We have updated to Tech World 2 version 1.0.2.
Mindblow is a closed server created by people who were sick cheated items. This is "Vanilla FTB" - there are no plugins and almost no banned items. Server is community driven and I'm open to ideas Mindblow

Server is hosted in France with plenty of CPU power and 4 gigs of RAM - there is no lag.
We have an IRC channel - #mindblow on irc.esper.net

- Be nice
- Don't grief, steal or spam
- Pranks can not be destructive (i.e blowing up someones base)
- Chunkloaders (MiscPeripherals/StevesCarts/Railcraft - personal allowed)
- ChickenChunks load only when player is online
- Mystcraft ages can not be created, sorry
- Smaller nuke explosion
Every mod is enabled - have fun! 
Whitelist application:
Country and timezone:
Your experience with mods:
Do you have a microphone?
Have you ever been banned?
Write something about yourself:
Server's IP will be sent to you via PM after acceptation

See you all ingame,
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