Hi everybody i'm here to present my server , i'm looking for 10-15 really mature person that can take care of themself ,i'm goign back to school so i won't have much time to administrate people so in other words , not 12 years old asking for 3 redstone and causing trouble , anyway , here are the specs .
Since the server is whitelisted and we are quite strict about it we require a presentation of yourself , please specify :
Your Age:
Your experience with the modpack:
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general:
Why would you want to join our server:
Have you ever been banned and if so why :
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server:
Specs of the server
-The server itself is hosted on a dedicated server with 24go of ram and and intel xeon 2.80Ghz ,so lagg is not an issue but the server is hosted in Europe so people with bad/average connection in america may have some pretty bad lagg.
-Pvp is deactivated
-The server is done completely in survival , meaning that even the admins are getting their resources legitimately
-No mods are deactivated but try to keep the number of world anchor to a minimum
-The server is on normal difficulty
-Our community have both french and english players so try to respect one another
-we have protection mods so you can /lock your stuff (don't forget to lock both side of a double chest and both block of a door) or you can alway request me to protect an entire zone for you !
Rules of the server
-ABSOLUTELY no grief or stealing tolerated , if you are found guilty of one of those it's an automatic ban
-Respect is really important so don't insult each other
-Don't spam the chat , if you want to talk to your friend only you can use /tell and DON'T USE CAPS LOCK
-Have fun
Since the server is whitelisted and we are quite strict about it we require a presentation of yourself , please specify :
Your Age:
Your experience with the modpack:
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general:
Why would you want to join our server:
Have you ever been banned and if so why :
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server:
Specs of the server
-The server itself is hosted on a dedicated server with 24go of ram and and intel xeon 2.80Ghz ,so lagg is not an issue but the server is hosted in Europe so people with bad/average connection in america may have some pretty bad lagg.
-Pvp is deactivated
-The server is done completely in survival , meaning that even the admins are getting their resources legitimately
-No mods are deactivated but try to keep the number of world anchor to a minimum
-The server is on normal difficulty
-Our community have both french and english players so try to respect one another
-we have protection mods so you can /lock your stuff (don't forget to lock both side of a double chest and both block of a door) or you can alway request me to protect an entire zone for you !
Rules of the server
-ABSOLUTELY no grief or stealing tolerated , if you are found guilty of one of those it's an automatic ban
-Respect is really important so don't insult each other
-Don't spam the chat , if you want to talk to your friend only you can use /tell and DON'T USE CAPS LOCK

-Have fun
