Like post the script for other people to useWhat do you mean?
Like post the script for other people to useWhat do you mean?
Yeah you can do that, I was just wondering what you meant by:Like post the script for other people to use
Can we use this pack
XD I meant thread and so here is the creation that I am proud of, not very much code but it makes gears a later game item(I'm looking at you Buildcraft Quarry)Yeah you can do that, I was just wondering what you meant by:
What pack?![]()
If a recipe is stuck, you are safe to ignore it. It will work on a server restart (exit/enter the game, some cases may need a full game restart). Why this happens, I don't know, but some mods just do it.So I started using minetweaker/modtweaker today to move around some Thaumcraft research due to too many research tabs. The script I found and added to works fine, but I still get a warning that 1 modification is stuck. I doublechecked every word for mistakes like wrong capitalization, which causes a bigger error before, but I can't find any problems with this script.
Should/can I just ignore that warning?
Here's the script:
#Modifying Railcraft research
mods.thaumcraft.Research.moveResearch("RC_Crowbar", "ARTIFICE", 0, -4);
mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RC_Crowbar", "THAUMIUM", false);
#Void metal
mods.thaumcraft.Research.moveResearch("RC_Crowbar_Void", "ELDRITCH", 2, -4);
mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RC_Crowbar_Void", "VOIDMETAL", false);
mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RC_Crowbar_Void", "RC_Crowbar", false);
#Tab Removal
#Move Rotarycraft and AOBD research to Chromaticraft
mods.thaumcraft.Research.moveResearch("PUREORE", "chromaticraft", 0, -4);
mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("PUREORE", "PUREIRON", false);
mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("PUREORE", "PUREGOLD", false);
mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("PUREORE", "PURETIN", false);
mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("PUREORE", "PURECOPPER", false);
mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("PUREORE", "PURELEAD", false);
mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("PUREORE", "PURESILVER", false);
mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("PUREORE", "TRANSIRON", false);
mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("PUREORE", "TRANSGOLD", false);
mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("PUREORE", "TRANSTIN", false);
mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("PUREORE", "TRANSCOPPER", false);
mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("PUREORE", "TRANSLEAD", false);
mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("PUREORE", "TRANSSILVER", false);
#Tab removal
mods.thaumcraft.Research.moveResearch("BEDREVEAL", "chromaticraft", 2, -4);
mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("BEDREVEAL", "GOGGLES", false);
mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("BEDREVEAL", "INFUSION", false);
#Tab removal
Because there is no furnace recipe which results in a log as an outputWhy does this
tell me no recipe found, while this
Using charcoal (minecraft:coal:1) doesn't work either, but material:513 (compressed sawdust), is an input not an out put and that removed that recipe.Because there is no furnace recipe which results in a log as an output
Hmm, try <ore:logWood> (I think that's the oreDict for logs), just a guess that the RSfurnace MAY use oredicts as much as possibleUsing charcoal (minecraft:coal:1) doesn't work either, but material:513 (compressed sawdust), is an input not an out put and that removed that recipe.
Not working is very vague. You need to give us your minetweaker log too or maybe a more detailed description.Guys, can you help me? Does not work...
val Torch = <RealisticTorches:TorchUnlit>;
val Rubber = <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:11880>;
val Stick = <RealisticTorches:Matchbox>;
val String = <minecraft:string>;
val Coal = <minecraft:coal>;
val Charcoal = <minecraft:coal:1>;
val CoalCoke = <Railcraft:fuel.coke>;
val WovenCloth = <harvestcraft:wovencottonItem>;
val Beeswax = <Forestry:beeswax>;
recipes.addShaped(Torch * 4, [
[Coal, String],
[Stick, null]]);
recipes.addShaped(Torch * 3, [
[Charcoal, String],
[Stick, null]]);
recipes.addShaped(Torch * 2, [
[Beeswax, String],
[Stick, null]]);
recipes.addShaped(Torch * 4, [
[CoalCoke, String],
[Stick, null]]);
recipes.addShaped(Torch * 3, [
[Rubber, String],
[Stick, null]]);
recipes.addShaped(Torch * 3, [
[<minecraft:wool:*>, String],
[Stick, null]]);
recipes.addShaped(Torch * 4, [
[WovenCloth, String],
[Stick, null]]);
recipes.addShaped(Torch * 4, [
[<minecraft:book>, String],
[Stick, null]]);
As I said, you can't use "val string" and then use that value in recipes. Rename it to something different.No errors in minetweaker log. I deleted all recipes for vanila and enviromine torches and set some recipes for realistic torches. But it works like this