That's fine, it doesn't make sense to me to put the output first... but that's how it is :/Thanks alot. Was used to the factorization blocks so much thought inputs were first always.
That's fine, it doesn't make sense to me to put the output first... but that's how it is :/Thanks alot. Was used to the factorization blocks so much thought inputs were first always.
Quadrum textures don't agree with one of the video settings that vanilla added in 1.7. I think it was anisotropic filtering. Turn that off to fix them.Sorry for posting so much but...
Quadrum textures became invisible at some point... and public documentation on Quadrum is almost nonexistent.
Example item :
"name": "dough",
"texture": "dough",
"max-stack-size": "64"
texture is named (dough)
The items exist and I can craft and cook with them but they are completely invisible. Originally just recolored some vanilla textures with gimp then tried to just rename things like coal(the vanilla texture...even tried textures from other mod packs that use Quadrum to bugtest) to (dough) but nothing shows up.
How to do it in a five simple steps:Attempts at compiling the modpack into a jar/zip/thingy have ended with crashing and sadnessand more crashing and the deletion of minecraft several times(I deleted it
I found many guides but they are contradictory and most often for a specific launcher...
Could anyone give me a link to a good 1.7.10 modpack creation guide?
Hmm are you using the vanilla launcher or FTB or MultiMC or AT or what
No. This is why mod pack launchers are so popular. Because the mod pack dev uploads the zip, then the launcher automatically extracts the zip, puts it in the right place, and all that good stuffThe vanilla launcher.
@jordsta95 That means people have to unzip the thingy in their minecraft folder. I thought it was possible to just have the modpack as a jar or something to add to the mods folder.
Which version of modtweaker are you using?mods.thaumcraft.Crucible.addRecipe("ASPECTS",<magicalcrops:magicalcrops_ModMagicSeedsThaumcraftShard>,<magicalcrops:magicalcrops_MagicSeedsEssence>,"praecantatio 16, ordo 2, terra 2");
This is not working, does anyone know why?
EDITSlightly Tweaked for Balance, still doesn't work) mods.thaumcraft.Crucible.addRecipe("ASPECTS",<magicalcrops:magicalcrops_ModMagicSeedsThaumcraftShard>,<magicalcrops:magicalcrops_MagicSeedsEssence>,"praecantatio 16, ordo 2, herba 2");
Yes, 0.7.5 works, thank you.Which version of modtweaker are you using?
Some of the later versions stopped working for some reason, try 0.7.x, and see if it still doesn't work
//Red Auram Implementation
# Alloying
mods.tconstruct.Smeltery.addAlloy(<liquid:red_aurum.molten> * 2, [<liquid:fairy.molten> * 1, <liquid:pokefennium.molten> * 1]);
#Block/item recipes
recipes.addShapeless(<ExtraTiC:blockFunStuff:2>, [<ExtraTiC:ingotFunStuff:2> * 9]);
recipes.addShapeless(<ExtraTiC:ingotFunStuff:2> * 9, [<ExtraTiC:blockFunStuff:2>]);
mods.tconstruct.Casting.addBasinRecipe(<ExtraTiC:blockFunStuff:2>, <liquid:red_aurum.molten> * 1296, null, false, 20);
mods.tconstruct.Casting.addTableRecipe(<ExtraTiC:ingotFunStuff:2>, <liquid:red_aurum.molten> * 144, <TConstruct:metalPatern:0>, false, 20);
Made an account so I could post here.
I'm trying to implement ExtraTiC's Red Aurum through ModTweaker, but whenever I try to enter it, it spits out "could not resolve (Red Aurum Ingot/block/fluid).
My code as it stands is:
Code://Red Auram Implementation # Alloying mods.tconstruct.Smeltery.addAlloy(<liquid:red_aurum.molten> * 2, [<liquid:fairy.molten> * 1, <liquid:pokefennium.molten> * 1]); #Block/item recipes recipes.addShapeless(<ExtraTiC:blockFunStuff:2>, [<ExtraTiC:ingotFunStuff:2> * 9]); recipes.addShapeless(<ExtraTiC:ingotFunStuff:2> * 9, [<ExtraTiC:blockFunStuff:2>]); #casting mods.tconstruct.Casting.addBasinRecipe(<ExtraTiC:blockFunStuff:2>, <liquid:red_aurum.molten> * 1296, null, false, 20); mods.tconstruct.Casting.addTableRecipe(<ExtraTiC:ingotFunStuff:2>, <liquid:red_aurum.molten> * 144, <TConstruct:metalPatern:0>, false, 20);
What am I doing wrong, if anything? Or is this just impossible with the current version of ExtraTiC?
Also, I can't get setAbility working (trying to add Weakness to Void Metal and Ignite to Fiery; y'know, stuff that should already be there), but I can't even get it to add Writable to Wood.
//Red Auram Implementation
# Alloying
mods.tconstruct.Smeltery.addAlloy(<liquid:red_aurum.molten> * 2, [<liquid:fairy.molten> * 1, <liquid:pokefennium.molten> * 1]);
# Block/item recipes
recipes.addShapeless(<ExtraTiC:blockFunStuff:2>, [<ExtraTiC:ingotFunStuff:2> * 9]);
recipes.addShapeless(<ExtraTiC:ingotFunStuff:2> * 9, [<ExtraTiC:blockFunStuff:2>]);
# Casting
mods.tconstruct.Casting.addBasinRecipe(<ExtraTiC:blockFunStuff:2>, <liquid:red_aurum.molten> * 1296, null, false, 20);
mods.tconstruct.Casting.addTableRecipe(<ExtraTiC:ingotFunStuff:2>, <liquid:red_aurum.molten> * 144, <TConstruct:metalPatern:0>, false, 20);
//Red Auram Implementation
# Alloying
mods.tconstruct.Smeltery.addAlloy(<liquid:red_aurum.molten> * 2, [<liquid:fairy.molten> * 1, <liquid:pokefennium.molten> * 1]);
# Block/item recipes
recipes.addShapeless(<ExtraTiC:blockFunStuff:2>, [<ExtraTiC:ingotFunStuff:2> * 9]);
recipes.addShapeless(<ExtraTiC:ingotFunStuff:2> * 9, [<ExtraTiC:blockFunStuff:2>]);
# Casting
mods.tconstruct.Casting.addBasinRecipe(<ExtraTiC:blockFunStuff:2>, <liquid:red_aurum.molten> * 1296, null, false, 20);
mods.tconstruct.Casting.addTableRecipe(<ExtraTiC:ingotFunStuff:2>, <liquid:red_aurum.molten> * 144, <TConstruct:metalPatern:0>, false, 20);
//check script load
print("Red Auram Loaded");
mods.tconstruct.ToolStats.setAbility("Fiery", "ignite");
mods.tconstruct.ToolStats.setAbility("Void Metal", "weakness");
mods.tconstruct.ToolStats.setAbility("Wood", "writeable");
//Thaumcraft Clusters
mods.tconstruct.Smeltery.addMelting(<Thaumcraft:ItemNugget:16>, <liquid:iron.molten> * 576, 800, <minecraft:iron_block>);
mods.tconstruct.Smeltery.addMelting(<Thaumcraft:ItemNugget:31>, <liquid:gold.molten> * 576, 600, <minecraft:gold_block>);
mods.tconstruct.Smeltery.addMelting(<Thaumcraft:ItemNugget:17>, <liquid:copper.molten> * 576, 600, <TConstruct:MetalBlock:3>);
mods.tconstruct.Smeltery.addMelting(<Thaumcraft:ItemNugget:18>, <liquid:tin.molten> * 576, 300, <TConstruct:MetalBlock:5>);
mods.tconstruct.Smeltery.addMelting(<Thaumcraft:ItemNugget:19>, <liquid:silver.molten> * 576, 600, <Metallurgy:precious.block:1>);
Adding command minetweaker
INFO: Adding minetweaker command mfr
ERROR: ExtraTiC.zs:16: Could not resolve <liquid : red_aurum . molten>
ERROR: ExtraTiC.zs:18: Could not resolve <ExtraTiC : ingotFunStuff : 2>
ERROR: ExtraTiC.zs:19: Could not resolve <ExtraTiC : ingotFunStuff : 2>
ERROR: ExtraTiC.zs:21: Could not resolve <liquid : red_aurum . molten>
ERROR: ExtraTiC.zs:22: Could not resolve <ExtraTiC : ingotFunStuff : 2>
ERROR: ExtraTiC.zs:22: Could not resolve <liquid : red_aurum . molten>
INFO: Changing material stats field : + ability for Fiery
INFO: Changing material stats field : + ability for Void Metal
INFO: Changing material stats field : + ability for Wood
INFO: Adding Smeltery - Melting Recipe for :Native Iron Cluster
INFO: Adding Smeltery - Melting Recipe for :Native Gold Cluster
INFO: Adding Smeltery - Melting Recipe for :Native Copper Cluster
INFO: Adding Smeltery - Melting Recipe for :Native Tin Cluster
INFO: Adding Smeltery - Melting Recipe for :Native Silver Cluster
ERROR: Error executing ExtraTiC.zs: null
at ExtraTiC.__script__(ExtraTiC.zs:16)
at minetweaker.runtime.MTTweaker.load(
at minetweaker.MineTweakerImplementationAPI.reload(
at minetweaker.MineTweakerImplementationAPI$1.execute(
at minetweaker.MineTweakerImplementationAPI$19.execute(
at minetweaker.mc1710.server.MCServer$MCCommand.func_71515_b(
at net.minecraft.command.CommandHandler.func_71556_a(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$
INFO: Adding furnace recipe for <minecraft:rotten_flesh>
INFO: Adding recipe for Mossy Stone Bricks
INFO: Adding furnace recipe for <minecraft:stonebrick>