IGN: Thelastfate
Why do you want to join: Well Ive rencently been banned 2 times 1 for Suposidly Duping which i completely never did and 1 for griefing which I never touched anyones base X_X
Are you experienced with FTB: yes Ive been playing since around January and hope I can play on your server
Would you join TeamSpeak: Sure might as well talk to some people in your server
Age: Almost 14
Please dont think I will grief or dupe on your server. Thanks, Fate
Why do you want to join: Well Ive rencently been banned 2 times 1 for Suposidly Duping which i completely never did and 1 for griefing which I never touched anyones base X_X
Are you experienced with FTB: yes Ive been playing since around January and hope I can play on your server
Would you join TeamSpeak: Sure might as well talk to some people in your server
Age: Almost 14
Please dont think I will grief or dupe on your server. Thanks, Fate