Whitelist Server Mindblow || Mindcrack 8.3.2 || Whitelist || No grief || No banned items || KeepInv on death!

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IGN: Frankiejoh
Why do you want to join: So I can build amazing stuff. And so I can meet new people.
Are you experienced with FTB: A Bit.
Would you join TeamSpeak: Yes
Age: 15
IGN: Shadow0X90
Why do you want to join: I need an ftb server to join that doesn't have 200+ people playing. Been lazy with vanilla minecraft.
Are you experienced with FTB: Alot
Would you join TeamSpeak: Most likely
Age: 14
IGN: Salamileg9
Why do you want to join: This seems like an overall nice server, and the fact that it's whitelisted (hopefully) means that I won't have to deal with griefers or trolls.
Are you experienced with FTB: Yes, although I've spent most of my time on the Ultimate pack until now.
Would you join TeamSpeak: Probably not.
Age: 13
IGN: Carmeops
Why do you want to join: the server i usually play on is down and maybe will never come back up, so i tought i could use some change and try feed the beast!
Are you experienced with FTB: i played a lot of tekkit in the past, but this is mostly the first time i'm trying FTB, nothing some youtube tutorials and wiki research won't fix
Would you join TeamSpeak: i'm not really good at english speaking, thus reading and typing it is fine, so exept if requested directly by staff, i probably won't
Age: 27
IGN: AxelDaPaxel
Why do you want to join: i would like to join because i want to play on a good FTB server woth whitelist so that people wont grief all the thing that i built.
Are you experienced withFTB: No this is my first time (if im getting accepted).
Would you join TeamSpeak: yes of course
Age: 16, im turning 17 this year
IGN: Niighthawk

Why do you want to join: Recently the server I used to play on has been shut down. I am now looking for a new server to join and your server looks like a great fit. I am excited to see that I could keep my inventory on death as well! I am used to losing it all when I die :P It also seems to me that this server is active and I am looking for a server with a close community that people interact with each other.

Are you experienced with FTB: Yes, I have 2 years of experience and also play Ultimate as well

Would you join TeamSpeak: Yes, I already use that application for some other games as well to connect with friends. just let me know the server address :D

Age: 24
Why do you want to join: Want a nice new server to play and actually enjoy and this looks like the perfect fit
Are you experienced with FTB: Yes i have played modded minecraft since you could
Would you join TeamSpeak: I most certainly would
IGN: proctech
Why do you want to join: My current server is down for the count and doesn't look like coming back. I'm looking for a long-term server so I can build build build. I love group projects or just going adventuring with others but I also like to build a home from the ground up on my own at the same time.

I'm quite experienced with FTB and like helping others (within reason of course). There are some mods I have little experience with beyond the basics, but for the most part I'm quite solid across the board.

Would you like to join teamspeak: could be fun

age: 43
IGN: dr_virus
Why do you want to join: looking for a place to play and have fun
Are you experienced with FTB: yes
Would you join TeamSpeak: every once and awhile
IGN: eriksters1
Why do you want to join: i can find a sngle server where computercraft isnt banned! nad this sever seems awesome!
Are you experienced with FTB: i have played a lot of tekkit lite but im kinda new to ftb! but tekkit has a lot of the same mods installed!
Would you join TeamSpeak: yeah sure! why not?!
Age: 13
IGN: Gingerbread_915
Why do you want to join: I am looking for a close knit and trusted worthy community whom I can have a fun and enjoyable experience.
Are you experienced with FTB: I'm a seasoned FTB player, but still learning and discovering new ways to play.
Would you join TeamSpeak: Yes
Age: 15
Whitelist apply:
IGN: tyler0184
Why do you want to join: Server play has much more meaning than SSP. Working with others is fun.
Are you experienced with FTB: Moderate
Would you join TeamSpeak: Sure
Age: 29
IGN: wapogal
why I want to join: I want to find a nice server with a small community that I can be part of... and I wanted to find a nice FTB server ^^
Experience: I played Tekkit for a year and I recently got into FTB
TeamSpeak: I can join ... but not at all times
IGN: Aguildir
Why do you want to join: I am new to this but i guess i am looking for a good freindly multiplayer experience.
Are you experienced with FTB: I've been playing for only five days. but learning quick. i look my own stuff up so need for me asking questions all the time :)
Would you join TeamSpeak: I am not sure what teamspeak is. but if it is what it sounds like then possibly???
Age: I am 28.
IGN: Alakaram
Why do you want to join: I've been looking for a good, nice community that's rather close knit with each other.
Are you experienced with FTB: Yes, been playing since the day after it was released from Beta, though I'm a bit new to gregtech.
Would you join TeamSpeak: If needed, I don't enjoy talking too much, I usually stick to music.
Age: Sixteen
IGN: Bananamanftwbbq and BoxiestCascade
Why do you want to join: Dylan (BoxiestCascade) and I, (Bananamanftwbbq or Alex) have been playing FTB for roughly seven months now on a private server for my close friends. I'm the brains behind the operation (Bananabox Industries), and he is the unpaid, menial labor force that it all possible. We want to find a smallish, tight-knit community to share our FTB experiences with. We are mature, anti-grief players who spend more time than is necessary on silly, crazy, and just plain awesome automations and builds. We also want to make new friends and just plain have fun.
Are you experienced with FTB: Yes, we have made just about everything except a fusion generator in the past
Would you join Teamspeak: YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES! I'm tired of every server demanding I use that terrible Skype program. I love Teamspeak!
Age: 20 (myself) and 18 (Box)
IGN: Danieledward
Why do you want to join: I'm looking for a small Mindcrack community to sink a lot of time into!
Are you experienced with FTB: Since the very beginning
Would you join TeamSpeak: i like Teamspeak :)
Age: 31

I'll paste here what I have typed in another forum as I am looking for a server to play on :)

So I am looking for a small community. I am usually ALWAYS online however I do have a family and I do vacation in the summer. I play when I can, which is usually a lot. My name is Dan and I am 31. I have a son who is 10 and plays a lot as well but he prefers vanilla servers so will not be requesting whitelisting. I am obviously a mature player due to my age I suppose :).

I usually build to automate, and I like the difficulty Mindcrack brings. I'd love to join a small community and get to know others. I will answer questions about items/mods/builds if I can help! I do like tree breeding and bee breeding. I like to build automated farms. I also Like to build away in the distance so as to not disturb anyone's building area :)

Thanks for your consideration!

Why do you want to join:i have been looking for a whitelist server for a long time now but no one seems to accept me :(
Are you experienced with FTB:yes i have been playing for 40 days or so now
Would you join TeamSpeak:some times
IGN: TeIIer (Pronounced Teller, but that username was taken.)
Why do you want to join: I've been looking around for the right FTB community. Something that's active but not exactly a megalopolis.
Are you experienced with FTB: Very. I've learned over the year I've played it how to make pretty much everything.
Would you join TeamSpeak: I would, but I normally let my fingers do all the talking. Also my mic is pretty low quality.
Age: 17

On a side note, I play at a very leisurely pace. I'm all about the journey, but not so much the endgame. I won't talk about My Little Pony to people who don't want to hear about it.