MFFS Classic vs MFFS V.3

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Which MFFS do you think is better?

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From what I'v read his is the "Official" version as Thunderdark passed it on to him, and the other 2 are just derivatives from it.

Though, Calclava's will be quite different from Thunderdark's last release while Searge's will be piratically the same. I think Searge's will be used since it doesn't screw with the world gen (or in this case, remove whats already generated), and is the same as what they already have so nothing should break.

I dont know what youve been reading, becuse Thunderdark clearly links to NOT calclavia's version when advising people to look for updates to his mod, so I think I'll take his word over yours.
I personally think that they each have there upsides, and downsides. Like MFFS 3 has way cooler textures, and models, I don't like it cause of the maintainer. MFFS Classic is going to add more ways to generate force energy, but doesn't have cooler graphics.
this must stop, only one version and one team should maintain a mod.

if someone else want to do an update on a open source thing, rename it ... we get lost in here..
this must stop, only one version and one team should maintain a mod.

if someone else want to do an update on a open source thing, rename it ... we get lost in here..

A little bit of googling and research (~5-10 minutes of reading other threads) and I knew all about all the different versions of MFFS and their pros and cons. Doesn't take much to not get lost :)
He was forced to link to that version because Calclavia's is not a Pure IC2 Addon, and that forum is for IC2 Addon's. See This forum post.

He wasnt forced to do anything. Calclavia tried to make the mod privet, and turned out to not be the best choice for the job. Look at the date, things changed and Cals is not the official one anymore, just one of the forks.

Both forks are good and there is no FTBMFFS police forcing anyone to play a certain type.
He wasnt forced to do anything. Calclavia tried to make the mod privet, and turned out to not be the best choice for the job. Look at the date, things changed and Cals is not the official one anymore, just one of the forks.

Both forks are good quality.

I'm confused what you mean by that though. What people are mad about is that Cal closed the source of the mod, which is a lousy thing to do. His "pivot" of the mod is to start changing it, adding new assets, and also add UE support. He's always said IC2 EU support would remain in. And indeed, UE has only gotten better over time about having any given piece taken out and used with IC2.
in the mffs v2 continued thread over at ic2 cal decided that taking over the open source line meant exclusivity(thunderdark said "Modular Forcefield System has always been an open-source (GPL 3 license) , therefore I support every continuation that follow the license.

About Copyright: MFFS is open-source under the GPL 3 license. The copyright is owned by the community" ), which wasn't ever granted. he also went on about his "total rewrite from the ground up and having his lawyer look over it" in the same thread.

those are simply facts. his v3 may be visually intense, but insofar as i've had time with it, it is both back in the land of next to zero documentation that plagued previous mffs versions, and has changed many a mechanic. for that matter it doesn't even seem complete.

frequency settings in the devices for shared power? now even less secure against outside interference. i know i tried it out and was able to plop a capacitor outside a network which was fully enclosed, set it to one frequency at a time in "fill yourself from this frequencies power network" mode and drain the other network to empty in testing. this merits watching how it develops(again it seems unfinished as yet).

furthermore, at least for me, the old 1.2.5 nethercrawler concept, and giant turtle concepts using mffs in that era remain things i'd like to see return, and afaik every single version that existed for 1.4x mc lost the ability to be moved by frames.

for me the combination of known behavior and mechanics documentation, plus frame support have to trump machine block animation, and artwork(the latter being user alterable with texturepacks anyway). not to mention the difficulty in hiding v3s' power network beams.

i'm not sure about immibis v1 style mffs(the one with world blocks only and no gui's), and i'm still eyeballing getting more than one of them running concurrently especially when frames finally return.

now if you wanted the kneejerk style of response..
all this notwithstanding cals incredibly thin veil over the apparent rhetoric and desire to capitalize on a known "brand" wherever possible.
what's more derivative? maintaining an existing line in codebase and functionality, or completely rewriting it from scratch changing mechanics and functionality so that you can profess your own lawyer considers them unique entities, then slapping the same name on it as the original? that again isn't even a flame. it's the core of the statements he has made in the mffsv2 thread alone while repeatedly calling mffsv2 derivative. in mffsv2's thread. then claiming he's all hunky dory happy day, the world is peace and roses, no insults or derision present at all save from the users in the thread reading it all.

me i am willing to allow for maybe some kind of language issue. lacking that explanation, i do not appear to be dumb enough to accept that level of behaviour as he wishes to present it. and let's face it for anyone who does see it, it can be a very real factor. i'm setting it aside while watching development, but can already say my gut no longer trusts anything from cal directly to not potentially screw me over in some spectacular way in the future.
Eh, a lot of overblown drama.

People got upset because he made it closed source, which I believe most of his mods are, and made it hard to deobfuscate by programming in Chinese or something. The first was a rather simple error he corrected once he realized how upset people were getting and as for the second, he is from Hong Kong, what were you expecting? Instead of giving him time to explain or you know, talk to him in a rational fashion, everyone got all drama llama over it. Calaclavia realized his error shortly after that, but apparently Searge made a promise on Twitter, so rather than admit he had been a bit hasty, here we are with more versions of MFFS than we truly need and a modding community that is even more fractured and toxic than it really should be.

I'm not saying Calaclavia was blameless in all this, he made an error. He also corrected that error. It is everyone else who made more of it than was really ever needed. As for the rewrite, that was because of the GPL license the old MFFS was under. Cal wasn't comfortable with it, which a lot of people aren't, and the only way to get away from it was to ditch the old code.

Frankly this whole thing is nearly as silly as the BetterThanWolves bullshit with FlowerChild. Or the Redpower 2 drama, which is just getting old at this point.
Would it be impractical to include all three versions? That would give people choice to use whatever version they want.
It's kinda sad that there's so much drama over who will continue an open-sourced mod, especially when the mod has been released under a licence that doesn't even allow you to add it to Minecraft! (the GPL doesn't allow you to combine GPL-licenced works and proprietary programs like Minecraft, you can read the Free Software Foundation's opinion).
I personally prefer classic. After having tested out MFFS 3 and finally getting it to function I can honestly say it's very sub-par, not at all what I was hoping for when I saw it. It's easy to crack, powered by LAPIS of all things, seems very stripped down and, though this may be a bug, the fields are slow to generate and patchy. Very limited functionality compared to Thunderdark's, and it's overly loud and flashy, it's like Michael Bay made it, I sat there waiting 10 minutes for a field to generate fully staring at the big hologram on the projector just waiting for some random lens flairs.
A little bit of googling and research (~5-10 minutes of reading other threads) and I knew all about all the different versions of MFFS and their pros and cons. Doesn't take much to not get lost :)
:) indeed.. look at all the jib jab around it.. i have a headache now
Would it be impractical to include all three versions? That would give people choice to use whatever version they want.
As good of a idea as it is... Technically yes. As in, it's impossible. Currently, anyway.

You see both Cals version and the "classic" version have the same internal file name. And due to this you can't add them both because Forge prevents you from adding more the one version of a mod to your install. This is intended to prevent idiotic crashes which would be hard to track(I think) but it prevents the two mods from being used together.
If either one of them changed the internal file name for the mod then you can.

As for which version I use? Cal's version. Why? Because I hate searching for limited resources to power a power intensive device.

That being said, what was that about using a Compact Cell to run the system off of EU?
For me, Calclavia's MFFS v3 is far superior to MFFS v2/Classic. It is much easier to use and much cooler looking. I always found MFFS Classic to be very confusing. MFFS v3 isn't confusing at all. You don't have to have all these extractors and such. You just need 2 blocks. And the animations are amazing.