on it. unbreaking would make the anvil and the hammer last longer, and with efficiency the anvil would use less experience for things. with the enchanted anvil you'd also be able to enchant iron ingots with bottles of experience (that you would make in an enchanting table) to make enchanted iron, you could then craft tools and armors with the enchanted iron like normal iron. the effect that enchanted iron gives is that it'd be able to repair itself with experience without using the anvil. you'd also be able to get experience from more things using the enchanted iron. so for example, if you kill a mob, the experience might repair your sword, if you mine your pickaxe or shovel, if you tilt the ground, your hoe and if you chop down a tree, your axe. any of these would also be able to repair your armor, but the best way to repair your armor would be to kill mobs (repairing items go before repairing armor) the enchanted iron also gives a better chance for higher enchants, and combined with unbreaking the tools and armors of enchanted iron can go for a really long time.
you will not be able to make any enchanted cobble, gold or diamond, because for me iron seems the most obvious choice for an anvil.

I also never understood why IC2 never added colored nano and quantum armor after the 1.3 update. it'd be really cool for multiplayer if you could color your nano and quantum armor, or even for singleplayer for people who like custom armor. I also thought modules for IC2 armor would be nice, but now there's already MPS so...

the BC quarry also is a bit too... simple for me. it'd be nice if it had a GUI with information in it, like power usage, efficiency, depth it's digging at, how long it's been going, how much and what it mined, and maybe also being able to set a quarry size without using land marks.
and the BC wrench, ugh, it should really take durability damage, same for the TE wrench.

well, that's it for now, gj if you've read up to this point
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Levels to upgrade sounds cool, but with Soul Shards it could be a bit too easy (though some people say if you killed all the mobs you deserve all the EXP). I do like the enchanted iron too, make it barely be able to keep up with it's durability demands though :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Levels to upgrade sounds cool, but with Soul Shards it could be a bit too easy (though some people say if you killed all the mobs you deserve all the EXP). I do like the enchanted iron too, make it barely be able to keep up with it's durability demands though :D

in the end getting experience will always be easy, even without soul shards. the vanilla way is to just make an enderman xp farm in the end, and then you'd still get tons of experience.
the thing is, I just don't want to waste hours on getting tools and armors I want, having to waste tons of resources, and countless of hours at mob grinders to get experience.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This thread is a very nice idea, maybe we could mark new mod ideas so that they are more easily distinguished from discussion on these ideas. Maybe something like this:


So here comes mine: The funny achievements mod

The basic idea is to add achievements that make fun of the player when he does certain things, e.g.:

- "Medium rare" for falling into lava repeatedly, "Well done" for doing it the 10th time or so
- "Machine block collector" for pickaxing IC2 Machines
- "Shift-Click-SHIT!" for shift-clicking upgrades into recyclers

... and so on, I had a lot more, basically this stuff pops up randomly in my head every time I do something derpy (which is often), but I'm always too lazy to write them down.

Ideally there would be some kind of website or forum where users could suggest their own ideas, and then a voting system, so that the achievements with the most votes would slowly get implemented, if possible.

And some way of detecting which mods are installed, to activate the according achievements.

EDIT: I have another one, I'll just copy/paste it from this thread:


Multiblock Water Mills

Some contraption where you have to direct flowing water onto giant wheels, which would then turn and power a generator block, something like a water version of RP2 windmills.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This thread is a very nice idea, maybe we could mark new mod ideas so that they are more easily distinguished from discussion on these ideas. Maybe something like this:


So here comes mine: The funny achievements mod

The basic idea is to add achievements that make fun of the player when he does certain things, e.g.:

- "Medium rare" for falling into lava repeatedly, "Well done" for doing it the 10th time or so
- "Machine block collector" for pickaxing IC2 Machines
- "Shift-Click-SHIT!" for shift-clicking upgrades into recyclers

... and so on, I had a lot more, basically this stuff pops up randomly in my head every time I do something derpy (which is often), but I'm always too lazy to write them down.

Ideally there would be some kind of website or forum where users could suggest their own ideas, and then a voting system, so that the achievements with the most votes would slowly get implemented, if possible.

And some way of detecting which mods are installed, to activate the according achievements.

now I do like achievements, but I find them a bit useless, it's just a bit of text that pops up and goes away. now if you want to really make a nice mod out of it, how about adding items like trophies or rewards for the achievements.
you could place the trophies around your house for display to friends, and the rewards you could use (such as a bucket of water for medium rare or cooked meat, a wrench for machine block collecter, and a piece of scrop for Shift-Click-SHIT!.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
now I do like achievements, but I find them a bit useless, it's just a bit of text that pops up and goes away. now if you want to really make a nice mod out of it, how about adding items like trophies or rewards for the achievements.
you could place the trophies around your house for display to friends, and the rewards you could use (such as a bucket of water for medium rare or cooked meat, a wrench for machine block collecter, and a piece of scrop for Shift-Click-SHIT!.
The idea with the trophies is very nice! But I can't really see the use of a piece of meat or a bucket of water... Basically it's just about getting people to smile, but the placeable trophies would add a lot of long-term use/fun to the idea.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
and the BC wrench, ugh, it should really take durability damage, same for the TE wrench.
you mean the IC2 wrench? A lot of people (myself included) would argue that the IC2 wrench shouldn't have durability at all... but then, that's why we use the omnitool.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, placeable trophies would be hilarious, people would do the stuff on purpose but it'd still be funny.
But I like the multiblock watermill idea, something to offset the huge lead solar panels has on everything.