MineTweaker/ModTweaker - A help and suggestions thread.

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I checked everything with NEI, and upon your suggestion I also tried it ingame, but none of my changes have any effect at all.
Also, <MagicBees:beeNugget> is the same as <MagicBees:beeNugget:0>. Metadata 1 is the copper nugget, 2 is the tin nugget etc...

As far as I can see, the code is 100% correct: the command is the one given on the wiki and the Item-names/IDs were double-checked. It just doesn't have any effect... :(
@Golrith I tried your code and it "should" work, but it looks like theres a bug between IE's code for the press and NEI or something, because I get that crash no matter what I change. Weird.
Another update regarding IE, the latest version fixes the NEI crashing, and the recipes now register. I was able to make a railcraft tin plate via the metal press. I'm very happy with that now, as I can now implement my original plans for my pack.
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OK, I got a kinda fun one. I'll state my goal first, then how I'm currently trying to accomplish it. I welcome both better ways to accomplish what I want and/or how better to do what I need.

I'm presently rewriting the recipes for Projectred Bundled Cables. Here is my present code:
var dyeCounter = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16] as int[];
for i in dyeCounter {
    var tempWire    = <ProjRed|Transmission:projectred.transmission.wire>.definition.makeStack(i);
    var tempWool    = <minecraft:wool>.definition.makeStack(i - 1);
    var tempDye     = <minecraft:wool>.definition.makeStack(i - 1); # HERE IS WHERE THE TRICKY PART WILL GO
    var tempBundle  = <ProjRed|Transmission:projectred.transmission.wire>.definition.makeStack(i + 17);
    recipes.addShaped(tempWire * 32,[
        [tempWool,      redstoneAlloy,  tempWool],
        [redstoneAlloy, redstoneAlloy,  redstoneAlloy],
        [tempWool,      redstoneAlloy,  tempWool]
    recipes.addShaped(tempBundle * 8,[
        [oreBundledCable,   oreBundledCable,    oreBundledCable],
        [oreBundledCable,   tempDye,            oreBundledCable],
        [oreBundledCable,   oreBundledCable,    oreBundledCable]
The variable "tempDye" is presently just wool for the time being but I want tempDye to be an appropriate ore dictionary entry. I'm not sure exactly how to go about doing this. I think I could make an associate array in the following way if I knew the correct syntax:
var dyeArray                    = {
} as any[int];
var tempWool    = dyeArray[i];
I don't know how to do this, and I don't know if this method is possible or correct.

Any ideas?
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Hopefully an easy one this time. What is the formatting for an if else control structure in ZenScript? Also the operators for logical AND, OR, NOT EQUAL etc.

Hello again guys. Sorry I have so many questions, but I've done most of the easy stuff I'm striving for in the pack I'm working on and now it's down to the nitty-gritty.

I'm making a recipe for EnderIO capacitor banks. They store their stored RF value in the tag storedEnergyRF. Here is the code I have presently, with the missing piece indicated.
# Capacitor Bank
recipes.addShaped(capacitorBank, [
    [steelIngot,            doubleLayerCapacitor,               steelIngot],
    [doubleLayerCapacitor,  capacitorBankBasic.marked("inp"),   doubleLayerCapacitor],
    [steelIngot,            doubleLayerCapacitor,               steelIngot]],
    function(output, inputs, crafting) {
        return output.withTag({type: "ACTIVATED", storedEnergyRF: inputs.inp.....WHAT GOES HERE....});

Something along the lines of
inputs.inp.getTag("storedEnergyRF") as int
would be absolutely perfect, but I don't know what the syntax is or it it exists.
I'm also open to alternate ways of implementing this code and completely scrapping this bit if it's not possible.

Here is the code I used to solve this issue.
# Capacitor Bank
recipes.addShaped(capacitorBank, [
    [steelIngot,            doubleLayerCapacitor,               steelIngot],
    [doubleLayerCapacitor,  capacitorBankBasic.marked("inp"),   doubleLayerCapacitor],
    [steelIngot,            doubleLayerCapacitor,               steelIngot]],
    function(output, inputs, crafting) {
        return output.withTag({type: "ACTIVATED", storedEnergyRF: inputs.inp.tag.storedEnergyRF});
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Reactions: TheLoneWolfling
I checked everything with NEI, and upon your suggestion I also tried it ingame, but none of my changes have any effect at all.
Also, <MagicBees:beeNugget> is the same as <MagicBees:beeNugget:0>. Metadata 1 is the copper nugget, 2 is the tin nugget etc...

As far as I can see, the code is 100% correct: the command is the one given on the wiki and the Item-names/IDs were double-checked. It just doesn't have any effect... :(
I don't know if you managed to make this work, but AgriCraft and TE (and many other mods) use mod load order to determine which nugget/ingot/block is the output material (basically the first mod that loads wins).
So in my modpack, I want everything to be Thermal Foundation, so I renamed the mod filename to ensure it loads first, and behold, all Agricraft, TE and Tinkers recipes automatically changed their outputs. No MT scripts required.
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Reactions: jdog1408
Trying to make a script to allow the IE arc furnace to smelt RoC flakes...or, at least, most of them. Problem is, it keeps giving me this utterly unhelpful error message:

ERROR: Error executing IE-Arc-Furnace-Extras.zs: 1

The script in question is this: (Excuse the formatting derps, FTB forums has an issue with copy/pasting from Notepad++, for some reason.)

import minetweaker.item.IItemStack;

var RoCFlakes = [<RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_extracts:24>,
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:3>,  // Tin
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:7>,  // Copper
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:11>,  // Lead
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:15>,  // Nickel
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:19>,  // Silver
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:39>,  // Certus
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:43>,  // Uranium
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:115>, // Nether Coal
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:119>, // Nether Iron
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:123>, // Nether Gold
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:127>, // Nether Redstone
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:131>, // Nether Lapis
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:135>, // Nether Diamond
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:139>, // Nether Emerald
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:143>, // Nether Tin
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:147>, // Nether Copper
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:151>, // Nether Lead
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:155>, // Nether Nickel
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:159>, // Nether Silver
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:175>, // Platinum
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:179>, // Nether Platinum
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:187>, // Osmium
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:191>, // Steel
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:275>, // Nether Uranium
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:311>] as IItemStack[]; // Nether Osmium
var RoCOutput = [<minecraft:coal>,
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots>,  // Tin
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:1>,  // Copper
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:2>,  // Lead
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:3>,  // Nickel
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:4>,  // Silver
          <appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial>, // Certus
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:10>,  // Uranium
  <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:43>, // Platinum
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:46>, // Osmium
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:47>, // Steel
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:46>] as IItemStack[];

for i, flakes in RoCFlakes
  for j, outputs in RoCOutput
  var flake  = RoCFlakes[i];
   var output = RoCOutput[j];
   mods.immersiveengineering.ArcFurnace.addRecipe( output, flake, null, 100, 512 );

Can anyone spot the problem? I'm at a frigging loss and I am becoming somewhat annoyed.
Trying to make a script to allow the IE arc furnace to smelt RoC flakes...or, at least, most of them. Problem is, it keeps giving me this utterly unhelpful error message:

The script in question is this: (Excuse the formatting derps, FTB forums has an issue with copy/pasting from Notepad++, for some reason.)

import minetweaker.item.IItemStack;

var RoCFlakes = [<RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_extracts:24>,
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:3>,  // Tin
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:7>,  // Copper
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:11>,  // Lead
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:15>,  // Nickel
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:19>,  // Silver
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:39>,  // Certus
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:43>,  // Uranium
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:115>, // Nether Coal
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:119>, // Nether Iron
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:123>, // Nether Gold
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:127>, // Nether Redstone
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:131>, // Nether Lapis
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:135>, // Nether Diamond
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:139>, // Nether Emerald
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:143>, // Nether Tin
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:147>, // Nether Copper
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:151>, // Nether Lead
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:155>, // Nether Nickel
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:159>, // Nether Silver
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:175>, // Platinum
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:179>, // Nether Platinum
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:187>, // Osmium
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:191>, // Steel
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:275>, // Nether Uranium
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:311>] as IItemStack[]; // Nether Osmium
var RoCOutput = [<minecraft:coal>,
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots>,  // Tin
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:1>,  // Copper
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:2>,  // Lead
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:3>,  // Nickel
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:4>,  // Silver
          <appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial>, // Certus
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:10>,  // Uranium
  <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:43>, // Platinum
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:46>, // Osmium
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:47>, // Steel
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:46>] as IItemStack[];

for i, flakes in RoCFlakes
  for j, outputs in RoCOutput
  var flake  = RoCFlakes[i];
   var output = RoCOutput[j];
   mods.immersiveengineering.ArcFurnace.addRecipe( output, flake, null, 100, 512 );

Can anyone spot the problem? I'm at a frigging loss and I am becoming somewhat annoyed.

Here's an example of what I've done with the Arc Furnace.
mods.immersiveengineering.ArcFurnace.addRecipe(<EnderIO:itemAlloy:6>, <EnderIO:itemAlloy:0>, <ThermalExpansion:material:514>, 200, 1000, [<appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial:45>,<Mekanism:OtherDust:5>,<ThermalFoundation:material:44>], "Alloying");
mods.immersiveengineering.ArcFurnace.addRecipe(resIngot, <ThermalFoundation:material:0>, null, 400, 512, [<ImmersiveEngineering:metal:17>], "");

I think the issue is that the last 2 variables (bit in [] and the string) are not actually optional. You must define them. I think just doing [], "" would be fine.
Here's an example of what I've done with the Arc Furnace.
mods.immersiveengineering.ArcFurnace.addRecipe(<EnderIO:itemAlloy:6>, <EnderIO:itemAlloy:0>, <ThermalExpansion:material:514>, 200, 1000, [<appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial:45>,<Mekanism:OtherDust:5>,<ThermalFoundation:material:44>], "Alloying");
mods.immersiveengineering.ArcFurnace.addRecipe(resIngot, <ThermalFoundation:material:0>, null, 400, 512, [<ImmersiveEngineering:metal:17>], "");

I think the issue is that the last 2 variables (bit in [] and the string) are not actually optional. You must define them. I think just doing [], "" would be fine.
Aah, thankee. I'll fire up Minecraft and give that a go. Hopefully, that's what I flubbed up and not accidentally adding a gating material to the list.


Getting this, now:

IE-Arc-Furnace-Extras.zs:84 > a method available but none matches the parameters (minetweaker.item.IItemStack, minetweaker.item.IItemStack, null, int, int, any[], string)

With this:

  mods.immersiveengineering.ArcFurnace.addRecipe( output, flake, null, 100, 512, [], "RotaryCraft Integration" );

[ETA 2]

Okay, got the argument bs eliminated, and am back to the utterly unhelpful previous error. New script is as follows (spoilered for size):

import minetweaker.item.IItemStack;
import minetweaker.item.IIngredient;

var slag = <ImmersiveEngineering:material:13>;

var RoCFlakes = [<RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_extracts:24>,
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:3>,  // Tin
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:7>,  // Copper
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:11>,  // Lead
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:15>,  // Nickel
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:19>,  // Silver
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:39>,  // Certus
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:43>,  // Uranium
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:115>, // Nether Coal
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:119>, // Nether Iron
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:123>, // Nether Gold
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:127>, // Nether Redstone
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:131>, // Nether Lapis
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:135>, // Nether Diamond
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:139>, // Nether Emerald
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:143>, // Nether Tin
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:147>, // Nether Copper
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:151>, // Nether Lead
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:155>, // Nether Nickel
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:159>, // Nether Silver
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:175>, // Platinum
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:179>, // Nether Platinum
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:187>, // Osmium
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:191>, // Steel
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:275>, // Nether Uranium
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:311>] as IIngredient[]; // Nether Osmium
var RoCOutput = [<minecraft:coal>,
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots>,  // Tin
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:1>,  // Copper
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:2>,  // Lead
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:3>,  // Nickel
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:4>,  // Silver
          <appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial>, // Certus
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:10>,  // Uranium
  <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:43>, // Platinum
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:46>, // Osmium
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:47>, // Steel
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:46>] as IItemStack[];

for i, flakes in RoCFlakes
  for j, outputs in RoCOutput
  var flake  = RoCFlakes[i];
   var output = RoCOutput[j];
   mods.immersiveengineering.ArcFurnace.addRecipe( output, flake, slag, 100, 512 );

Trying to supply it with the last two arguments just threw up an invalid argument exception with the second-to-last argument, since its IIngredient[] and not any[]. Let's keep hacking at this bastard, see what I can find...
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AHA! I got it, thanks to a little decompilation work, I found out what I was doing wrong! The version of IE I'm working with doesn't have an addRecipe() method for the arc furnace that takes a string argument! I can now smelt flakes in the arc furnace! SUCK IT! For those among us who are curious, here is the working script!

import minetweaker.item.IItemStack;
import minetweaker.item.IIngredient;

var slag = <ImmersiveEngineering:material:13>;

var RoCFlakes = [<RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_extracts:24>,
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:3>,  // Tin
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:7>,  // Copper
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:11>,  // Lead
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:15>,  // Nickel
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:19>,  // Silver
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:39>,  // Certus
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:43>,  // Uranium
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:115>, // Nether Coal
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:119>, // Nether Iron
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:123>, // Nether Gold
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:127>, // Nether Redstone
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:131>, // Nether Lapis
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:135>, // Nether Diamond
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:139>, // Nether Emerald
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:143>, // Nether Tin
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:147>, // Nether Copper
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:151>, // Nether Lead
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:155>, // Nether Nickel
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:159>, // Nether Silver
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:175>, // Platinum
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:179>, // Nether Platinum
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:187>, // Osmium
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:191>, // Steel
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:275>, // Nether Uranium
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modextracts:311>] as IIngredient[]; // Nether Osmium
var RoCOutput = [<minecraft:coal>,
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots>,  // Tin
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:1>,  // Copper
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:2>,  // Lead
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:3>,  // Nickel
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:4>,  // Silver
          <appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial>, // Certus
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:10>,  // Uranium
  <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:43>, // Platinum
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:46>, // Osmium
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:47>, // Steel
          <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_modingots:46>] as IItemStack[];

for i, flakes in RoCFlakes
  var flake  = RoCFlakes[i];
  var output = RoCOutput[i];
  mods.immersiveengineering.ArcFurnace.addRecipe( output, flake, null, 100, 512, [] );
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Reactions: Golrith
game.SetLocalization don't work for me it just use the tc.research_category.RAINBOWSAPLING on the tab name please help


mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("RAINBOWSAP", <witchery:witchsapling>, [<minecraft:dye:12>,<minecraft:dye:13>,<minecraft:dye:5>,<minecraft:dye:6>,<minecraft:dye:7>,<minecraft:dye:8>,<minecraft:dye:9>,<minecraft:dye:10>], "aer 10, terra 10, ignis 10, aqua 10, ordo 10, perditio 10", <TwilightForest:tile.TFSapling:9>, 1);



mods.thaumcraft.Research.addTab("RAINBOWSAPLING", "twilightforest", "textures/blocks/sapling_rainboak.png");

game.setLocalization("en_US", "tc.research_category.RAINBOWSAPLING", "Addons");


mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("RAINBOWSAP", "RAINBOWSAPLING", "lucrum 100", 1, 0, 8, <TwilightForest:tile.TFSapling:9>);

game.setLocalization("en_US", "tc.research_name.RAINBOWSAP", "RainbowSapling");

game.setLocalization("en_US", "tc.research_text.RAINBOWSAP", "Rainbows!!");

mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("RAINBOWSAP", "derp.research_page.RAINBOWSAP");

game.setLocalization("en_US", "derp.research_page.RAINBOWSAP", "Here you can see how to make a RainbowSapling in the Arcane Infusing Table");

mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("RAINBOWSAP", <TwilightForest:tile.TFSapling:9>);
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I have a big problem with ModTweaker. If I try to disable a Inscriber-Recipe like this:


it doesn't work. And also if I try to do a PneumaticCraft-PressureChamber-Recipe it doesn't work.
It would be very nice if anybody coult help my with this problem or tell me what my mistakes are. :)
I have a big problem with ModTweaker. If I try to disable a Inscriber-Recipe like this:


it doesn't work. And also if I try to do a PneumaticCraft-PressureChamber-Recipe it doesn't work.
It would be very nice if anybody coult help my with this problem or tell me what my mistakes are. :)
Well "doesn't work" is kinda vague. Did you get any errors? If so, post the minetweaker.txt please.
I was wondering if thermal expansion was ever fixed in terms of removing recipes or not.

-I am more of wondering about the redstone furnace as opposed to most of the other thermal expansion machines.
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The redstone furnace seems to work, same for the others.

The only one that is giving me problems would be the Insolator... you can't remove or add any recipes tothat one.
I decided to go through this thread and read through some of the thermal expansion stuff and I am not able to figure out how to do it...

Can somebody post me an example of code which could work to remove a recipe from the redstone furnace?
Also using version 3.0.10B of minetweaker 3