MineTweaker/ModTweaker - A help and suggestions thread.

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@RenzosNips thanks for the help. Changing it form recipe.removeShaped to recipe.remove did work. Also @Golrith I am not sure if it has been fixed but I know at one point Blu said that the modtweaker page on IE was not really correct in its wording. I would suggest talking to Blu on IRC about it. I had to after running into an issue with adding veins to the excavator.
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Okay, I'm using to CraftTweaker for 1.8 (Yes I'm aware everything in 1.8 is WIP pretty much), but when I try to add a custom Pneumaticcraft assembly table recipe, it gives an error (something about mod not found, I'll edit it in later). Is this due to the mod author not supporting it, or CraftTweaker?
Is there some way of "easily" adjust all recipes so that there is only 1 of a type of resource (such as copper ingots)? Trying to make my mod pack that regardless of crafting process, you only get one flavour of dust/ingot/copper/block, etc.
Trouble is, just for copper, i'm at 145 lines of code, and I still haven't captured everything, and some recipes just seem to refuse to be removed (for example, I don't want blocks craftable via the standard grid, but despite removing every single block type it is still craftable - gah!)

I really hate that every mod under the sun has to add their own version of common ores/ingots/dusts/blocks and so as a result bloated recipes, oredict, etc. It's just a complete waste of memory resources. I know there are unifiers to convert between versions, but that's just a bandaid solution to a bigger fundamental problem. We really need a common resource of ores that all mods can link to, instead of providing their own.
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Too many ores and ingots.
I am making a pack and for this sole reason I made it tech free. Now I only have to deal with TiCon and Metallurgy so I disabled all the TiCon ores(except for aluminum) and had TiCon not give a ticon ingot if it could(always give tinkers ingot = false or something like that in the config) and now it's as far as I can tell universal. Except for auto smelt which I just realized while typing this post, which I need to disable anyway because it'd give you an entire ingot from one ore, and I can't let that happen...
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I am making a pack and for this sole reason I made it tech free. Now I only have to deal with TiCon and Metallurgy so I disabled all the TiCon ores(except for aluminum) and had TiCon not give a ticon ingot if it could(always give tinkers ingot = false or something like that in the config) and now it's as far as I can tell universal. Except for auto smelt which I just realized while typing this post, which I need to disable anyway because it'd give you an entire ingot from one ore, and I can't let that happen...
Well, after my rant, and a little break watching Sips play Don't Starve, I reloaded, and discovered that those recipes I was having issues with were ok. The reload made things behave better - damn odd being simple shaped and shapeless recipes! Bit more progress :D
Ok, another headache if anyone can help. Trying to remove all the crafting recipes for metal blocks, but I just can't seem to get the Mekanism one to go.
For example, for "Tin Block"


The goal is that you don't make metal blocks with a 3x3 crafting recipe, but instead use various tech options instead.
Ok, another headache if anyone can help. Trying to remove all the crafting recipes for metal blocks, but I just can't seem to get the Mekanism one to go.
For example, for "Tin Block"


The goal is that you don't make metal blocks with a 3x3 crafting recipe, but instead use various tech options instead.

Ive changed how metal blocks are made in my pack as well. anyway, try this:
Ok, another headache if anyone can help. Trying to remove all the crafting recipes for metal blocks, but I just can't seem to get the Mekanism one to go.
For example, for "Tin Block"


The goal is that you don't make metal blocks with a 3x3 crafting recipe, but instead use various tech options instead.
Rename your Mekanism jars so they load after Minetweaker, and then recipes.remove(<Mekanism:BasicBlock>) (or whatever).

Or what @epidemia78 said.
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Ive changed how metal blocks are made in my pack as well. anyway, try this:
Rename your Mekanism jars so they load after Minetweaker, and then recipes.remove(<Mekanism:BasicBlock>) (or whatever).

Or what @epidemia78 said.
Thanks guys, I'll try both! That might also solve another issue I've encountered.
I'm guessing it would actually be "better" to rename minetweaker so it loads first out of all mods in a pack, or is it just a quirk with mekanisms "special" shaped/shapeless crafting?
Ive noticed that you can successfully remove "mekanism shaped" recipes for everything but the machines, such as upgrades.
Me again

Trying to add a plate recipe to Immersive Engineering Metal Press, but when I try to view the result in NEI, I get a crash. Any had any experience with tweaking this?

mods.immersiveengineering.MetalPress.addRecipe(<Railcraft:part.plate:2>, <ThermalFoundation:material:65>, <ImmersiveEngineering:mold:0>, 500, 50);

java.lang.ClassCastException: net.minecraft.item.ItemStack cannot be cast to java.util.ArrayList
at blusunrize.immersiveengineering.client.nei.NEIMetalPressHandler$CachedMetalPressRecipe.<init>(NEIMetalPressHandler.java:37)
at blusunrize.immersiveengineering.client.nei.NEIMetalPressHandler.loadCraftingRecipes(NEIMetalPressHandler.java:105)
at codechicken.nei.recipe.TemplateRecipeHandler.loadCraftingRecipes(TemplateRecipeHandler.java:331)
at blusunrize.immersiveengineering.client.nei.NEIMetalPressHandler.loadCraftingRecipes(NEIMetalPressHandler.java:77)
at codechicken.nei.recipe.TemplateRecipeHandler.getRecipeHandler(TemplateRecipeHandler.java:466)
at codechicken.nei.recipe.GuiCraftingRecipe.openRecipeGui(GuiCraftingRecipe.java:20)
at codechicken.nei.recipe.RecipeItemInputHandler.lastKeyTyped(RecipeItemInputHandler.java:23)
at codechicken.nei.guihook.GuiContainerManager.lastKeyTyped(GuiContainerManager.java:307)
at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer.func_73869_a(GuiContainer.java)
at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer.public_func_73869_a(GuiContainer.java)
at codechicken.nei.guihook.GuiContainerManager.callKeyTyped(GuiContainerManager.java)
at codechicken.nei.guihook.GuiContainerManager.keyTyped(GuiContainerManager.java:475)
at codechicken.nei.guihook.GuiContainerManager.handleKeyboardInput(GuiContainerManager.java:465)
at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer.func_146282_l(GuiContainer.java)
at net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen.func_146269_k(GuiScreen.java:276)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71407_l(Minecraft.java:1640)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(Minecraft.java:973)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(Minecraft.java:898)
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:148)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:135)
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28)
Me again

Trying to add a plate recipe to Immersive Engineering Metal Press, but when I try to view the result in NEI, I get a crash.
Hmm, not 100% sure but with Modtweaker, sometimes if I type in the ModID for an item correctly but the ItemID incorrectly them trying to complete or view or in someway load the recipe it crashes.
Good new for people who use Meanism. I just got a response from Aidan on a post to the github about native MT support

vagaprime commented 26 days ago
I am a pack builder, and am currently working on a modpack. I am attempting to integrate the tech mods in my pack into each other. To do so I am using the mekanism steel casing in the recipe for the Machine chassis and machine frame which is done easy enough. The problem I am running into is changing the recipes for the Steel Casing, basic cable, basic tube, basic pipe, routing, and basic transporters to use steel plates, and in the case of the steel case to use a gear as well.

But due to the way that Mekanism registers its recipes mine and mod tweaker are unable to remove the old recipes. I was wondering if there was anyway to add native mine or mod tweaker supprt to the mod or add an option in the configs to disable the casing and all of the pipe's and cables.

aidancbrady commented 3 hours ago
I've added better IMC support in Mekanism v8.1.9- this should no longer be an issue.
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@Aidan is pretty good about community requests. I believe the digital miner actually came from a thread on here a while ago. Glad to see he fixed this as well.

@Golrith I tried your code and it "should" work, but it looks like theres a bug between IE's code for the press and NEI or something, because I get that crash no matter what I change. Weird.
@Aidan is pretty good about community requests. I believe the digital miner actually came from a thread on here a while ago. Glad to see he fixed this as well.

@Golrith I tried your code and it "should" work, but it looks like theres a bug between IE's code for the press and NEI or something, because I get that crash no matter what I change. Weird.
Just built the press to see if it works regardless, but am finding the press to be very unreliable. I've only managed to craft one iron gear (a non tweaked recipe) using it, despite having a stack of iron ingots queued up. Shame, love the concept of the machine.
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Just thought I'd share some findings with regards to Immersive Engineering and the Metal Press

Metal press works perfectly if the press is fed with a straight flat conveyor belt. I was using a sloped up belt to feed the press, and the items were not being "grabbed" by the press. You can tell if the belt has grabbed an item as it doesn't spin around on the belt, unlike normal MC. So even though the items were travelling along the belt, the press couldn't see them.

So, having worked that out, I discovered that the custom recipe I added does not work at all. Will have to report that on the MT forum.

Some form of progress :P
Was trying to change one of the recipes in Thermal Expansion (The Phytogenic Insolator). It was supposed to give the player a nugget from mod-X instead of mod-Y.

But apparently there are some Issues and the changed recipe isn't registered at all. According to the wikia, it is a known issue that "sometimes" recipes won't work. Since the page was last changed in september, I wanted to ask if that is still the case, or if there is something else I need to do in order to remove the recipe from the Insolator and replace it with another one.
Was trying to change one of the recipes in Thermal Expansion (The Phytogenic Insolator). It was supposed to give the player a nugget from mod-X instead of mod-Y.

But apparently there are some Issues and the changed recipe isn't registered at all. According to the wikia, it is a known issue that "sometimes" recipes won't work. Since the page was last changed in september, I wanted to ask if that is still the case, or if there is something else I need to do in order to remove the recipe from the Insolator and replace it with another one.
Have you tried reloading the game to see if the recipe works? TE tends to work fine on a reload. I have made a new recipe just fine for the the P.I., but haven't yet tried removing and changing existing recipes.
I reloaded via command AND via restarting the entire game. Everything except the Insolator seems to work, so it can't be a general incompability.

mods.thermalexpansion.Insolator.removeRecipe(<ThermalExpansion:material:516>, <AgriCraft:seedFerranium>);
mods.thermalexpansion.Insolator.removeRecipe(<ThermalExpansion:material:517>, <AgriCraft:seedFerranium>);
mods.thermalexpansion.Insolator.addRecipe(7200, <ThermalExpansion:material:516>, <AgriCraft:seedFerranium>, <MagicBees:beeNugget>, <AgriCraft:seedFerranium>, 50);
mods.thermalexpansion.Insolator.addRecipe(9600, <ThermalExpansion:material:517>, <AgriCraft:seedFerranium>, <MagicBees:beeNugget> * 3, <AgriCraft:seedFerranium>, 50);

This is what I tried. I have multiple mods with multiple versions of the Iron Nugget, so I wanted to change some recipes so there will always be only the one nugget from the mod I specified.
In this case, Agricraft's Ferranium would've created a Thaumcraft-Ironnugget upon harvest, which I wanted to replace with the Iron Nugget from Magic Bees.
I to also have considered changing the agricraft outputs to a unified output (my modpack changes all mods to give one resource type outputs) but haven't had chance yet to try it.

I have got this recipe which works:

mods.thermalexpansion.Insolator.addRecipe(12000, <ThermalExpansion:material:516>, <minecraft:deadbush>, <Forestry:fertilizerBio>, <minecraft:sapling:0>, 20);

which is no different from yours.

Have you tried first just testing that the removerecipe is working? Have you also checked all the recipes the insolator knows? Might be it's registered, but not how you are expecting. Also, shouldn't there be some meta on the MagicBees:beeNugget? It doesn't actually specifically indicate a type of nugget.
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