Whitelist Server MinecraftManiacFTB ULTIMATE! [Nightly BackUp][Dedicated 24/7][Totally Friendly][White-List]

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Whoever is blowing stuff up is defiantly going for damage, they got our AE system (drives, controller, and assembler), they took out rex's bees, and also targeted our tanks. The second the new server is up i am setting up a forcefield, god damn griefers.
I agree that it is probably someone blowing stuff up because none of the changes will carry over to the new server, but my worry is that it is not so innocent and might continue.
could somone message me the new ip i cant see it on my launcher properly! thanks :) (no worries I found it in the end!)
Edit: ps some of my base is blown up too
Do not worry though. We'll use the world file Mike got saved. In that world file everyone's base should be intact. After that we can see what we will do.
Hopefully it can be traced back to someone. I know they stopped using the plugin that shows who broke what blocks, but frankly if there's someone that's this childish on the server then I'd rather they just be gone. It doesn't matter whether or not they think/thought there wouldn't be any repercussions; grow up and do something more productive with your time.
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Reactions: xGingy
Yeah. If you want to blow stuff up, do it to your own stuff. I do not like having a gaping hole in my building where my centrifuges used to be, even if it will be fixed on the new server.
Gingy said he's getting back from vacation on saturday, so it might be up sometime this weekend if he finds a good host and it all goes well.
I do believe the griefer is still at large, i just logged on and there was further damage to my house, along with missing items from the few remaining chests, he/she is probably using our resources to continue blowing up peoples stuff.
when i went into my place there was stuff still on the floor bricks, a few items out of chests.. i found about 4-5 industrial tnt too, wonder if thats what they used? find alot of that on someone .....

I gree with Accountant, the person thats doing this whatever the reason shouldn't be on Maniac, its simply not what we are about, they should leave before we find out who they are...
Hey again guys, sorry for all of this. I'm driving home today from vacation and won't be home until midnight. We are currently ready to start the server just waiting for PytoHost to sort everything out. I think the server should be up within the next few days, I'll keep you all updated, and when we're up I'll come back and paste the IP. White list will be copied over and then applications will all be gone through.
Thanks guys!
Gingy <3
[DOUBLEPOST=1374843353][/DOUBLEPOST]Additionally. If we find out whoever is griefing, they will be banned. If you give me a time frame of when it happened I can sort through the logs and see.
I got him :D. Jameszh. He had flint and steel (Used) along with 4 TNT in his inventory. He also had one of CircutBoards 64k ME Drives. Hopefully he was the only one.[DOUBLEPOST=1374849008][/DOUBLEPOST]
Age: 15
Name (Optional): james
In-Game Name: jameszh
Location: LA
Hobbies/Interests: basketball
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): neverever banned
What experience with FTB do you have?: 2 years
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: interaction with people
This is the dick that was jacking all you guys stuff and blowing things to pieces. He's been banned. Right Jameszh?
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Reactions: Mike Farquharson
xgingy my friend and I along with some others applied to this server and the day after or so it was postponed to to upgrade needs. im curious if others and myself were whitelisted and not notified. If you have a skype please add me at aidan.hallahan64 thanks
The new server is up, although not all of the plugins are installed. xGingy will finish installing those later. The IP is
Thanks circut <3

U P !!!!![DOUBLEPOST=1374859936][/DOUBLEPOST]Assuming they see this, bear and death, will be in charge until I'm back. Obviously arduent is in charge as well. In their absences, listen to circutboard, theaccountant_, and shirtlessB!
Thanks guys!