Whitelist Server Mineguild Network

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- IGN: JustLenny and J_man_2000
- Age: Both 13.
- Have you played on other modded servers before?: Yes, alot of them.
- Since when are you playing modded minecraft?: A long time ago me (JustLenny AKA Lenny) and J_man_2000 (AKA Jens) started playing FTB and modded minecraft, and we liked it! Me and Jens know alot about mods and know how they work, especially Jens, and I hope to find a community where I can play with nice people without getting griefed, I can be mature, but harmless trolling is also not excluded.

I will love the owner for letting us in, because I just want to help people and make a base, I might want to copy Direwolf20, and make a workshop, and we'll also record :D.

BTW: If we're let in, whitelist me and J_man_2000 :D.
Ninja Wind strikes again. Welcome, to both of you, to the server!
Still downloading cuz' I haven't played in a while, what'chu mean by Ninja Wind? :p

I can't connect to the server, Can't reach server, but when I join it gets stuck at 'Logging in...'??
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Still downloading cuz' I haven't played in a while, what'chu mean by Ninja Wind? :p

I can't connect to the server, Can't reach server, but when I join it gets stuck at 'Logging in...'??
I think there are some problems with the Session servers from Mojang.
- IGN: DragonEnder99
- Age: 14
- Have you played on other modded servers before?: Yes, but there were too many people and the lag was terrible. Also, there was a separate server for mining, so I couldn't transport items if I used a Quarry. I want to join a more free, friendlier environment.
- Since when are you playing modded minecraft?: It has been six months since I started.
IGN: Elmotookmybaby
Age: 18
Have you played on other modded servers before?: I played on many different types, but just started again to play with my brother and sister.
Since when are you playing modded minecraft?: I started playing a little over a year and a half ago after wanting something more from Minecraft.
- IGN: HerrFristi
- Age: 20
- Have you played on other modded servers before?: Yes I have, I've played some DW20 lately, even had my own server for a while, but my friends lost interest, so I was the only one left, now I'm looking for a place to play on with other people.
- Since when are you playing modded minecraft?: I've been playing for a while now, not sure when exactly, but I've taken long breaks inbetween my Minecraft plays.
- IGN: Sacapuntas
- Age: 19
- Have you played on other modded servers before?: Yes I've been on several servers before, but always had issues with lag.
- When did you start playing modded Minecraft?: I've been playing vanilla minecraft for around a year now, just got into mod packs a couple of months ago

Thanks for reading
- IGN: DragonEnder99
- Age: 14
- Have you played on other modded servers before?: Yes, but there were too many people and the lag was terrible. Also, there was a separate server for mining, so I couldn't transport items if I used a Quarry. I want to join a more free, friendlier environment.
- Since when are you playing modded minecraft?: It has been six months since I started.
We only have a different world for mining, so you're gonna be able to transport items from your Quarry to your base ;). Welcome to the server!

IGN: Elmotookmybaby
Age: 18
Have you played on other modded servers before?: I played on many different types, but just started again to play with my brother and sister.
Since when are you playing modded minecraft?: I started playing a little over a year and a half ago after wanting something more from Minecraft.
Promoted to member. Welcome to the server!

- IGN: HerrFristi
- Age: 20
- Have you played on other modded servers before?: Yes I have, I've played some DW20 lately, even had my own server for a while, but my friends lost interest, so I was the only one left, now I'm looking for a place to play on with other people.
- Since when are you playing modded minecraft?: I've been playing for a while now, not sure when exactly, but I've taken long breaks inbetween my Minecraft plays.
Promoted to member. Welcome to the server!

- IGN: Sacapuntas
- Age: 19
- Have you played on other modded servers before?: Yes I've been on several servers before, but always had issues with lag.
- When did you start playing modded Minecraft?: I've been playing vanilla minecraft for around a year now, just got into mod packs a couple of months ago

Thanks for reading

We're trying to keep our server as lag-free as possible, although it won't be a modded server without it's hiccups here and there ;). Welcome to the server!
- IGN: _R11_
- Age: 19
- Have you played on other modded servers before?: Yes, a couple of private hosted ones, and about 2 from the forums, one direwolf20 1.5 and one unleashed server.
- Since when are you playing modded minecraft?: I've been playing for about 2 years, started with tekkit and ended up on ftb. Been playing ftb for 1 year to be exact :)
IGN: MasterZeki068
Age: 18
Previous Servers: I have hosted a couple private FTB servers for myself and some friends (max of 5). As for any PUBLIC modded server, I am new.
Modded Minecraft Experience: I started playing modded Minecraft back in Beta, if I recall correctly it was .7 or .8? Then I moved into Tekkit with 1.1 and then finally into FTB with the release of 1.2.5.

Thank you for the consideration!
- IGN: K_O3_N
- Age: 18
- Have you played on other modded servers before?: Yes, I have played a lot of Minecraft and Modpacks on mostly private servers.
- Since when are you playing modded minecraft?: I'm playing minecraft since 3 years now.
- IGN: drolzak7
- Age: 18
- Have you played on other modded servers before?: i have played on a few modded servers before
- Since when are you playing modded minecraft?: i am playing modded minecraft since 2,5 years
- IGN: _R11_
- Age: 19
- Have you played on other modded servers before?: Yes, a couple of private hosted ones, and about 2 from the forums, one direwolf20 1.5 and one unleashed server.
- Since when are you playing modded minecraft?: I've been playing for about 2 years, started with tekkit and ended up on ftb. Been playing ftb for 1 year to be exact :)
Promoted to member. Welcome to the server!

IGN: MasterZeki068
Age: 18
Previous Servers: I have hosted a couple private FTB servers for myself and some friends (max of 5). As for any PUBLIC modded server, I am new.
Modded Minecraft Experience: I started playing modded Minecraft back in Beta, if I recall correctly it was .7 or .8? Then I moved into Tekkit with 1.1 and then finally into FTB with the release of 1.2.5.

Thank you for the consideration!
Promoted to member. Welcome to the server!

- IGN: K_O3_N
- Age: 18
- Have you played on other modded servers before?: Yes, I have played a lot of Minecraft and Modpacks on mostly private servers.
- Since when are you playing modded minecraft?: I'm playing minecraft since 3 years now.
Promoted to member. Welcome to the server!

- IGN: drolzak7
- Age: 18
- Have you played on other modded servers before?: i have played on a few modded servers before
- Since when are you playing modded minecraft?: i am playing modded minecraft since 2,5 years
Promoted to member. Welcome to the server!
- IGN: CaptainPolkz
- Age: 17
- Have you played on other modded servers before?:
Yes, but a lot of them had lag until now
- Since when are you playing modded minecraft?:
I`m playing for 2 years from now
- IGN: CaptainPolkz
- Age: 17
- Have you played on other modded servers before?:
Yes, but a lot of them had lag until now
- Since when are you playing modded minecraft?:
I`m playing for 2 years from now

All FTB servers are gonna have lag at one point or another. Even we, with one of the best specs out there, have some. It has to do with Minecraft itself, hopefully that will change in the future. :)
Welcome to the server!
- IGN: ClosetNympho
- Age: 23
- Have you played on other modded servers before?: Yes but most have unplayable lag, or so many banned items it doesn't feel like FTB.
- Since when are you playing modded minecraft?: Played vanilla for years but I've only been on modded minecraft a few months. Still learning and love being able to ask people questions if I need help.. But the one I'm playing on now lags hard if more than two people are online. It's frustrating to say the least.

Looking for a friendly community that I can learn from and share what knowledge I have.
Hi. I have some questions about protections. When you start off, you need 9 diamonds to make a town? Also, if I want to make a quarry in the Twilight or Mining Age, how will I protect it? Would I have to make a town there? Is it possible to make a town in the Mining Age or Twilight? I don't want to do it underground because people could use X-ray to find it.
IGN: BelllyButton
- Age: 19
- Have you played on other modded servers before?: yes i played direwolf20 and after that i started playing ftb monster in a private server
- Since when are you playing modded minecraft?: I've been playing mod packs for over 2 years now i think.
- IGN: friedlizard
- Age: 19
- Have you played on other modded servers before?: Yes, i have, but they all went down because of the great amounts of lag or that everyone got highly advanced so they would start over in a different modpack.
- Since when are you playing modded minecraft?: I am a modded minecraft veteran, I've played these for whenever the techniclauncher came out. I am not quite sure when it happened, but if I have to gamble it is probably about 2 to 2,5 years I think. But some of these mods that are added now are quite new for me, which leaves me with the possibility to experiment a lot.

Yes, I have common sense, i'm friendly and tolerant to others. Hope you'll invite me :D

P.S. i also have teamspeak and skype.
- IGN: Psych0miner
- Age:15
- Have you played on other modded servers before?:To be completely honest, no. I have play on many vanilla servers, but this is my first modded one.
- Since when are you playing modded minecraft?: I just started and it seemed you guys have a nice community, so yeah, I have played for a day or so but I enjoy it, haha.

Thank you!
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