Whitelist Server MinecraftManiacFTB ULTIMATE! [Nightly BackUp][Dedicated 24/7][Totally Friendly][White-List]

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Name (Optional):Julian
In-Game Name:Juliangod14
Location:United States - Illinois
Hobbies/Interests:Video games and MTG.
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history):Negative - I really haven't tried any multiplayer recently. I've been in singleplayer alll aloneee :(
What experience with FTB do you have?: I honestly feel like I have a lot of experience but the problem is FTB is so big so at the same token I feel like I have none really.
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: Hopefully a lot of fun!
Age: 22
Name (Optional): Andy
In-Game Name: KillaV
Location:Oklahoma (US)
Hobbies/Interests: Playing pool and enjoying various craft brews
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): Not that I can remember.
What experience with FTB do you have?: I've been playing quite a bit of FTB singleplayer, which makes me think initially that I have a lot of knowledge, but like some above me have posted FTB has so many mods and changes so quickly that I think I know very little.
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: I am looking for a community in which I can contribute and help to flourish and grow while getting more involved in the FTB Youtube community.
Age: 23
Name (Optional): Eric
In-Game Name: Hoeslayer
Location: USA ND
Hobbies/Interests: Gaming, construction
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): Nope
What experience with FTB do you have?: About 2 months worth although thats nothing
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: My previous server closed down I want a fresh server
Age: Legal.
Name (Optional): Andrew Fujinaka.
In-Game Name: Andyfuji
Location: Bottom of the first world.
Coffee. Cigarettes. Cheap wine. Self-loathing. Sarcasm. Civil disobedience. Smooth jazz. Hard blues. And soft rock.
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history):
No, probalby not. Not that I know of anyway. And if you check my ban history why do you even ask?
What experience with FTB do you have?:
I don't touch the magic whatevers, but the other things I'm okay with. I can use Google, or a wiki, after all. I'm not incompetent. And I'm good at building, I guess. Not crappy giant pyramids, or anything like that. Art deco. Greco-roman. Gothic revival. Actual architecture.
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?:
A server that is at least decent. I mean, seriously, you wouldn't imagine how many servers I've left because of crap administration, crap community, crap host, crap whatever. I'm not even looking for a good server. Just one that's, bearable. One I can actually have fun (or try to have fun) in without all my freedoms being raped by rules and regulations to keep everyone happy, unoffended, and blissfully ignorant.
Roughly .251 of the life expectancy of Sri Lanka. (Average, non gender-biased)
Name (Optional):
Jules LeVaillant
In-Game Name:
Some dump next to the place where a bunch of rich people founded the Federal Reserve.
Black coffee, expensive wine, self-pity, irony, protest, Dixieland Jazz, cobalt blues, and Soft Rock Star.
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history):
What experience with FTB do you have?:
Similimilar to Andy, I try to keep to the more industry-themed mods. I've always felt that creating something from nothing is unfair (But that vanilla resource-gathering is tedious enough to merit industrialization). I faffed about on a MindCrack server some months back with Andy where we experimented in what architectural styles look decent in Minecrap. We never did finish that Second Empire apartment complex...
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?:
Just a stable server with mods that I can explore and experiment about with my pseudo internet-friends.
In-Game Name:
3D-Stuff, Reading, Gaming
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history):
What experience with FTB do you have?:
I've been with FTB almost constantly since the release of the modpack and I'm a regular dw20 watcher, so I used about every mod and most of the blocks
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?:
A mature, alive server, where I can actually play FTB instead of being cautious that no one steals my stuff or tries to kill me (just been a week on a public server -.-).
Age: 19
Name (Optional): mason
In-Game Name: may19c19
Location: Australia wa
Hobbies/Interests: I am studying Programming in school and spend most of my free time gaming with my girlfriend
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): no not as far as i know
What experience with FTB do you have?: i have been playing FTB for as long as it has been out to put it simply i played minecraft with IC1 back in the day before there was forge
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: a server so i can play minecraft with my GF on a server with other people

the girlfriend

Age: 20
Name (Optional): tamara
In-Game Name: deathlily
Location: same as him like same house =]
Hobbies/Interests: gaming, book, and cooking
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): no i haven't played on servers very much
What experience with FTB do you have?: not lots but i have my BF to help me (but i love the bees)
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: a server that i can play on with my BF and discover the SMP side of mine craft
Age: 29
Name (Optional): Tyler
In-Game Name: tyler0184
Location: MN, USA
Hobbies/Interests: Computers, games, medical career
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): Nope
What experience with FTB do you have?: Moderate
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: Rules on this server look great. Stable server with good mature community.
Name (Optional):Noah Campos
In-Game Name:lucraftermine
Hobbies/Interests: visual effects (videos)
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): no never.
What experience with FTB do you have?:i play since the start of the FTB mod pack and i LOVE it!
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?:community and i wana build a QUAD FUSION REACTOR! (aww yea!) :)
Age: 13
Name (Optional): Ben
In-Game Name:redfire0
Location: Us
Hobbies/Interests: Computer
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): Some for bad pvp i think it was
What experience with FTB do you have?: I play it all the time and i know most of the mods
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: TO PLAY WITH OTHERS AND HAVE FUN
Age: 15.
Name (Optional): Aleksander.
In-Game Name: DiabloSouls.
Location: Slovenija, Ljubljana.
Hobbies/Interests: Football, Basketball , Minecraft, Diablo3 , LoL.
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): Nope (i don't think so).
What experience with FTB do you have?: Im pretty good at evrything, was playing since 1.2.5
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: Im looking for good server where I can play and have fun alltime.

Thank you for reading my application,
Name (Optional):
In-Game Name: Snuggleyvegetable
Location: Vermont, U.S.
Hobbies/Interests: History, flight, space travel, old guns, sci fi, cooking, guitar, bass guitar, metal (music kind), avoiding the sun and pretending I know how the government works.
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): I certainly don't think so
What experience with FTB do you have?: About as much as an airline pilot would be experienced with a submarine. I know what it is, and I think I know how it works. And while I'd be perfectly comfortable on a submarine, I'd still be nervous about touching anything that looks important without some briefing first.
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: I'm applying with a few friends who told me to apply here. I'm pretty unfamiliar with Minecraft in general, so I'm probably just going to be following them around and doing whatever seems fun if we all get accepted. All and all, I guess hoping to find a community that is forgiving towards people with no idea what they're doing.
Age: 20
Name: Heidi
In-Game Name: MissStinkyBum
Location: UK
Hobbies/Interests: pc/console gaming, chilling out with friends Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): No, not really played on many servers
What experience with FTB do you have?: played a fair bit on a server with just me and my boyfriend but still there is so much to learn!
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: Have a real multiplayer experience on minecraft and somwhere to play minecraft with the boyfriend

The boyfriend:

Age 19
Name: (Optional)
In-Game Name: iichrisHD
Location: UK
Hobbies/ Interests: Console/PC gaming, modding/customizing things, halo, rock music.Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): Not that i'm aware
What experience with FTB do you have?: Not too much but really enjoy computer craft and what you can do with it.
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: To be able to play with more people in the community and try the different aspects of FTB on a server.

Name (Optional):
In-Game Name:electronicbird
Location:Hong Kong
Hobbies/Interests: Mods developing, modded survival
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history):Once , unfriendly ban
What experience with FTB do you have?:since 2012 ftb developing, was one of the developer of IC1 , quit the team because of time consuming of my job
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?:a mature small server that i can play smp in a peace environment with friendly players and admin
Age: 14
Name (Optional): Brett
In-Game Name: hideyholeman
Location: Ontario, Canada
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, Drawing, Gaming, Camping, Tumblr'ing
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): I got banned from one server about a week after first buying my MC account. It was a power tripping admin that kept on stealing my items and just generally giving me a hard time, so one day he started insulting my skin and I told him to screw off. That was the last time I was on that server (I don't believe this really counts but I thought I should mention it in case in come up in the check).
What experience with FTB do you have?: I'm a fairly well rounded player with all of the mods, although I am quite knowledgeable with Forrestry Bee/Tree Breeding, Thaumcraft, Mystcraft and Applied Energistics.
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: I'm looking for a small community similar to the Mindcrack server where I can become close friends with people and collaborate in large group projects. I'm quite approachable and would be happy to help any new starting players, explain mods to people, or aid people with builds/issues with machine contraptions. Finally, I've had an idea for a large build, similar to Aperture Science (For those Portal fans out there) which will basically be a seemingly endless underground lab filled to the brim with intricate contraptions, strange creations and diabolical setups! It's been a dream of mine to actually finish this idea for quite some time and I hope to see you all online soon if I get accepted!
Name (Optional):Hale
In-Game Name:hale543
Location:Wisconsin U.S.A
Hobbies/Interests:Baseball, Basketball, hunting, etc.
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history):nope
What experience with FTB do you have?:I've been playing for about 4 months.
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?:I want to play ftb with other people and just be around fun people.

Thank you,
Age: 15.
Name (Optional): Matt.
In-Game Name: vend_tta
Location: The UK.
Hobbies/Interests: I have had a passion for PC gaming for a number of years now, I enjoy IT support too.
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): I have never been banned from a server before.
What experience with FTB do you have?: I've only just got back into FTB, I used to play it constantly but then I had loads of PC problems and had to stop playing. Finally, (hopefully) my PC is fixed now and I can get back into FTB as I really enjoyed it. Before playing FTB, I used to play tekkit so I am fairly familiar with the minecraft mods.
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: I am looking for a calm, relaxed community which I can have a laugh and make friends on. I love servers which have no mods disabled as it lets me enjoy the multiplayer experience whilst still being able to use all the mods I like.
Age: 17
Name (Optional): Alex Sievers
In-Game Name: biggal692
Location: Minnesota
Hobbies/Interests: Football, Baseball, Basketball, Video Games, and Hunting.
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): No.
What experience with FTB do you have?: I've mostly played Direwolf20, and just started playing Ultimate.
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: I'm looking forward to having a lot of fun, also getting RICH! lol....
Age: 14
Name (Optional): Alex
In-Game Name: JackleSL
Location: USA, Michigan
Hobbies/Interests: Basketball, Soccer, Minecraft :P, anything involved with water.
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): No
What experience with FTB do you have?: I have played it for about 6 months.
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: Looking for a small community were I can play and have fun.
Name (Optional):
In-Game Name:noa12390
Hobbies/Interests:minecraft and gaming
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history):nope
What experience with FTB do you have?:lets see played on mindcrack and ult also on the early dw20 and some on the new world pack
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?:a fun place where i can play with others and play ult